Did you know that premature ejaculation is a common problem in men? About 30% to 40% of men experience this at some time during their lifetime. Having an orgasm sooner than you wish to, is normal and may happen at times. But if that occurs frequently or most of the time during intercourse, it can cause stress for you and your partner. If this problem persists for longer than a year, it raises the risk of relationship and mental health issues.

Premature ejaculation is a form of sexual dysfunction. In primary or lifelong premature ejaculation, the problem begins with the first sexual activity. Acquired or secondary premature ejaculation develops later after having a past sexual activity without ejaculation problems. Around one in three men in the age range of 18 to 59 have reported problems with premature ejaculation. However, due to fear of embarrassment, many avoid discussing this topic.

Can premature ejaculation be treated? Yes, it is treatable. Several treatment options, lifestyle changes, counseling techniques, and therapy can help. Try homeopathic medicines for premature ejaculation.

Role of homeopathic medicines in premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can affect your sexual life and relationships apart from it being a risk for mental health issues. Homeopathic medicines consider the person as a whole, not just the local concern. It works at a deeper level to treat the root cause and helps to improve sexual function. Homeopathic medicines for premature ejaculation offer individualized treatment that mainly considers your constitution. It can help improve the factors contributing to ejaculation problems and enhance psychological health as well.

Five effective homeopathic medicines for premature ejaculation

Agnus castus

Common name: Chaste tree

Agnus castus helps treat problems arising from sexual excesses. It helps treat conditions like erectile dysfunction and early aging in men when the genitals turn flaccid and cold. Other symptoms include reduced sexual desire, health anxiety, inability to maintain the flow of thoughts, and poor memory.

Avena sativa

Common name: Common oat

Avena sativa is indicated for premature ejaculation occurring due to impotency. Other symptoms include headaches, difficulty concentrating, and mental fatigue. It can help by soothing the excited nervous system and regulating hormone levels to improve sexual function. This medicine is considered when there is indulgence in alcohol and sexual activities.

Caladium seguinum

Common name: Dumb cane

Caladium is helpful in erectile dysfunction, having sexual desire but being unable to achieve or maintain an erection. Sometimes there may be no desire but the individual may have morning erections. Other symptoms include a relaxed penis, dry, scaly skin around the genitalia, occasional redness, soreness, and pain.

Nux vomica

Common name: Poison nut

Nux vomica is indicated for premature ejaculation with lifestyle problems. It helps in managing ejaculation problems when associated with oversensitivity to external stimuli, irritability, dislike of touch, excessive stress, and insomnia. Other symptoms include easy excitability, pain, and weakness in the spine, issues with digestion, and nausea after eating, mainly due to rich, fatty food. Nux vomica can help improve ejaculatory functions and restore sexual health.


Common name: The element selenium

Selenium is recommended for premature ejaculation occurring along with extreme sadness. Other symptoms include thin semen, weak and slow erection, fatigue and irritability after intercourse, and seminal discharge during sleep with lewd dreams.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

 Causative factors for premature ejaculation


Primary premature ejaculation has been linked to genetic and familial occurrence.

Hormonal issues

Hormones play a crucial role in regulating the ejaculatory process, levels of oxytocin and estrogen are important too. Abnormal hormone levels like low testosterone, and high or low thyroid hormones, can contribute to premature ejaculation.

Abnormal levels of neurotransmitters

The ejaculation process involves the brain and the neurotransmitters control the process. The amount of time taken to ejaculate after initiating a sexual activity depends on these levels. Abnormal levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline, can cause premature ejaculation.

Underlying medical conditions

Conditions such as erectile dysfunction, obesity, and insulin resistance, can increase the risk.

Infection/Inflammation of urethra

Sometimes, infection or inflammation of the prostate gland, urethra, or specific local infection in the area can be the cause.

Alcohol/Substance abuse

Alcohol consumption is linked with sexual dysfunction and issues like premature ejaculation. Alcohol and substance abuse can disturb neurochemical functioning, mood, and behavior, which can affect the ejaculatory process.

Psychological issues

Psychological issues like stress, anxiety, guilt, poor body image, lack of self-confidence, unrealistic expectations for oneself, relationship problems, mood issues, and depression can cause these problems. Fear of performance commonly occurs from being uncomfortable in a new situation, nervous with the partner, being excited about intercourse, or being simulated.

Symptoms of premature ejaculation

  • Having an orgasm too quickly during sexual activity.
  • Experiencing early ejaculation since the first sexual experience in some cases.
  • Developing ejaculation problems later, after experiencing normal sexual functioning at some point in life.

Severe symptoms may occur based on:

  • Whether it is primary or acquired premature ejaculation.
  • If its occurrence is in general or in particular situations.
  • How early the ejaculation takes place after beginning the activity.

Other symptoms that arise from this condition, mostly when left untreated include:

  • Psychological distress leading to anxiety, depression, or mood changes.
  • Poor self-esteem and lack of self-confidence.
  • Dissatisfaction with sexual experiences.
  • Quality of life is affected.
  • Relationship issues.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

Psychological counseling

Counseling can help work through emotional issues that affect your sexual relations. Talking about your problem can help. Exploring your feelings, identifying stress-causing triggers, and analyzing them with the therapist can prove beneficial. It can help find solutions for concerns regarding self-confidence, performance anxiety, and understanding a partner’s expectations.

Behavior therapy

Behavior therapy for premature ejaculation includes certain exercises to delay ejaculation. Common training methods advised are masturbating an hour before intercourse, the stop-and-start technique, and the squeeze technique. Pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the area can help improve sexual function.

Medical treatment

This includes wearing a condom or using local creams and gels as numbing agents. Local applications can interfere with sexual pleasure apart from its potential side effects. Sometimes, antidepressants, pain relievers, and drugs that maintain erection for a long time are advised.

Diet and lifestyle modification for premature ejaculation

Maintain ideal weight

Being overweight is one of the factors linked to premature ejaculation. Reducing weight can help improve sexual dysfunction and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Plan a healthy diet

Diet plays an important role in sexual function and the risk factors associated with it. Follow a dietary routine and make healthy food choices. A low-fat, low-calorie diet can help reduce weight and can improve erectile function. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as almonds, walnuts, and fatty fish can be beneficial. Natural antioxidants as found in bananas, apples, berries, citrus fruits, and fresh vegetables may be useful. Skimmed milk can be a great pick for a healthy diet to support sexual health and reduce premature ejaculation.

Manage your stress

Prolonged stress can negatively impact your emotional health, and sex life and is one of the important causes of premature ejaculation. Learn measures to reduce stress, and practice stress management techniques to enhance sexual function.


Premature ejaculation is a type of sexual dysfunction where the orgasm occurs too soon after beginning the sexual activity. It can lead to psychological issues like self-doubt, low self-esteem, and depression. It can not only interfere with a couple’s sexual pleasure but can eventually impact their relationship as well. With very early ejaculation occurring often, it may even be difficult to conceive a baby.

People often hesitate to speak about it or often think that there are no treatments available. Homeopathic medicines work toward treating the root cause underlying premature ejaculation. Several homeopathic remedies can help reduce the symptoms and improve sexual function. For safe and effective treatment, it is always advisable to consult a qualified homeopathic doctor before taking any medicine.


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