Toothache is a painful dental condition caused by dental decay, infection, gum disease, or trauma. The pain associated with toothache can range from mild to severe and may be constant, throbbing, or sharp. Activities like chewing, exposure to hot or cold temperatures, or pressure on the affected tooth can worsen the pain. Toothache symptoms may include swelling, redness, tenderness of the gums, sensitivity to cold or hot foods, fever, or foul-tasting drainage from an infected tooth.

Toothache can significantly impact daily activities like eating, speaking, and sleeping, so it is important to seek timely dental care for proper diagnosis and treatment. Treatment options for toothache may include dental fillings, root canal therapy, tooth extraction, or antibiotic medication for infections.

Preventive measures like maintaining good oral hygiene, regular dental check-ups, avoiding sugary foods and drinks, quitting smoking may help reduce the risk of toothache and promote overall dental health.

Role of homeopathy in toothache

Toothache requires you to visit your dentist primarily. Homeopathic medicines help tackle the pain and other symptoms involved in a toothache. It reduces the pain and helps you eat and speak.

Five effective homeopathic medicines for toothache


Common name: Deadly nightshade

Belladonna is recommended for sudden and intense toothache. The pain can be throbbing, shooting, or pulsating. Other symptoms include redness, inflammation, and heat in the affected area. The affected tooth may be susceptible to touch, and the gums or cheeks may be swelling.

Belladonna is often considered when the toothache worsens in cold air or drafts. Applying warmth and pressure may provide some relief from the discomfort of the toothache. Individuals may feel restless, irritable, and overwhelmed by the intensity of the toothache.

Mercurius solubilis

Common name: Quicksilver

Merc. sol. is prescribed for toothache caused by tooth decay and gum disease. The teeth are prone to cavities and decay, particularly at the gum line. Symptoms may include sharp, shooting toothache that worsen at night or when consuming hot or cold beverages. The teeth may feel loose or sensitive, and there may be a metallic taste in the mouth.

There is foul-smelling bad breath, even with proper oral hygiene. It is indicated for gum disease, where the gums are swollen, inflamed, and easily bleed, especially during brushing or eating. The gums may appear red and sore, and there may be ulcerations or sores in the mouth. The toothache may even extend to the ears and excessive salivation or drooling could be present. Applying pressure or rubbing the gums provides relief.

Antimonium crudum

Common name: Black antimony sulfide

Antim. crud. Is recommended for a dull, pulsating toothache often worsened by exposure to cold air or beverages. The affected tooth may feel sensitive to pressure or touch, with a sensation of soreness or bruising. Along with the pain, there is increased salivation, leading to frequent drooling or spitting. There may be a bitter taste or a white-coated tongue.


Common name: Beechwood tar

Kreosote is indicated for toothache that is a sharp, shooting pain in the affected tooth, often worsened by warmth or hot beverages. This pain may extend to the surrounding jaw or ear, and individuals may notice heightened sensitivity to touch or pressure in the affected area. Moreover, there may be throbbing or pulsating pain, gum inflammation, and redness.

There is a foul or putrid odor from the mouth, despite maintaining good oral hygiene. There is also a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth and increased saliva production, leading to a tendency to drool or spit frequently.

Calcarea fluorica

Common name: Calcium fluoride

Calcarea fluorica is prescribed for intense, piercing pains in the teeth, particularly when exposed to cold air or beverages. The discomfort may worsen at night and radiate to the ears or temples. Calcarea fluor. is especially effective for toothache associated with dental decay, cavities, or dental erosion. It helps in fortifying tooth enamel and promoting dental well-being.

It aids in the remineralization and reinforcement of the teeth, rendering them more resilient against decay and erosion. Calc. fluor. Is also prescribed for conditions such as receding gums, loose teeth, or dental pockets, where there is a loss of stability and support in the teeth and gums.

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Causative factors of toothache

Dental caries

A more intense toothache is frequently indicative of a cavity. For the tooth and the surrounding region to experience pain, the decay within the tooth must have progressed to the point where it affects the inner layer, known as dentin. Once the dentin is compromised, the tooth becomes highly sensitive, indicating the presence of a cavity or caries.

Gum disease

Dental pain that originates from gum disease, which affects the gums and causes inflammation. Gum disease is identified by red, sensitive gums that react to flossing. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and puberty can trigger gum disease. Inadequate oral hygiene practices and failure to floss can also lead to its development. Insufficient nutrition is yet another contributing factor to toothache.

Tooth abscess

An abscess within the tooth is characterized by an infection that extends from the pulp to the outer edges of the tooth and down to the root tips. In severe cases, the infection might seep into your jawbone from the base of the root. Cavities or fractures in the tooth are potential causes of an abscess and give rise to a toothache.

Tooth fracture

Tooth can be cracked or chipped in many ways, whether through a fall, playing sports, or biting down on something hard or sticky causing toothache.

Sensitive teeth

Tooth sensitivity can lead to a painful toothache that appears to extend to the tooth’s root. It arises from various causes, such as aggressive tooth brushing that erodes the gum line, safeguarding the teeth, or consuming acidic foods like tomato sauce or orange juice that weaken the enamel. Additionally, grinding or clenching can cause cracks and chips in the teeth.

Misaligned teeth or impacted wisdom teeth

Misaligned teeth can press against others, pushing them out of line and resulting toothaches and pains. Impacted wisdom teeth that have failed to break through the gum line can also be very painful as they decay below the gum line and sometimes push against other teeth.

Maxillary sinusitis

Maxillary sinusitis may cause toothache in the upper back teeth.

Phantom tooth pain

Phantom tooth pain is a chronic pain condition where toothache is present in a site where the tooth was treated in the absence of clinical or radiographic evidence of tooth pathology.

Symptoms of toothache

  • A dull ache that doesn’t go away on its own
  • Sharp, jabbing toothache
  • Throbbing toothache
  • Pain while chewing in your teeth or jaw
  • Headaches
  • Bleeding from tooth or gums
  • Swelling around a tooth or jaw
  • Injury or trauma to the area
  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Pain on the entire side of the face
  • Teeth sensitivity

Treatment for toothache

Fillings, tooth extractions, or other procedures may be performed as required. A tooth extraction will most likely be done if needed. If permanent teeth are involved, root canal therapy is advised, which consists of cleaning out the tooth and blood vessels and sealing off the tooth’s root canals. Crown procedures are generally performed for minor teeth problems. An antibiotic course will be prescribed if a fever or swelling occurs due to an infection.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for toothache

  • Consume soothing foods such as soft fruits and cooked vegetables.
  • Avoid irritants like spicy foods, sugary food, alcohol, and caffeine.
  • Floss between your teeth once a day.
  • Use an antibacterial mouthwash twice a day.
  • Visit a dentist for regular examinations and cleanings.
  • Home remedies can offer mild toothache relief, such as using an ice pack on the affected area or saltwater mouthwash.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day using fluoride and soft-bristled toothpaste.


Toothache is the most frequent source of orofacial pain among all dental diseases. It is a very common condition that affects many people worldwide and can happen to all age groups of any gender. It is essential to treat toothache in time to avoid further complications. Constitutional homeopathic prescribing improves toothache and other symptoms linked to toothache and helps maintain a healthy dental condition. It is necessary to follow good oral hygiene practices to prevent toothache.
