Vasculitis is a rare autoimmune blood vessel disorder. It is a medical condition that causes inflammation or swelling in your blood vessels. These blood vessels would include arteries, veins, and capillaries. The blood vessels act as channels to carry blood and nutrients to other parts of the body. If you suffer from vasculitis, these blood vessels become swollen and thicken due to inflammation. Prolonged inflammation of the blood vessels will hamper the blood flow. This results in serious damage to the blood flow causing dilation of the blood vessels leading to the aneurysm.

The problem of vasculitis can be managed with medication effectively. However, it should be managed at an early stage for better prognosis. It is important to be aware that vasculitis can be fatal in case of severe symptoms leading to disruption of the blood flow. Even if you experience mild symptoms, it is important to address them right away. Along with this, it is important to monitor your symptoms to make sure that vasculitis does not damage any other organs in the future.

Role of homeopathy in vasculitis

As the name suggests, ‘vascul’ means blood vessels and ‘itis’ means inflammation. Vasculitis is a broad spectrum of disorders characterized by inflammation and reduced blood supply to other organs. This may lead to cyanosis conditions causing necrosis. Homeopathic medicines for vasculitis help reduce the inflammation and swelling due to inflammatory mediators. It also helps improve the blood supply and nutrients to the other parts of the body.

Six effective homeopathic medicines for vasculitis

Arnica montana

Common name: Leopard’s bane

Arnica is recommended in cases of easy bruising to manage vasculitis. This remedy is suited in cases of injuries due to falls, blunt objects, and hits from hard objects. It is also indicated in cases of green bruises even from the slightest injury. It helps in cases of vasculitis with red, bluish, and blackish spots. The spots represent petechial hemorrhages or rashes which may turn yellowish or greenish. It also helps in reducing easy bruising or bleeding. There is marked swelling and inflammation with pain due to affection of blood vessels.

Hammelis Virginiana

Common name: American witch hazel

Hammelis is indicated in cases of vasculitis which bleeds easily along with bruising. It is suited for pain and soreness of the upper and lower extremities. This remedy helps in healing the active bruises present on the skin. It also helps in providing relief from pain due to excessive movement. The bleeding with the spots or bruises is dark-colored. The skin is very tender and sore to touch due to the presence of broken blood vessels.

Sulphuric acid

Common name: Sulphuricum acidum

Sulphuric acid is effective in cases of recurrent vasculitis due to frequent injury and infections. It is indicated in cases of dark blue or blackish wounds which take a long time to heal. The affected area is inflamed and stiffened due to reduced blood supply. There is a great tendency for dark-colored bleeding from different parts of the body. Along with this, there is marked palpable purpura which is itchy and sore. It also helps in correcting and rectifying the underlying auto-immunity.


Common name: Phosphorus

Phosphorus is indicated in cases of red spots on the skin which leads to easy bruising. It is also suited in cases of extensive burning of the soles of the foot with pain in the legs. There is a marked tendency of bleeding from different areas such as the gastrointestinal system, renal system, and intermenstrual bleeding. The wounds bleed profusely and vary in size. It is suited in cases of numbness of the foot with shock-nerve-like sensation in the legs. Paresthesia with numbness of feet is well-marked.

Lachesis mutus

Common name: Snake venom

Lachesis is especially indicated in cases of extensive bruising and bleeding due to vasculitis. It is triggered by the slightest touch and pressure. There is also a tendency to wound formation and ulceration which tends to bleed easily. Small black, purple, or blue spots are present on the skin in the form of petechial rashes. It helps in improving the blood and oxygen flow to different parts of the body.

Ledum palustre

Common name: Marsh labrador tea

Ledum is suggested in cases of easy bruising from small injuries. It is also indicated in cases of discoloration of long-standing bruises. The injured part feels cold and painful to touch. It is better in cold weather and cold application of the wound. It helps in improving pain and swelling of the eyes by targeting the soft tissues. This remedy is suited in cases of soft tissue infection and inflammation which reduces the blood supply to the affected part mainly due to injury.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors for vasculitis

  • Genetic history
  • Addictions such as alcohol and smoking
  • Auto-immune disorders like Sjogren’s syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Cancerous conditions like lymphoma
  • Exposure to environmental cancers like pollution
  • Chronic medical conditions such as recurrent infections like hepatitis B or C
  • Long-term medication intake such as steroid or cancer therapy

Symptoms of vasculitis

  • Red purple spots on the skin
  • Skin itching
  • Lumps or sores
  • Headaches
  • Loss of weight
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Muscle weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Fever
  • Confusion with difficulty in focusing
  • Dizziness and vertigo
  • Vision problems
  • Itchy eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chronic cough
  • High blood pressure
  • Chronic sinus congestion
  • Ringing in ears or tinnitus
  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Chest pain and angina

Treatment of vasculitis

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs for pain and swelling.
  • Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for arthritic changes.
  • Corticosteroids to address auto-immune diseases to maintain remission.
  • Immunomodulators to suppress the disease.
  • Neutrophil-chemotaxis inhibitors for systemic involvement.
  • Antiviral medicines for virus-associated vasculitis.
  • Intravenous immunoglobulin to address aneurysm.
  • Surgery in severe cases to repair damaged blood vessels.
  • Compression therapy by short bandages to relieve burning sensation and pain.

Lifestyle modifications for vasculitis

  • Take adequate rest and allow your feet to relax.
  • Movement is a must to improve circulation.
  • Go for a 45-minutes walk daily with regular breaks.
  • Regular follow-up with your doctor is a must.
  • Elevate your legs at night and place a pillow beneath your feet to reduce swelling.


Vasculitis can be greatly distressing as it affects personal life and relationships. It also majorly impacts the quality of life which interferes with daily activities. It is essential to focus on preventing organ damage before it gets complicated. Ideally, there is no cure for vasculitis. But, early diagnosis and treatment can help in the long run. It is important to ease symptoms with homeopathy and conventional treatment. Homeopathy works as supportive therapy in chronic conditions of vasculitis.


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