Hearing loss is a prevalent condition that is affecting billions of individuals worldwide.

It is a condition when a patient finds it difficult to hear a low-pitched sound that can be heard by anyone. The standard value is 20 decibels (dB) or better in both ears. Hearing loss can also be called deafness. It is a continuous process, and deafness is a condition. It can be of these types: mild, moderate, moderately severe, severe, or profound, and can affect one or both ears. The primary causes are overuse of sound devices, and high-sounding speakers played in clubs and parties.

Role of homeopathy in treating hearing loss

Homeopathic medicines can help the body’s natural healing mechanisms and restore auditory function. Conventional medicine offers various treatment options for such diseases, but homeopathic medicines have gained popularity due to their holistic approach and minimal side effects. Several studies have shown that homeopathic medicines are effective in treating hearing problems.

Homeopathic medicines such as Kali. muriaticum, Baryta carbonica, Verbascum thapsus, Belladonna, Chenopodium anthelminticum, and Hypericum perforatum are proven effective in such cases. Homeopathy not only addresses the physical symptoms but also considers emotional and psychological factors contributing to hearing loss. The aim of homeopathic treatment is that patients receive personalized treatment tailored to their needs.

Six effective medicines for hearing loss

There are many medicines available that are effective for hearing loss and other ear diseases. Here are a few that you may find helpful:

Kalium muriaticum (Kali. mur.)

Common name: KCl, chloride of potassium

Kali. mur.  is used for managing deafness (hearing loss), when there is a block in the Eustachian tube that is causing deafness. It helps in chronic inflammatory conditions of the middle ear, which causes noises in the ear. Swelling and pain in the cheek, along with swelling in the glands around the ear, are the supportive symptoms of this drug. Excessive accumulation of fluid around the auricle (outer ear) is the highlight of using this medicine.

Chenopodium anthelminticum (Cheno. anth.)

Common name: Jerusalem oak

Chenopodium is a primary homeopathic remedy for hearing loss. Auditory nerve weakness is the specific indication for Chenopodium. It is a medicine to strengthen the auditory nerve.  Chenopodium medicine reduces stress on the auditory nerve, and hearing is improved with the intake of this homeopathic remedy. This medicine is particularly useful for patients with Meniere’s disease who present with tinnitus, vertigo, and enlarged tonsils. This patient may hear high-pitched sounds better.

Verbascum thapsus (Verb. thap.)

Common name: Mullein

Verbascum thapsus is a remedy for deafness caused by extreme dryness of the ear meatus. This medicine can be administered as oil drops with an internal prescription into the ear. It is also helpful in cases like ear pain, a scaly ear canal, and repeated ear infections. It is helpful in hoarseness of voice and a sense of obstruction in the ear. It is best suited where ear pain increases from 9 am to 4 pm.

Baryta carbonica (Baryta carb.)

Common name: Carbonate of baryta 

This medicine is very well known for hearing loss in older people. Older people suffering from hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and elevated cholesterol may have early chances of hearing loss as compared to others, and this medicine works for all such problems. It has proven effective in halting the hardness of hearing arising with old age. 

Patients also suffer from mental weakness, difficulty hearing, and crackling noise in the ears. This medicine has also shown results in pain with swelling in the glands around the ears.

The person feels relief in symptoms when the patient walks in the open air.

Belladonna (Bell.)

Common name: Deadly nightshade

Belladonna gives relief to patients who tend to hear someone’s voice in their ears. Hearing loss has been experienced more on the right side, with sudden pain.

People become intolerant of any sound and noise. The patient may suffer hallucinations. The patient has a constant desire to escape from any place. Pain mostly appears in the inner ear and middle ear. You may find swelling and redness in the middle ear. Symptoms worsen at noon because of noise.

Hypericum perforatum (Hyper. per.)

Common name: St John’s wort

Hypericum is a homeopathic remedy for hearing loss, where hearing loss is due to injury or trauma. This remedy primarily works on sensorineural damage, which refers to injury to the nerves of the ear. This homeopathic medicine eases the pain after injuries or trauma to the ear. It can also act on hearing loss caused by a history of earphone use in noisy environments.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of hearing loss

  • Damage to the inner ear: Loud sounds can cause damage to the cochlea of the ear. The cochlea transmits sound signals via the optic nerve to the brain. Damaged cochlea or nerve cells can not send motor electrical signals, which could result in hearing loss.
  • Earwax: The most common cause of hearing loss is earwax. Regularly and over time, earwax can block the eustachian tube and prevent sound waves from passing through the ear canal. Proper earwax removal restores hearing.
  • Ear infection: A common cause of hearing loss is ear infection.
  • Tumors: Any tumor in the ear can affect the capacity of hearing.
  • Ruptured eardrum: Medically termed as tympanic membrane perforation. Injury to the eardrum, blasts of noise, sudden changes in ear pressure, and infection can cause the eardrum to burst.

Types of hearing loss

  • Conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss is a problem where sound transmission between the outer and inner ear is affected. The common causes of this type of deafness are wax buildup in the ear canal and damage to the small bones of the ear behind the eardrum. Fluid-filled in the middle ear after an ear infection, a hole in the eardrum, or a foreign object in the ear.

  • Sensorineural hearing loss

It happens because of damage to the inner ear and is usually permanent. This type of hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noise, aging, childhood infections, Meniere’s disease, heredity, autoimmune disease, malformation of the inner ear, and head trauma.

  • Mixed hearing loss

A condition where conductive and sensorineural hearing loss are both present is called mixed hearing loss.

Symptoms of hearing loss

  • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears.
  • Repeatedly asking other people to speak more loudly and clearly at a slow pace.
  • Using television or radio at high volume and going closer to the devices.
  • Problems in understanding certain words, mainly in crowded situations or noisy places.
  • Being irritated by background noise.
  • The feeling of increased ear pressure is also present.

Diet and lifestyle changes for hearing loss

  • Higher intakes of vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin B12, and folate have been proven effective in reducing hearing loss.
  • Avoid smoking this can indirectly affect hearing capacity.
  • Any chronic illnesses should be managed to prevent further damage.
  • Get good sleep, 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep improves mood, memory, attention, coping ability, and overall health.
  • Healthy ears need different dry fruits, Vegetables, and lean proteins in daily meals.

Prevention of hearing loss

  • Avoid the use of sticks and other things in your ear canal, mainly cotton swabs or hairpins. These objects could get lodged in your ear canal and cause the eardrum to rupture.
  • If possible, avoid overuse of sound devices and high-sounding speakers used mainly in clubs and parties.
  • Lower the volume of sound devices like bluetooth devices.


Homeopathy is a 400-year-old science, and research has shown the effectiveness of homeopathy by quantum theory in treating various diseases. Patients frequently believe there is no treatment for hearing loss, but there are very effective homeopathic medicines for their disease. Much evidence suggests that homeopathy is a potential method to cure diseases of the ears. Homeopathy can work as a primary as well as alternative or complementary therapy. Homeopathic medicines are better, safer, and non-invasive options for people who want relief from hearing impairments without significant side effects. However, it is always advisable to discuss with a qualified homeopathic doctor before taking any medicine for safe and effective treatment.


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