While acne in teenagers or adults can be embarrassing, cystic acne is more painful. Cystic acne consists of deep, red, and inflamed nodules. It is painful, looks awful, and leaves big ugly scars.

The cause of cystic acne is increased sebum secretion like regular acne, yet these are the most severe forms of acne. These acne are formed by cysts beneath the skin. These cysts enlarge, get inflamed,  infected, and then burst open.

Cystic acne is common among young adults but can be seen in people of any age. It can affect larger skin surfaces and lower your self-confidence. Early treatment of cystic acne can prevent it from getting worse. Homeopathic medicines for cystic acne are the best form of treatment. These remedies are safe, effective, and natural for your body.

Role of homeopathy in Cystic Acne

Homeopathy has been popular for skin disorders, including cystic acne, for decades. The root cause of cystic acne differs from person to person. Thus, homeopathic medicines for acne are individualized and based on your constitution. The treatment response and duration might also differ from person to person.

Homeopathic medicines for cystic acne do not have any adverse effects. The best part is once you complete the course of treatment with homeopathic medications, it will also reduce the recurring tendency of cystic acne. Thus, choosing homeopathic remedies for cystic acne provides long-lasting and safest solutions.

Top five homeopathic medicines for cystic acne

Studies show that individualized homeopathic medicines can reduce cystic acne by 80%. Here is the list of the top five homeopathic remedies for cystic acne that are very effective.

Sulphur (Sulph.)

Common name: Sublimated Sulphur

Homeopathic medicine Sulphur gives good results in cystic acne with dirty and unhealthy skin. This remedy gives good results in cystic acne with intense itching.

Sulphur effectively treats cystic acne that develops after a reaction to cosmetics or any locally applied medication. The acne often has a marked burning sensation. It also gives good results in cystic acne filled with pus and, at times, bleeds on washing.

Silicea terra (Sil.)

Common name: Silica, Pure Flint

Cystic acne filled with pus is effectively treated by the homeopathic medicine Silicea. It is greatly recommended when cystic acne has a rosy red color.

Silicea is a top-grade medicine for burning and stitching type of pain in acne. This medicine works wonders for acne cysts, which are usually very large and painful and tend to be suppurate. Silicea is strongly indicated in treating the scars left by acne.

Tarentula Cubensis (Tarent.)

Common name: Cuban spider

The homeopathic medicine Tarentula cub. is another great remedy in treating cases of cystic acne that tend to become a large boil. These boils are associated with a stinging and burning type of pain. It is also indicated in acoustic acne with the purplish skin surrounding it.

Tarentula  cub. helps in cystic acne in armpits with a sharp, persistent pain. This medicine also helps in cystic acne that needs a long time to heal. Tarentula acne often turns into boils and tends to ulcerate.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum (Hep.)

Common name: Hahnemann’s calcium sulfide

Hepar sulph. is an excellent homeopathic medicine for cystic acne filled with pus. It is a good remedy for controlling the pain that arises due to pus formation. This remedy is indicated for acne with intense itching.

Hepar sulph. cures cystic acne that is sensitive to touch. This medication is strongly indicated in the early stages of cyst formation. It stops the pus formation and will abort it in a few hours. Other indications of this remedy include unhealthy, chapped skin, cracked skin, slow-healing acne, winter aggravation, and better in damp weather.

Calcarea fluorica (Calc-f.)

Common name: Fluoride of lime

The homeopathic medicine Calc. fluor. is another best remedy for treating cystic acne that is stony and hard to touch. It works best in cystic acne with yellow pus formation. It will abort the pus in a few hours.

Calc. fluor. skin has an unusual whitish look. Cystic acne that is slightly elevated from the skin and surrounded by a purplish margin indicates this remedy.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of Cystic Acne

The precise cause of cystic acne is not known. Although some potential triggers and irritants are the culprits to blame. Common factors include:

Sebum production

Sebaceous glands and pores on your skin secrete an oily substance known as sebum. Normal sebum production protects your skin from damage. These pores get clogged due to excessive sebum production and skin cell proliferation, resulting in severe cystic acne.


Bacteria on the skin is essential and beneficial for preventing skin infection. Cystic acne is the result of maintenance and disruption of this defense system.

Hormonal changes

Your androgen hormones increase dramatically during puberty, increasing sebum production. Additionally, skin cells multiply faster, increasing the chance of pore clogging. Cystic acne can also be triggered by hormonal changes during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome.


Acne is genetically influenced. If both of your parents have acne, there’s a greater chance that you will have acne.


Acne breakouts worsen under the influence of certain prescription medications and chemicals like corticosteroids, testosterone, lithium, phenytoin, and isoniazid.


Stress does not directly cause acne. However, for those who already have acne, stress can make it worse.

Comedogenic cosmetics

Oily or greasy cosmetics, lotions, and even cleansers can be comedogenic or pore-clogging. These blockages can cause or worsen acne.


According to recent studies, a diet rich in dairy, sugar and refined carbs may worsen acne outbreaks.

Symptoms of cystic acne

Most acne manifests as inflammatory papules, pustules, and cysts. Most of these lesions appear on the face (forehead, cheeks, nose, chin), jawline, neck, chest, upper back, upper arms, and shoulders. However, the cystic acne symptoms are severe, like:

  • Papules: Tiny or large red, tender bumps
  • Pustules: Papules with pus at their tips
  • Nodules: Large, painful, and solid lumps under the skin
  • Cystic lesions: Pus-filled painful lumps beneath the skin
  • Scars: Keloids and pitted skin that remain after cystic acne has healed
  • Ice-pick scars: Tiny, deep pits that are left behind by older acne
  • Red scars: Red shallow depressions or elevations that are indications of recent healing acne

Treatment for cystic acne

Treatment for acne cysts is challenging. So consulting a doctor is always advised than using commercial acne products as they can leave scars. Oral medications and topical creams or gels are commonly used as treatments. Some treatment options include:

Topical creams

Antibiotic creams, gels, solutions, and lotions treat acne by reducing inflammation and killing bacteria.

Azelaic acid or salicylic acid

These act by eliminating microorganisms and removing excess dead skin cells.

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide helps to lessen the amount of microorganisms on the skin.


Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that slough off dead skin cells. Oral retinoids are also used to reduce cystic acne.

Corticosteroid injections

These rapidly decrease large, painful acne cysts.

Incision and drainage

In this procedure, painful acne filled with pus is opened and drained of pus.

Oral contraceptive pills

Birth control pills are used in women to manage hormonal cystic acne.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for cystic acne


Food high in simple sugars, dairy, and processed food with a high glycemic index can worsen acne breakout. Avoid or minimize consumption of such food.


Add cleansing to your skincare routine. Wash your face after you wake up, before bed, and after exercising using a mild foaming facial cleanser. Rinse with lukewarm water.


Apply anti-comedogenic moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

Remove your makeup

Don’t sleep with your makeup on your face. Ensure to remove it with a suitable makeup remover before going to bed.

Keep your hands away

Don’t touch your face frequently. It can transfer bacteria from different surfaces to your skin. Also, don’t squeeze, pick, pop, or scab your acne; that can worsen the issue.


It can be irresistible to touch or pick or pop painful cystic acne. Cystic acne is more likely to leave scars or become infected than regular zits.

A homeopathic doctor can treat and give the right advice on preventing cystic acne. In addition to treating ugly acne cysts, homeopathic medications can help reduce the chances of scarring. So get clear, acne-free skin with homeopathy.


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