Meniere’s disease is a chronic disorder affecting the inner ear. The inner ear manages the hearing and balance. Meniere’s disease causes vertigo, hearing impairment, and tinnitus. It is caused by an abnormality in the inner ear called the labyrinth. The buildup of fluid called the endolymph can affect hearing and cause severe dizziness. If Meniere’s disease is left untreated for a very long time, it may cause permanent hearing loss and balance issues.

Meniere’s disease is not a life-threatening illness but can affect quality of life. You may struggle with the symptoms of Meniere’s disease that occur without warning and keep returning, disrupting daily life. Meniere’s disease is a rare condition. Meniere’s disease typically affects people of age 40 to 60. About 7 to 10% of people have a family history of the disorder.

Role of homeopathy in treating Meniere’s disease

Homeopathic medicines treat the inadequate regulation of endolymph and the severity of acute symptoms of Meniere’s disease. It also helps to stop further disease progression and improve the quality of life while dealing with Meniere’s disease. Homeopathy helps to relieve the symptoms, like reduction in the swelling of the endolymphatic sac, and control the recurrence of Meniere’s disease. It focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying imbalance contributing to the condition.

Six effective homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s disease

Chininum sulphuricum

Common name: Sulphate of quinine

Chininum sulph. is indicated for tinnitus where the ears have an unusual sensation of violent ringing, buzzing, and roaring. There is postural dizziness and gradually increasing vertigo due to which the person may fall from loss of balance. An uncomfortable feeling is present while standing. There is a considerable degree of hearing loss, mainly in the left ear.


Common name: Phosphorus

Phosphorus is indicated for echoing sounds in the ears. The person experiences noises in the ear along with severe vertigo and fainting spells. The sound may be roaring or ringing in nature. The vertigo is worse from looking up or down. Tickling or itching in the ears may be there. There is hearing impairment for human voices.

The person may state that the first episode of vertigo and tinnitus had manifested just after typhoid fever. Vertigo may be felt in an attempt to rise from the bed. In severe cases, the person may faint during an attack of vertigo. The person is generally restless, mentally and physically. They may be affected by external stimuli like sharp noises or bright light that may trigger attacks of vertigo.

Theridion currassavicum

Common name: Orange spider

Theridion is prescribed in Meniere’s disease for people who are very sensitive to noises and may feel sudden discomfort when they hear loud noises. The sound penetrates through the whole body, causing nausea and vomiting. The vertigo appears when the person closes their eyes. They may avoid traveling because of attacks of vertigo. There is an uneasy sensation in the ears with fullness and heaviness in one or both ears.

Chenopodium antheminticum

Common name: Jerusalem oak

Chenopodium is indicated for Meniere’s disease when the person hears buzzing noises in the ear. There are sudden vertigo episodes, better from high-pitched sounds than low-pitched sounds. The tinnitus is synchronous with the heartbeat.

Salicylicum acidum

Common name: Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid works well where tinnitus and vertigo are present with bothersome nausea. The noises can be roaring or buzzing like a swarm of bees in the ears. There is vertigo, diminished hearing, and intense nausea. In some cases, some people hear musical noises.

Kalium muraticum

Common name: Potassium chloride

Kali. mur. is indicated for deafness due to swelling of the internal ear and eustachian tube. It helps reduce fluid secretion and gradually reduces swelling. There is a cracking noise in the ears on swallowing. There is head congestion with vertigo. A sensation of having a plug inside the ears may be present. There may be chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors of Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease symptoms happen when endolymph, a fluid in your inner ear, starts building up and disrupts the delicate process your body uses to manage balance and hearing. Endolymph interprets outside airwaves and sends signals that your brain and inner ear use to allow you to hear and maintain balance. In Meniere’s disease, there is too much endolymph in your inner ear; those signals become skewed and can interfere with normal balance and hearing. You may have a higher risk of Meniere’s disease if someone in your family has the condition. The buildup of fluid in this area may be caused by:

  • Allergies
  • Viral infection
  • Poor fluid drainage caused by a blockage
  • Head injury
  • Genetic
  • Abnormal immune system response
  • Migraine headache

Signs and symptoms of Meniere’s disease

  • Vertigo
  • Severe nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Hearing loss
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Feeling pressure or a sense of fullness in the affected ear
  • Headaches
  • Loss of balance

Treatment of Meniere’s disease

There is, as such, no cure for Meniere’s disease. Few treatments can help lessen the bad attacks of vertigo or lessen their duration. There is no treatment for permanent hearing loss, but your healthcare provider may be able to suggest treatments to prevent your hearing loss from getting worse.

Medicines for vertigo

Your doctor may prescribe medicines used for motion sickness, anti-nausea, or diuretics for treating vertigo in Meniere’s disease.

Long-term medicine use

A medicine to reduce your fluid retention may be prescribed, and limiting salt intake helps control the intensity and symptoms of Meniere’s disease.

Middle ear injections

Antibiotics and steroids help with vertigo attacks to get better and are prescribed in people with Meniere’s disease.

Vestibular rehabilitation

This therapy might improve your balance if you have balance problems between vertigo attacks.

Hearing aid

It helps improve the hearing of your affected ear in Meniere’s disease.


A few vertigo attacks from Meniere’s disease are severe and unbearable. Your healthcare provider may suggest endolymphatic sac surgery, vestibular nerve section, or labyrinthectomy.

Diet and lifestyle modification for Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a chronic condition that never really goes away. The symptoms may disappear for months or years, but there is always a tendency for recurrence. You can improve some symptoms of Meniere’s disease with self-care tips such as:

  • Sit or lie down when you feel dizzy. Try to avoid things that trigger the symptoms, such as bright light, loud noise, or movements.
  • Try to get adequate rest. Take your time with your work instead if you feel tired, rest in bed for a short while. Then, slowly get up and move around whenever possible. This helps the brain to readjust your balance.
  • Prepare for an attack ahead of time. Your doctor will provide ways to prepare for a vertigo attack. Ask them how to prevent injuries or reach hospitals in emergencies.
  • Manage your stress as they may trigger symptoms of Meniere’s disease.
  • Follow a low-salt diet. Salty foods make you retain fluid in your inner ear. Excess fluid may trigger Meniere’s disease. Reducing the amount of salt may help reduce excess fluid.
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco use. These substances may have been shown to increase vertigo attacks.


If you have Meniere’s disease, you may feel chased by symptoms that appear when you least expect it. Meniere’s disease can affect your social life, productivity, and your overall quality of life. Talk to people who have Meniere’s disease, such as in a support group. The members can give information and tips to support your well-being.

Ask your doctor about programs and services to help you cope with Meniere’s disease. They might also help you refer to an ENT, audiologist, or a neurologist. Meniere’s disease can be challenging, disrupting your quality of life. Suppose you’re seeking a holistic and effective approach to managing Meniere’s disease with a conservative treatment. In that case, homeopathy will be the best alternative to help you improve your health with its natural and safest sources of medicines.
