
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a brain developmental disorder that affects millions of children across the globe. 11.32% of primary school kids in India struggle with ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a multifaceted neurodevelopmental disorder. The characteristic symptoms include persistent hyperactivity patterns, concentration difficulty, and impulsive behavior in children.

The diagnosis of ADHD is challenging as its classic behavioral symptoms are often similar to the child’s normal development behaviors. In several kids with partial ADHD, the symptoms may be misunderstood as natural personality traits.

ADHD can impact a person’s life across different facets, like academics, professional life, and personal and social relationships. Homeopathy can offer diverse treatment options to individuals affected by ADHD. Homeopathic medicines for ADHD have shown a success rate, but the results vary from child to child.

Role of homeopathic medicines in ADHD

Potent homeopathic medicines are effective in controlling hyperactivity and improving concentration in ADHD. Homeopathic remedies have a deeper action and treat the underlying cause.

Individualization is the key factor of homeopathic treatment, especially in disorders like ADHD. Each child is considered unique and their symptoms are individualistic to them. Thus, homeopathic treatment is different for an introverted ADHD child with forgetfulness or concentration issues than for a hyperactive child prone to temper tantrums and social disruptions. Homeopathic remedies for ADHD are safe in children and can be stopped once the person recovers.

Top five homeopathic medications for ADHD

Homeopathic experts do not follow a blanket approach of prescribing the same medicine to every person with ADHD. Each person gets a constitutional homeopathic medicine that has long-lasting results. Here are the top five homeopathic medicines used for ADHD.

Tarentula hispanica (Tarent.)

Common name: Spanish spider

Tarentula hispanica is the best homeopathic medicine for ADHD. This medicine is commonly used in hyperactive and restless children. This remedy is suited for children who get violent and destructive impulses. The characteristic indication of this remedy is that the person with ADHD strongly likes music. They must constantly engage themselves or keep walking. Sudden mood change in ADHD is an indication of Tarentula.

Stramonium (Stram.)

Common name: Thorn apple

Stramonium is a very good homeopathic medicine for ADHD when the child is fearful, aggressive, or withdrawn. These children often try to seek attention. This remedy helps in ADHD that develops after post-traumatic disorder.

Stramonium is the best remedy for ADHD with violent and hostile behavior. Other indications include ceaseless talking, laughing, singing, and swearing, with rapid mood changes.

Coffea cruda (Coff.)

Common name: Unroasted coffee

Coffea cruda is a good homeopathic medicine for ADHD with sleeplessness and excess thoughts. Coffea is prepared from unroasted coffee beans and works well on the unusual activity of mind and body. This remedy is used for ADHD in irritable individuals with acute senses and quick actions. Other indications of this remedy include nervous agitation, restlessness, and extreme sensitivity.

Veratrum album (Verat.)

Common name: White hellebore

ADHD can be managed well with homeopathic medicine, Veratrum album. This remedy works wonders on extremely sad people who sit in a stupid manner. These people become indifferent and notice nothing due to sullen apathy.

Veratrum alb. is suited for people wandering aimlessly at home. The other indications include cursing, mania to tear things, and continuous talking.

Hyoscyamus niger (Hyos.)

Common name: Henbane

Another homeopathic remedy for ADHD with hallucinations is Hyoscyamus niger. It is indicated for restlessness and fidgety in children. These people are suspicious, talkative, and quarrelsome.

Hyoscyamus works on ADHD by correcting the disturbance in the nervous system. They often struggle to control their outburst. Other keynote symptoms of Hyoscyamus include lascivious mania with immodest acts, gestures, and expressions.

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Causes of ADHD

The exact cause of ADHD is unknown. However, genetic and environmental factors are believed to be the culprit. The factors causing ADHD include:


This condition tends to run in families. According to research, identical twins and siblings are more likely to develop ADHD. This indicates the role of the genetic component in ADHD.

Brain development

Research shows that specific brain structures were smaller in those with ADHD. This indicates that a delay in the development and maturation of certain brain regions can cause ADHD.

Brain function

Impairments in the brain networks managing attention, cognition, and memory could also cause ADHD.

Brain chemistry

Dopamine is a chemical that balances your mood and is an essential neurotransmitter in the nervous system. A study showed lower dopamine levels in people with ADHD.

Brain injury

A traumatic brain injury can impact how your brain works. This kind of injury can increase the risk of ADHD.

Prenatal factors

ADHD is often associated with complications that affect fetal growth during pregnancy. These include

–      Smoking

Maternal smoking increases the risk of ADHD.

–      Alcohol

Studies show that there is 1.55 times more increased risk of ADHD in children exposed to prenatal alcohol.

–      Low birth weight

Research shows children with a low birth weight are more likely to develop ADHD.

–      Oxygen deprivation

Children deprived of oxygen supply to the brain before or soon after birth are at higher risk of developing ADHD.

–      Cesarean delivery

Children born via Cesarean delivery are at an increased risk of developing ADHD.

However, the cause behind this is still under study.

Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD symptoms often appear in young children around the time they start school. However, you might catch them much sooner. Some children show ADHD symptoms as young as two or three years old. Here are some common symptoms of ADHD:


You might only detect inattention once your child starts school. These kids procrastinate or fail to complete homework. The other symptoms of inattention look like:

  • Disorganized behavior
  • Lacking concentration or paying attention to details
  • Making silly mistakes while talking, writing, or any other activity
  • Difficulty in listening or staying on topic during conversations
  • Not following social rules
  • Forgetfulness, like missing lessons or forgetting to bring lunch
  • Easy distraction by slight noises or movements
  • Absorbed in their own thoughts


Hyperactive behavior can be easily caught in preschoolers. Toddlers and preschoolers with ADHD can be seen constantly jumping on furniture. These kids struggle to participate in group activities like listening to stories, as they cannot sit still. The other symptoms of hyperactivity can be:

  • Constantly walking or running around
  • Difficulty in playing quietly
  • Talkative, jumping from one topic to another while talking
  • Make small hand or leg movements when seated


The kids with impulsive behavior often lack patience. For instance, they find waiting to talk or do some activity challenging. The other symptoms of impulsive behavior may look like:

  • Before the teacher finishes her question, these kids blurt out answers.
  • These kids can’t wait for their turn and thus end up interrupting.
  • Often, these children act without thinking. For instance, climbing heights and putting themselves in danger.
  • Due to impulsive behavior, they can knock things over or bang into people.

Treatment for ADHD

Early diagnosis and treatment for ADHD can reduce ADHD symptoms and help the child lead a better life. Here are some effective treatment options for ADHD.


Medications are an essential part of ADHD treatment. There are two types of ADHD medications:

–       Central nervous system stimulants

CNS stimulants work by increasing the dopamine and norepinephrine amounts in the brain. These brain chemicals produce a calming effect, resulting in a reduction in hyperactivity and improving concentration.

–       Non-stimulant medications

These are considered when stimulants haven’t worked. These non-stimulant drugs act by increasing norepinephrine levels in your brain. Thus, it helps with attention and memory.

Therapy for ADHD

–       Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy can help you manage symptoms of ADHD. It plays a significant role in improving social and personal relationships.

–       Behavior therapy

This therapy teaches you to monitor your behaviors and then change them appropriately. You will be taught strategies to respond in different situations during behavior therapy.

–       Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT aims to change negative thinking and replace these thoughts with positive ones.  It also helps with time management and procrastination.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for ADHD

ADHD can impact your entire life. However, combining dietary and lifestyle adjustments with medicines can be helpful. Here are some tips to try:


Research suggests that regular exercise helps reduce ADHD symptoms. Exercise enhances the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, which have a similar effect to stimulant medicines.

Good sleep

Sleep deprivation can worsen symptoms of ADHD. Ensure you get seven to nine hours of sleep regularly.


Meditation is an excellent way to manage your ADHD symptoms. Studies have shown mindful meditation helps lessen ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and inattentiveness.


ADHD can disrupt your life, but many treatment options can help you manage your symptoms. The treatment options vary from medications to therapies.

Homeopathy is one among these several approaches that works best. Homeopathic medicines are safe and gentle and, when prescribed by a qualified doctor, give long-lasting relief from ADHD symptoms.


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