One in three adults or children has fatty liver in India. Fat buildup in the liver is known as fatty liver. The liver is a vital organ that processes everything you eat or drink. Also, it filters the blood from the digestive system and removes harmful substances.

When excess fat accumulates in the liver, it interferes with this process. The main causes of fatty liver can be alcoholism, unhealthy diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excessive medication.

Fatty liver conditions can seriously endanger your health and permanently damage your liver. However, there isn’t a standard treatment for fatty liver. Early diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause can stop its progress and even cure it.

Homeopathy can reverse fatty liver and bring your liver back to its normal function. These homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances.

Role of Homeopathy in Fatty Liver

Homeopathy aims at curing the underlying cause of fatty liver. This relieves symptoms of fatty liver, improves liver function, and even reverses fatty liver state.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed on individual totality and symptom similarity using a holistic approach. The best part is homeopathic medicines play a significant role in preventing relapses of the fatty liver.

Top five homeopathic medicines for fatty liver

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

Common name: Club moss

An excellent liver protective homeopathic medicine for fatty liver with weak digestion is Lycopodium. They often feel bloated and full of gas due to gastric distension. Even eating a little makes them feel full. They also complain of acidity with excessive flatulence. Fatty liver with heaviness and pain in the right upper part of the abdomen indicates Lycopodium. This medicine also helps in shooting type of pain across the lower abdomen.

The patient feels burning and belching. Other indications of this remedy include symptoms getting worse in the evening, aggravation from fatty food, and unusual cravings for sweets and hot drinks.

Nux vomica (Nux-v.)

Common name: Poison nut

Nux vomica is indicated for fatty liver due to over-alcohol consumption. This remedy helps patients with pain in the abdomen that begins a few hours after eating. It is prescribed when there is a feeling of stone in the abdomen with a fatty liver.

Nux vom. is indicated in people with sour or bitter belching and abdominal pain. A significant symptom for selecting Nux vom. for fatty liver is constipation with constant urge to pass stool but passing scanty unsatisfactory stools. It works well in people passing stool, relieves abdominal pain, but the urge to pass stool is renewed soon after pooping. Craving for foods like fatty food, spicy food, coffee, and alcoholic drinks indicates Nux vom.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of like

Calcarea carbonica is one of the very good homeopathic medicines for fatty liver in obese people with a distended abdomen. This medication is prescribed to obese, fatty, and flabby individuals with excess fat in the liver and abdomen.

These people have slow metabolism and slow digestion. This often makes the abdomen enlarged, fat, and flabby.

Calc. carb. helps in fatty liver by improving your metabolism and burning extra fat. Milk intolerance, desire for boiled eggs, and indigestible things like chalk or pencils are other indications of this remedy.

Chelidonium majus (Chel.)

Common name: Celandine

Chelidonium is one of the top homeopathic remedies for fatty liver with pain in the right upper abdomen and under the right shoulder. The marked symptom of using this medicine is a distended abdomen with nausea and vomiting.

Chelidonium is the best remedy for jaundice in a patient with fatty liver. Constipation is a hallmark symptom that adds weight to selecting this medicine, where stool passes in the form of hard balls. There can also be an excessive weakness. The desire for hot drinks and hot food is a keynote symptom of this medicine.

Phosphorus (Phos.)

Common name: Phosphorus

Phosphorus is the best homeopathic medicine for patients with fatty liver who feel the food is coming up after eating with sour belching. In a few cases, vomiting occurs with pain in the liver.

Phosphorus is indicated in those who complain of offensive stool and flatus. Weakness after passing stool, craving ice creams, cold drinks, and refreshing items like juices are other indications of phosphorus.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of Fatty Liver

Diabetes mellitus

Prolonged insulin resistance leads to elevated glucose levels in diabetes mellitus. This elevated glucose further fuels triglyceride (type of fat molecule) production. Hepatic fat accumulation is further aided by poor, very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) secretion, causing fatty liver.


Your liver, which is in charge of filtering your blood, receives extra fat circulating in your blood. It can cause fatty liver.

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels lead to the accumulation of triglycerides in the liver. These conditions interfere with and imbalance uptake, synthesis, export, and oxidation of fatty acids, causing fatty liver.


Some prescription medications can damage liver cells (hepatocellular) by blocking the bile glow out of the liver (cholestatic) or doing both.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Hormonal imbalance in PCOS can lead to obesity and insulin resistance. These factors also affect fat metabolism in the liver, contributing to fatty liver.


Even a short phase of heavy alcohol consumption can cause the liver to accumulate fat. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is what this is.


Rising low-density lipoprotein and triglyceride buildup in the hepatic cells are potential causes of hypothyroidism-induced fatty liver. Lipid buildup results in oxidative stress and an inflammatory reaction in the liver.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver

In the early stage, the symptoms of fatty liver can be non-specific and asymptomatic. Most people often learn about fatty liver while medical tests for other conditions. Many folks with a fatty liver feel unwell and get tired easily for no apparent reason. Other symptoms experienced include:

  • Generally unwell
  • Weakness
  • Pain in the upper right part of the abdomen
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight Loss
  • Mental confusion

Signs of fatty liver include:

  • Yellow discoloration of eyes and skin
  • Enlarged abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Dark urine
  • Black stools
  • Itchy skin
  • Edema in legs
  • Bruising

Treatment for Fatty Liver

There is no standard treatment for fatty liver disease. Instead, doctors focus on assisting you in managing the conditions contributing to fatty liver. Additionally, they advise making lifestyle adjustments that significantly improve your health.

Weight loss

The first step in fatty liver treatment is weight loss. Healthy food, portion control, and exercise can help with this. Weight loss may help with other medical issues that contribute to fatty liver. For some patients, weight-loss surgery or medications may also be beneficial.


Medication is often prescribed for diabetes, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Fatty liver is reduced as these metabolic disorders are controlled.


Some cases of fatty liver may require a liver transplant.

Diet and lifestyle changes for fatty liver

Adopting specific diet and lifestyle changes is paramount in managing fatty liver disease. These modifications can diminish the condition’s progression and promote overall liver health.

Dietary factors

  • Alcohol

Avoid or reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol plays a major role in the development of fatty liver disease.

  • Sugar

Avoid the consumption of sugary foods like cookies and candies; and drinks like sodas and packaged fruit juices. High blood sugar levels increase the quantity of fat accumulation in the liver.

  • Fried food

These have a lot of calories and fat that can contribute to fatty liver.

  • Salt

Excess salt can raise the risk of developing fatty liver. It is advised to keep your daily sodium consumption to less than 2,300 milligrams.

  • White rice, pasta, and bread

Items manufactured with highly processed white flour can cause your blood sugar to rise more than those made with whole grains.

  • Red meat

Saturated fats are more in beef and pork. Additionally, as highly processed meats (such as sausage, pepperoni, bacon, etc.) are rich in saturated fat and sodium, they cannot contribute to fatty liver.

Lifestyle changes

  • Regular Exercise

Incorporate regular physical activity into your daily routine to support optimum weight management.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drink an adequate amount of water to support hepatic functions.

  • Regular monitoring

Keep up with regular checkups to monitor your liver health. This helps with the early detection of fatty liver.

  • Manage diabetes and high blood pressure

Properly manage conditions like diabetes and hypertension, which can worsen fatty liver.


Fatty liver is a common condition with potential health consequences. Early detection and management can cure fatty liver.

Homeopathy can play a significant role in treating the underlying cause of fatty liver. Along with homeopathy, a holistic approach including lifestyle changes, and a balanced diet can promote liver health.


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