As men get older, the chance of developing prostate enlargement increases. Research shows prostate enlargement affects 20% and 62% of men over 50. About 25% of Indian men in their 40–49 have it, 37% of men 50–69, and 50% of men in their 70-79 develop prostate enlargement.

The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ. It is the size of a walnut. It surrounds the beginning part of the urethra just below the bladder in males. This gland produces prostatic fluid that constitutes 30% of semen volume. The muscles of the prostate gland help in expelling semen during ejaculation. The prostate gland weighs 8-15 grams and measures about 15 cc to 30 cc. A size exceeding 30cc indicates benign prostate enlargement.

This condition puts pressure on the urethra and blocks urine outflow. Thus, prostate enlargement causes different kinds of urinary troubles.

Homeopathy can effectively treat prostate enlargement. This can be a great alternative to the conventional treatment for prostate enlargement. 

Role of homeopathy for prostate enlargement

Homeopathy offers a well-defined treatment for male issues like prostate enlargement. It can reduce the symptoms of prostate enlargement. Also, it prevents the need for surgical intervention. 

These homeopathic medicines act by reducing prostate growth, shrinking the enlarged prostate, and relaxing the smooth muscle of the prostate and bladder neck.

Homeopathic constitutional treatment for prostate enlargement is safe and natural. Also, it supports prostate and bladder health and brings harmony to the male reproductive system. 

Top five homeopathic medicines for prostate enlargement

Sabal serrulata (Sabal)

Common name: Saw palmetto

Sabal serrulata gives excellent results in managing frequent urination at night. Also, this remedy works well in prostate enlargement with difficulty in the initial urine flow. These people have to exert force to initiate urination. 

Sabal serrulata helps in improving interrupted urination and dribbling urine. Erectile dysfunction due to prostate enlargement can be cured wonderfully with Sabal serrulata.

Baryta carbonica (Bar-c.)

Common name: Carbonate of baryta

Baryta carb. is helps treat prostate enlargement in inactive and sluggish men. This medicine effectively treats issues like sudden urge to urinate and increased urination frequency.

Bar. carb. is best suited in men whose rush to urinate is so intense that they cannot hold urine even for a few minutes. This remedy is helpful in dribbling urination and urinary infections due to prostate enlargement.

Conium maculatum (Con.)

Common name: Poison hemlock

Conium mac. is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating prostate enlargement. This homeopathic remedy has affection towards endocrine glands like the prostate gland. Conium mac. is preferred in interrupted urine flow due to prostate enlargement

It is highly effective in cases where urine starts and stops multiple times before complete voiding. 

Conium mac. works well in pain in the urethra due to prostate enlargement.

There is a burning or pricking type of pain that is more marked after passing urine. Dribbling of urine with prostate enlargement Conium mac. works wonders.

Chimaphila umbellata (Chim.)

Common name: Pipsissewa

Chimaphila umbellata helps with difficulty in starting urination due to prostate enlargement. It is mainly prescribed when the person needs to strain hard to start passing urine.

Chimaphila umbellata has excellent results in prostate enlargement where the urine is forcefully passed by bending forward. Scanty urine with a foul smell due to prostate enlargement indicates this remedy. Chimaphila umbellata works wonders in scalding pain and burning sensation while passing urine.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

Common name: Club moss 

Lycopodium is a good homeopathic medicine for frequent urination at night due to prostate enlargement. This remedy is indicated for persons complaining of delayed urination. The person has to wait for urine to start flowing. In such conditions, urine not only takes time to come out, but the person has to strain to pass urine. Lycopodium is effective when there is erectile dysfunction with prostate enlargement.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of prostate enlargement

The real and exact cause of prostate enlargement is not fully understood. Some common causes contributing to prostate enlargement include:


Prostate enlargement is more common in men above 50 years.

Hormonal imbalance

A decreased level of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is believed to increase the growth of prostate cells.

Normally, men produce high levels of testosterone and a tiny amount of estrogen. As men age, the active testosterone in the blood decreases. This leaves behind high estrogen levels. These changes induce prostate enlargement by promoting prostate cell growth. 

Family history

The family history also plays a role in prostate enlargement. You are at increased risk for prostate enlargement if any of your family members have it.


If you are overweight, you can be at higher risk of prostate enlargement

Medical conditions

Metabolic disorders like diabetes and heart disease can increase the risk of prostate enlargement.

Lifestyle factors

Lack of physical activity and a bad diet are linked with the risk of prostate enlargement.


Chronic prostate inflammation can be a risk factor for prostate enlargement.

Symptoms of prostate enlargement

Prostate enlargement can cause several urinary symptoms. These symptoms include:

Frequent urination

In prostate enlargement, there is a need to pee more often, especially at night. This is due to prostate enlargement exerting pressure over the urethra.

Urgency to urinate

In prostate enlargement, there is a sudden urge to pee.

Weak urine stream

Prostate enlargement exerts pressure on your urethra, which interrupts your urine stream.

Difficulty in initiating urination

Another common symptom of prostate enlargement is difficulty in starting to urinate.

Incomplete emptying

Patients with prostate enlargement can experience that the bladder hasn’t completely emptied after urination.


Many people suffering from prostate enlargement complain of urine leakage after urination.


Due to the narrowing of the urethra, people with prostate enlargement often have to strain to urinate.

Urinary retention

In severe cases, prostate enlargement can lead to acute urinary retention where the person is unable to urinate at all.

Bladder infections

Prostate enlargement can lead to frequent urinary tract infections. Infection can cause pain and burning.

Change in properties of urine

Chronic prostate enlargement can alter the color of urine. Also, people complain about foul-smelling urine.

Treatment for prostate enlargement

Treatment options for prostate enlargement vary depending on the age, overall health, and severity of symptoms. Here are some standard treatment options for prostate enlargement:

Medications for prostate enlargement

Different medications are prescribed for prostate enlargement. Most medications prescribed for prostate enlargement relax the muscle in your prostate. These include:

  • Alpha-blockers

These act by relaxing the muscles of the prostate and bladder neck.

  •  5-alpha-reductase inhibitors

These medications improve urine flow by shrinking the prostate gland.

  •  Combination Therapy

A combination of alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors may be used in some cases of prostate enlargement.

Minimally invasive procedures for prostate enlargement

  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

This involves the surgical removal of excess prostate tissue with the help of a resectoscope.

  • Transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP)

This process involves making tiny cuts in the bladder neck. It relieves the pressure on the urethra, due to prostate enlargement.

  • Transurethral electrovaporization (TUEV)

In some cases of prostate enlargement,  some tissue is reduced using heat with TUEV.

  • Greenlight laser therapy

Laser energy removes or vaporizes excess tissue in prostate enlargement.

  • Prostatic urethral lift 

In some cases of prostate enlargement, the prostate is lifted and held with a device to open the urethra, in the urolift procedure.

  • Prostatic artery embolization (PAE)

This minimally invasive procedure shrinks your prostate by blocking its blood supply.


In severe prostate enlargement, surgical procedures like open prostatectomy are performed to remove excessive prostate tissue.

Dietary management for prostate enlargement

  • Limit water or fluid intake before bed

Reduce the number of fluids you consume in the evening. It helps to minimize frequent urination at night.

  • Caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine and alcoholic beverages can irritate your bladder. Avoid these drinks to prevent frequent urination in prostate enlargement.

Lifestyle modifications for prostate enlargement 

  • Maintain a healthy body weight

Obesity can worsen symptoms of prostate enlargement. Maintaining an ideal body weight may help reduce symptoms.

  • Kegel exercises

These exercises are known to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Thus it helps in improving bladder control in prostate enlargement.

  • Bathroom habits

Some bathroom habits can help alleviate symptoms of prostate enlargement like

  • When urinating, ensure you fully empty your bladder
  • Avoid rushing when you pee; take your time
  • Create a bathroom schedule for urination to prevent frequent runs to the washroom


Prostate enlargement is a common condition among aging men. It can significantly impact their quality of life due to urinary symptoms. Several treatment options, including medications, and invasive procedures, are available to manage its symptoms. 

A tailored homeopathic approach can help you lead a healthier and more comfortable life. It ensures that the impact of prostate enlargement is minimized and well-managed.


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