Around 5-10 million women seek gynecological advice for vaginal candidiasis across the globe. Vaginal candidiasis is an infection affecting women’s vagina. It is caused by the Candida group of fungi. Mostly, Candida albicans, a fungus normally present in the vagina that is often harmless, causes this fungal infection. However, when a woman’s immune system weakens, this fungus multiplies and produces symptoms. This is also known as a vaginal yeast infection or vaginal thrush. 

Vaginal candidiasis causes inflammation of the vulva and vagina. Cracks appear in the vagina due to this fungal infection. The symptoms of vaginal candidiasis include itching and vaginal discharge. This vaginal discharge can be thick or thin and mostly white-looking, like cottage cheese. Vaginal candidiasis is accompanied by pain, burning sensation while passing urine or Homeopathy not only stops the fungus from multiplying in the vagina but also prevents the recurrence of vaginal candidiasis

Homeopathic medicines control the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. They help treat vaginal candidiasis from its root by raising the body’s immunity. As the fungus growth reduces, the symptoms also wane off.

Role of homeopathy in vaginal candidiasis

A disruption in vaginal microbes causes vaginal candidiasis. Homeopathic medicines cure vaginal candidiasis by treating this root cause. However, the effectiveness of homeopathic medicine depends on the specific remedies chosen and the severity of the vaginal candidiasis. So consulting a qualified homeopath is essential to get the suitable remedies for your vaginal candidiasis.

Top five homeopathic medicines for vaginal candidiasis

Sepia officinalis (Sep.)

Common name: Inky juice of cuttlefish 

Sepia is used for vaginal candidiasis with milky white discharge. These women often complain of excessive itching, excoriation in the vulva and vagina. The itching is so intense that even after scratching, it does not get relieved. 

Sepia is indicated for vaginal candidiasis in menopausal women. The women who need Sepia have swelling and soreness of the labia minora, vulva, and vagina during vaginal candidiasis. There is marked heat felt in the genitals. Sepia is the best prescription in case of irritation and stitches-like sensations in the vagina. There is pain in the vagina during coition due to vaginal candidiasis.

Calcarea carbonica ostrearum (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

Calcarea carb. is one of the best homeopathic remedies for vaginal candidiasis with milky white vaginal discharge. One key note symptom for prescribing Calcarea carb. is worsening of the vaginal discharge while passing urine. The vaginal discharge, accompanied by burning and intense itching in the genitals, calls for this remedy. This burning and itching gets worse before and after periods. Calcarea carb. is effective for redness in the vagina and vulva due to swelling in vaginal candidiasis.

Pulsatilla nigricans (Puls.)

Common name: Windflower

Pulsatilla is an effective remedy for vaginal candidiasis with a peculiar thick, creamy, and acrid vaginal discharge. There is intense burning and corrosive itching in the genitals with discharge. 

Women who need Pulsatilla have vaginal discharge before, during, and after their periods. Backache with white discharge is a characteristic symptom of this remedy.

Helonias dioica chamaelirium (Helon.)

Common name: Unicorn root

Helonias is a homeopathic remedy for vaginal candidiasis with curdy deposits in the vulva. Other characteristic symptoms of Helonias include inflammation of private parts with swelling, burning, and redness. Intense heat and itching in the genitals due to vaginal candidiasis calls for this remedy.

These women complain of excessive weakness, tiredness, and prostration with white discharge. A highly marked characteristic of using Helonias is backache with vaginal infection.

Monilia albicans (Moni.)

Common name: Candida albicans

Monilia albicans gives efficient results in vaginal candidiasis with cracks or fissures in the vulva and vagina. 

Constant itching with marked inflammation and swelling indicates Monilia albicans. In women with vesicular eruptions in the vulva or vagina, Monilia albicans is the best-suited remedy.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of vaginal candidiasis

Candida fungus

Candida albicans is a normal yeast that resides in the vagina. The overgrowth can happen due to disruption of the balance of microorganisms in the vagina.


Using antibiotics can disrupt the balance of microbes in your body. It includes those in the vagina, allowing Candida fungi to proliferate.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menstruation, or menopause can make women more prone to vaginal candidiasis.

Weak immune system

Conditions or medications that weaken the immune system increase the risk of vaginal candidiasis.


Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to high blood sugar levels. This, in turn, can encourage vaginal candidiasis.


A diet stuffed with high sugar and refined carbohydrates can promote vaginal candidiasis.

Tight clothing

Wearing tight, non-breathable underwear can create a warm, moist environment around the genitals. This can favor yeast growth leading to vaginal candidiasis.


Douching is a process of washing out the inside of the vagina. This can disrupt the natural balance of microbes in your vagina. Ultimately increasing the risk of vaginal candidiasis.

Sexual activity

Sexual activity can transmit fungi from one partner to another.

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis


The most common symptom of vaginal candidiasis is vaginal itching. Often, the itching is persistent and intense.


Women with vaginal candidiasis often feel a burning or stinging sensation. The pain gets intense during urination or sexual intercourse.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

A thick, white, and watery discharge is a characteristic symptom of vaginal candidiasis. It often resembles cottage cheese and is odorless. 

Redness and swelling

The vulva and vaginal tissues may become red, swollen, and irritated due to fungal infection.


A general discomfort and pain in the vaginal area is common in vaginal candidiasis.


There can be soreness and sensitivity in the vaginal region in vaginal candidiasis.

Treatment for vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis is commonly treated with antifungal medications. There are various over-the-counter and prescription medications available for treatment. Here are some standard treatment options:

Over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal medications

Mild vaginal candidiasis is treated with OTC antifungal creams, ointments, or suppositories. 

Prescription medication

In severe or recurrent yeast infections, a healthcare provider may prescribe stronger antifungal medications like creams, suppositories, or oral tablets.

Oral antifungal medications

In cases of complicated or recurrent vaginal candidiasis, an oral antifungal medication is prescribed.

Topical steroids

In cases of vaginal candidiasis with severe inflammation and discomfort, a topical steroid cream is used. It is often used in conjunction with antifungal medications to relieve symptoms.

It’s essential to complete the entire course of treatment, even if symptoms improve. Also, before you stop medications, ensure the infection is completely cleared. 

Dietary changes for vaginal candidiasis

Avoid sugary foods

Yeast feeds on sugar. Thus, reducing your sugar intake in the form of refined sugars and sugary beverages can help. Follow a balanced, low-sugar diet.


Probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of microbes in your body. Consuming probiotic-rich foods like yogurt with live cultures can prevent vaginal candidiasis.


Hydration is the key to flush out toxins and maintain overall health.

Limit antibiotic use

Avoid using antibiotics unnecessarily. Excess use of antibiotics can disrupt the balance of microorganisms in your body.

Avoid tight clothing

Wearing loose, breathable clothing can help prevent excess moisture and heat in the vaginal area.

Cotton innerwear

Choose cotton underwear. It allows for better air circulation in private parts. This helps keep the vaginal area dry.

Stress management

High-stress levels can weaken the immune system causing recurrent vaginal candidiasis. It makes you more susceptible to infections. Practicing stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation or yoga can be of help.

Good hygiene practices

Practicing good hygiene is the first step towards preventing vaginal candidiasis. Avoid using harsh soaps or scented products for vaginal wash. Gently clean using mild, unscented products.


Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common condition in women. Overgrowth of the fungus results in candidiasis. Homeopathic remedies are effective and safe for treating vaginal candidiasis. These medicines inhibit the growth of yeast and improve your body’s immune system. Thus keep vaginal candidiasis at bay.


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