If your child frequently suffers from a blocked nose, snores at night, or breathes through the mouth, it could be due to enlarged adenoids. Adenoid enlargement is a common problem affecting children up to 6 years.

These adenoids are lymphoid tissue located at the junction of the back of the nose and throat. These are a part of your body’s immune system. Adenoids play a significant role in fighting viral and bacterial infections entering the body through the nose.

Normally, they grow till  5-7 years of age, and after that, they begin to shrink and disappear entirely around teenage. This physiological growth and regression pattern of adenoids is essential until the child reaches adolescence. By teenage, the other immune mechanisms have matured to fight infectious diseases. Thus, adenoids that no longer play a role regress and disappear.

Whenever there is an infection, these adenoids swell and get inflamed. In some children, it may remain swollen for a long time. In a few cases, enlarged adenoids can be the size of a ball. In such conditions, it causes blockage and constructs breathing. To cope, kids breathe through their mouths. Along with this, snoring, disturbed sleep, repeated infections, fever, and other symptoms appear.

The routine treatment in conventional systems is the surgical removal of adenoids. However, removing it might compromise your kid’s immune response. Also, in some cases, adenoids may regrow. On the other hand, homeopathy believes in preserving all-natural body tissues in their pristine glory. These homeopathic medicines help you retain adenoids and allow them to perform their natural functions. However, the swelling and enlargement of the adenoids can be cured entirely with homeopathy.

Role of homeopathic medicines for enlarged Adenoids

Homeopathic remedies are safe, natural, and gentle alternatives for the surgical removal of enlarged adenoids in children. On the other hand, these medicines strengthen your child’s immune system. As your child’s immunity builds, he will be less prone to respiratory infections. Thus, once the root cause is taken care of, adenoids shrink and regress to their average size.

Also, homeopathic medicines aim to rectify your immune system’s hypersensitive response. Thus, the child will not suffer from frequent adenitis attacks after homeopathic treatment.

A qualified professional considers a detailed case history that includes the child’s mental, physical, and emotional spheres to select a similimum medicine. Besides, homeopathic remedies treat enlarged adenoids in two phases. In the first phase, medicines treat acute infection. In the second phase, it strengthens the immune system to prevent frequent episodes.

Top five homeopathic medicines for Adenoids

Baryta carbonica (Bar-c.)

Common name: Carbonate of baryta

Baryta carb. is the top medicine in treating enlarged adenoids. This constitution gets repetitive colds and recurrent throat infections. They have simultaneous enlargement in adenoids and tonsils.

Enlarged adenoids in inactive and sluggish children with offensive mouth calls for Bar. carb. This medicine helps in building immunity and enables one to fight infections naturally.

Bar. carb. is a best-suited homeopathic remedy for the acute phase of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) with pain in the throat on swallowing. This remedy is helpful in adenoid symptoms like sneezing and thick yellow nasal discharge.

Calcarea carbonica ostrearum (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

Calcarea carb. is a homeopathic medicine that helps kids who are highly susceptible to colds and fall sick after every cold exposure. It is mainly prescribed in children who tend to get cold with clear, watery nasal or yellow foul discharge.

This medicine has excellent results in nasal blockage, which is most troublesome at night. Chronic infections with enlarged adenoids in children with excess sweat on the scalp indicate Calc. carb.

Tuberculinum bovinum kent (Tub.)

Common name: A nosode from tubercular abscess

Tuberculinum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for enlarged adenoids with great sensitivity to cold air and low temperatures. It helps build immunity in children with a family history of tuberculosis.

These kids are often mentally weak. Tuberculinum is an excellent homeopathic medicine for children who repeatedly catch respiratory tract infections and suffer from sore throat and cold. This remedy does wonders even in chronic cases when no active infection is present.

Kalium sulphuricum (Kali-s.)

Common name: Potassium sulphate

Kali. sulph. is a homeopathic medicine for enlarged adenoid symptoms that persist even after surgery. This specific medicine is used to manage symptoms like nasal blockage, mouth breathing, and snoring at night. Kali. sulph. is an ideal prescription for adenoids with yellow nasal discharge.

Agraphis nutans (Agra.)

Common name: Bluebell

Enlarged adenoids with nasal blockage are treated effectively with Agraphis nutans. This medicine is mainly prescribed for ear complaints and deafness resulting from enlarged adenoids. Enlargement of tonsils with adenoids is where this remedy does wonders.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of Enlarged Adenoids

Every child has adenoids, which, along with tonsils, serve as the body’s first line of defense. Adenoids catch and combat germs as soon as they enter through the nose. A temporary swelling of the adenoids results due to this. They return to their natural size over time when the swelling subsides. A child is at risk of developing enlarged adenoids due to recurrent nasal allergies and URTIs.

Viral infections like Epstein-Barr virus, adenovirus, and rhinovirus can cause enlarged adenoids. Some bacterial infections like streptococcus can also be the causative factor for enlarged adenoids.

Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids

Nasal obstruction

An enlarged adenoid blocks the airflow through the nasal passage, causing nasal blocks. These blocked nostrils cause a stuffy nose and breathing difficulty.

Change in voice

The nasal voice is a voice that has lost its resonance. It sounds as if the nostrils are pinched while talking.


Noisy breathing or snoring at night occurs whenever the child breathes through the blocked nose.

Obstructive sleep apnea

Here, the child suddenly wakes up from sleep gasping for breath. This leads to disturbed sleep through the night and waking refreshed.

Mouth breathing

The child has to breathe orally due to complete nasal obstruction.

Ear pain

Frequent earaches are common in enlarged adenoids due to middle ear infections.

Throat infections

Sore throat or pain in the throat while swallowing are common in enlarged adenoids. Swollen tonsils and throat infections are common in kids during adenitis.

Treatment for Adenoids

Some people with enlarged adenoids may not need treatment, so the doctor may advise them to wait and watch. However, the child’s age and the size of the enlarged adenoids will determine the type of treatment.


Your doctor may advise antibiotics where a bacterial infection has caused enlarged adenoids.

Nasal spray

A prescription steroid nasal spray helps in reducing the size of the adenoids.


If enlarged adenoids continue to cause issues despite medicinal treatment, they are surgically removed. The technique is fairly simple and poses few dangers. If the enlarged adenoids of your child are not infectious, surgery might not be advised. The doctor can instead decide to watch to see if the adenoids naturally diminish as your child ages.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for enlarged adenoids

Diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in supporting immune function, which can help reduce the risk of adenoid issues and infections. However, they should complement, not replace, medical treatment when needed.

Do’s and Don’ts of diet

  • Soft food

The throat pain may feel better after eating things like scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, cooked broccoli, boiled beans, etc.

  • Fruit juice

Fruit drinks like apple juice, watermelon juice, and others may also assist in relieving discomfort and fastening recovery.

  • Nutritious diet

The best way to get the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals is to eat a nutritious diet. A nutritious diet enhances the recovery from infection.

  • Citrus fruits

To prevent the worsening of adenoid swelling, avoid citrus fruits.

  • Junk food

Junk food, spices, or preservatives may trigger allergic responses. Therefore, it might be wiser to abstain from junk food temporarily.

Lifestyle Practices

  • Proper hygiene

Teach your child good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of infections.

  • Adequate sleep

Ensure your child gets enough sleep to strengthen their immune system.

  • Regular exercise

Encourage physical activity in your child to boost overall health and immunity.

  • Reducing allergen exposure

Identify and minimize exposure to allergens that can aggravate adenoid issues.


Adenoids are an important part of your child’s immune system and infections can impact a child’s well-being. Early detection and a holistic treatment can lead to better outcomes and a healthier, happier childhood.  Homeopathic remedies, diet, and lifestyle choices can play a key role in managing adenoid issues. So choose homeopathy and avoid surgery.


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