According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 82 million new cases of gonorrhea were diagnosed in 2020 globally. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It mainly affects the urethra in males and the vagina, cervix, throat, rectum, and eyes in females. This infection is commonly transmitted through sexual contact, including oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse. The risk of  gonorrheal infection is increased by factors like unprotected sex, multiple sexual partners, or simultaneous sexually transmitted diseases.

Gonorrhea can be passed from an infected mother to her baby during vaginal delivery. It leads to severe complications like sores on the baby’s scalp or eye infections. These eye infections are characterized by redness, swelling, and a thick, pus-like discharge. Without proper treatment, gonorrhea in newborns can result in permanent blindness.

Due to the asymptomatic nature of gonorrhea, many cases go undetected. When untreated, the infection can persist and cause long-term damage to your reproductive organs. Looking at the significant health risks caused by untreated gonorrhea, especially in newborns, seeking proper treatment is essential. Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating gonorrhea by enhancing your body’s natural defense mechanisms and effectively treating symptoms.

Role of homeopathy in gonorrhea

Homeopathic medications not only address the gonorrhea symptoms but treat the root cause of the disease. These remedies target the gonorrheal bacteria in your genital tract, reducing their growth, and preventing the recurrence of this sexually transmitted infection. 

Top five homeopathic medications for gonorrhea

Medorrhinum (Med.)

Common name: The gonorrheal virus

Medorrhinum is indicated for urethral inflammation with burning pain in the urethra while urinating. The urine often has an offensive smell. 

This remedy is prescribed for infertility in women who have a history of gonorrhea. In females, this remedy is prescribed for acrid, itchy, thick, excoriating vaginal discharges with a fishy odor. In males, this remedy is useful for gonorrhea with thin fluid mixed with whitish mucus or yellow purulent discharge from the urethra. There is marked soreness in the urethra with discharge. 

Cannabis sativa (Cann-s.)

Common name: Hemp, Marijuana

Cannabis sativa is prescribed for gonorrhea in males with watery mucus or purulent discharge from the urethra. There is burning and smarting pain in the urethra while urinating, with constant desire to urinate. You may complain of swelling, redness, and inflammation of the glans along with the above symptoms.

Sepia officinalis (Sep.)

Common name: Inky juice of cuttlefish 

Sepia is used for gonorrhea in women with milky white, yellow, greenish, or water-like foul-smelling vaginal discharge. The discharge can be acrid and excoriating, causing a burning sensation in the vagina. This discharge is more, mainly after urinating. There is excessive itching along with excoriation in the vulva and vagina due to gonorrhea. 

Sepia is also indicated in women who complain of painful sex. There is swelling and soreness of the labia minora, vulva, and vagina with gonorrhea. These women often feel the heat in their genitals. Sepia works well in bleeding from the vagina after coition.

Rhododendron (Rhod.)

Common name: Marsh labrador tea or wild rosemary

Rhododendron is indicated for gonorrhea in males with swollen and painful testicles. There is tearing, sticking, or pressing pain in the testicles. Pain often worsens on sitting and is better by motion. Painful testicles that feel hard are effectively treated with this remedy. Thin discharge from the urethra may be present. Rhododendron is an effective homeopathic medicine to treat epididymitis.

Mercurius solubilis (Merc.)

Common name: Quicksilver

Merc. sol. manages gonorrhea with increased frequency and urgency to urinate. The person needing this remedy has to rush to the bathroom to pass urine. The frequency of urinating is so high that the person has to urinate every hour. These people often experience burning and biting pains. 

Merc. sol. is suited in men with thick, green, or yellow discharge from the urethra. This remedy is effective for cervicitis in women due to gonorrhea. In females, there is greenish vaginal discharge with burning and itching along with frequency and urgency of urination.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea bacterial infection spreads through sexual contact. The vaginal fluid or semen containing the bacteria gets transmitted from one person to another during sexual activity. All kinds of sexual activities involving close genital-to-genital contact, including non-penetrative or non-ejaculatory contact, can cause gonorrhea. Some common causes of gonorrhea include:

  • Sexual intercourse

Gonorrheal bacteria can transmit from a man’s penis to his partner’s vagina or vice versa.

  • Anal sex

Bacteria can get transmitted from a man’s penis to another man’s anus or vice versa during anal intercourse.

  • Oral sex

Gonorrheal bacteria can enter from the mouth to the genitals, anus, or vice versa during oral sex.

  • Sex toys

Gonorrhea bacteria can pass from a sex toy to a person’s mouth, vagina, penis, or anus.

  • Manual genital or anal stimulation

Rarely, infected fluids come into contact with the eye, leading to conjunctivitis, especially if hands aren’t washed after touching infected genitals.

Some demographic factors that can put you at high risk for gonorrhea include:

  • Age

Women between 15-24 years and men of age  20-24 years are at higher risk of gonorrhea infection.

  • Gender

Women have a higher risk of gonorrhea compared to men.

Symptoms of gonorrhea

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women

  • Unusual discharge from your vagina that is white or yellow
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Pain and burning sensation while urinating
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Bleeding in between your periods
  • Lower abdominal cramps during your periods
  • Pain during sexual intercourse 
  • Pain or dull ache in the pelvis or lower part of your abdomen 

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea bacteria symptoms in men are similar to nongonococcal urethritis, such as:

  • White, yellow, or green discharge from your penis
  • Pain with a severe burning sensation when you urinate
  • Swollen and painful testicles

Other symptoms of gonorrhea

  • Anal pain, discomfort, rectal bleeding, or a mucus-like discharge from the rectum
  • Sore throat, itching, scratchiness, and trouble swallowing
  • Conjunctivitis with redness, discharge, inflammation, and pain in the eyes

Treatment for gonorrhea

Proper and complete treatment can cure gonorrhea. Untreated bacterial infection can cause damage to your organs. If you’re sexually active, you can infect your partner, putting them at risk of serious complications. Common treatment approach includes:

  • Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are used to treat gonorrhea. Along with antibiotics, it’s recommended to refrain from sex till you complete the course. Even if your symptoms improve, it is essential to adhere to the medication course prescribed. This is important because the gonorrheal bacteria can become resistant to these medications. 

To ensure the effectiveness of gonorrhea treatment, it is necessary to diligently follow the medication course and take proactive measures to prevent infection.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for gonorrhea

  • Nutrient-rich diet

A diet rich in essential nutrients supports your immune system and helps your body combat gonorrhea infection effectively. Add plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats to your meals.

  • Probiotics

Consuming probiotics like yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir, pickles, kimchi, and other fermented food helps maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. This can contribute to strengthening the immune system and potentially reducing the severity of gonorrhea symptoms.

  • Avoid irritants

Eliminate substances that can irritate your urinary and genital tract, like spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Minimizing consumption of these irritants can help reduce discomfort and prevent worsening of gonorrhea symptoms.

  • Practice safe sex

Engage in safe sexual practices to prevent reinfection and transmission of gonorrhea to your partner. Use condoms during vaginal, oral, and anal intercourse correctly and consistently. Use dental dams for oral-vaginal or oral-anal sex. Refrain from sharing sex toys, and ensure to clean them thoroughly after each use. If you are using sex toys, cover them with condoms during penetration to reduce the risk of transmission. Most importantly, practicing monogamy by having sexual activity with one partner and verifying their monogamy status can contribute to a safer sexual experience and reduce the risk of gonorrhea.


Discussing sex-related diseases like gonorrhea with your doctor can be uncomfortable. However, your sex life is an integral part of your health, and untreated gonorrhea can pose serious risks to your health. Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating the root cause of the infection and relieving symptoms effectively. Choose homeopathy to manage gonorrhea without any side effects.
