Premature graying of hair, also known as canities, is a condition characterized by the loss of hair pigmentation before the typical age of onset, which is around mid-30s for most individuals. This phenomenon can occur gradually, resulting in a gradual transition from colored hair to gray or white hair, or it may happen suddenly in isolated patches. While graying hair is often considered a natural part of aging, premature graying can be distressing for individuals.

Genetics plays an important role, as individuals with a family history of premature graying are likelier to experience it. Additionally, certain medical diseases and lifestyle factors can accelerate the graying process. Chronic stress, smoking, poor nutrition, and vitamin deficiencies, particularly vitamin B12 and vitamin D, have been associated with premature graying. Underlying health conditions such as thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, and autoimmune diseases can also contribute to premature graying.

The mechanisms underlying premature graying are not understood, but it is believed to involve genetic factors, environmental factors, and physiological factors. In individuals with premature graying, the melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing melanin pigment in the hair follicles, may become depleted or dysfunctional earlier than usual. This results in a reduced production of melanin, leading to the appearance of gray hair.

The impact of premature graying extends beyond cosmetic concerns, as it can also affect self-esteem, body image, and overall psychological well-being. Many individuals seek treatment options for premature graying, ranging from topical solutions and hair dyes to dietary supplements and lifestyle modifications. Understanding the causes and potential treatments for premature graying is essential for individuals experiencing this condition. Consulting with a doctor can help find factors contributing to premature graying and develop a personalized approach to managing the condition.

Role of homeopathy in premature graying of hair

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to managing premature graying of hair by addressing underlying imbalances in the body. The medicines aim to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms and restore overall health, which may help slow down or even reverse the progression of premature graying. Homeopathic remedies are based on individual symptoms, constitution, and underlying causes. These medicines are natural and safe, without the side effects.

Five effective homeopathic medicines for premature graying of hair

Lycopodium clavatum

Common name: Clubmoss

Lycopodium is prescribed for individuals who experience anxiety, particularly performance anxiety or fear of failure. It helps reduce stress-related hair problems, including premature graying. Lycopodium positively impacts blood circulation especially to the scalp. By improving blood flow to the scalp, it may support hair health and stimulate the growth of new, pigmented hair. Lycopodium also contains antioxidant compounds that safeguard hair follicles against oxidative damage.

Thuja occidentalis

Common name: White cedar

Thuja is prescribed for premature graying due to vaccinations or toxic exposures. Hair feels dry and brittle and falls out quickly. The scalp may be itchy, dry, and prone to dandruff. Thuja activates the dermal papilla cells within the hair follicles. These cells are essential for hair growth and pigmentation.

By boosting the function of dermal papilla cells, Thuja may potentially encourage new hair growth and revive the natural pigmentation of gray or white hair. This remedy is rich in compounds that possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Oxidative stress and inflammation are recognized factors that can lead to premature graying of hair by harming hair follicles and disrupting melanin production.

Natrum muriaticum

Common name: Sodium chloride

Natrum muriaticum is prescribed for sadness or emotional pain, causing the person to suppress their feelings and constantly dwell on past grievances, resulting in premature graying of hair. While they may appear distant or detached from others, they possess deep sensitivity. They have oily skin and hair and are prone to developing premature graying of hair, acne, and other skin issues. There are complaints of a dry scalp, leading to itchiness and dandruff. Hair loss may occur in patches, with the hair feeling weak and easily breakable.

Calcarea carbonica

Common name: Calcium carbonate

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for excessive perspiration, particularly on the head, hands, and feet. Individuals may also notice hair loss in addition to premature graying. The person is prone to anxiety and excessive thinking, often feeling overwhelmed by stress. They may have a strong inclination towards routine and stability in their daily lives.


Common name: Sulphur

Sulphur is recommended for individuals with dry, unmanageable hair prone to shedding. These individuals may also suffer from scalp itching and burning sensations that intensify during washing. There is often a history of skin problems like eczema or psoriasis, and the person may feel excessively warm and flush easily. The individual struggles with forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. They may be fond of spicy foods and feel more unwell in hot surroundings.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors of premature graying of hair


Family history plays an important role in determining when hair starts to gray. If your family member has experienced premature graying, you may also be more likely to experience it.


Chronic stress can affect the production of melanin, the pigment responsible for hair color, leading to premature graying.

Nutritional deficiencies

Inadequate intake of essential nutrients like vitamins B12 and D and minerals such as copper and iron can contribute to premature graying.

Hormonal changes

Imbalances in hormones, particularly thyroid hormones, can affect melanin production and lead to premature graying.

Medical conditions

Certain health conditions, such as vitiligo, autoimmune disorders, and hormonal imbalances, may increase the risk of premature graying.

Lifestyle factors

Smoking, alcohol intake, and poor sleep habits may also contribute to premature graying.

Environmental factors

Exposure to pollutants, toxins, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun rays can damage hair follicles and accelerate graying.

Symptoms of premature graying of hair

  • Gradual or sudden appearance of gray or white hair at an early age.
  • There is a noticeable contrast between the natural hair color and the gray or white strands.
  • Gray or white hair strands may be scattered or concentrated in specific areas of the scalp.
  • Changes in hair texture, such as increased dryness, brittleness, or coarseness.
  • Premature graying may affect facial hair, including eyebrows and beard.
  • Signs of aging, potentially impacting self-esteem and confidence.
  • Emotional distress or concerns about premature aging due to gray hair.
  • Other signs of aging, such as fine lines or wrinkles.

Treatment for premature graying of hair

Conventional treatment for premature graying of hair typically involves addressing underlying medical conditions or deficiencies that may contribute to the issue. Topical treatments can slow down graying.

Vitamin supplements may be recommended to support hair health and prevent premature graying, especially if deficiencies are identified. Prescription medications may also be advised to regulate hormone levels or treat underlying conditions such as thyroid disorders. Hair dyes or pigmented hair products can temporarily cover gray hair but do not address the underlying cause.

Diet and lifestyle modification for premature graying of hair

  • Consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats for a balanced nutritional intake.
  • Incorporate protein sources such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds, as protein is crucial for hair strength and growth.
  • Incorporate sources of vitamins A, C, D, E, B12, and B6 along with omega-3 fatty acids into your meals. They help promote scalp health and melanin production, essential for maintaining natural hair color.
  • Include iron-rich foods like spinach, lentils, beans, tofu, fortified cereals, and lean meats to support healthy hair follicles and prevent premature graying.
  • Control alcohol consumption, as excessive alcohol intake can contribute to oxidative stress, which may accelerate premature graying.
  • Eliminate smoking to prevent circulation issues and further increase premature graying of hair.
  • Use mild shampoos and conditioners that are suitable for your hair type, and avoid harsh chemical treatments or excessive heat styling, as these can damage hair and contribute to premature graying.


Premature graying of hair presents challenges for many individuals, affecting their self-image and confidence. While cosmetic solutions like hair dyes offer temporary relief, addressing underlying causes requires a holistic approach. Embracing natural aging and focusing on overall health and well-being is essential for managing premature graying. Premature graying of hair can also be addressed through homeopathy, which offers a natural and holistic approach to treating underlying imbalances that contribute to this condition.
