Cramps are sudden, painful tightening pain in your muscles due to involuntary muscular contractions. It can involve one or more muscles. When you get cramps, your muscles remain tight for a few seconds to a few minutes. 

Cramps often occur after excessive physical exertion or intense exercise. Although cramps can affect any muscle in your body, the muscles in the back of your leg, known as calf muscle and thigh muscles, are most commonly affected. Other than these muscles, cramps can occur in the muscles of your abdomen, feet, toes, hands, fingers, and arms. 

When you get cramps, you may feel a slight twitch to intense pain in the affected area. Your affected muscle may feel knotted like a lump and hard to touch. The twitch in cramps is often felt under your skin. 

Over-the-counter pain relievers, applying heat to the affected area using a hot pack, and practicing gentle stretching exercises can reduce cramps. Staying hydrated and maintaining adequate potassium and magnesium levels can also reduce cramps.

Homeopathic medicines are effective in relieving the painful cramps as they focus on treating the underlying cause of these cramps. 

Role of homeopathy in cramps

Homeopathy can provide promising results in treating muscle cramps. These medicines are helpful in muscle cramps affecting any muscle in your body. 

Homeopathy can be helpful in both acute and chronic cramps. When prescribed based on totality, it relieves acute cramps and helps you overcome the chronic tendency for recurrent muscle cramps. 

Top five homeopathic medicines for cramps

Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p.)

Common name: Phosphate of magnesia

Mag. phos. is effective in muscle cramps of the calf region, legs, and feet after exertion, excessive walking, and loose stool with vomiting. The cramps are felt more at night. Mag. phos. is indicated for cramps in the abdomen. These cramps are relieved by bending double, pressure, and warm application over the abdomen. Mag. phos. is best suited for menstrual cramps in women. 

It is also recommended for writer’s cramps and cramps changing rapidly from one muscle to another.

Colocynthis (Coloc.)

Common name: Bitter cucumber

Colocynthis is an effective medicine for stomach cramps due to its analgesic effect. The cramps begin in the upper part of the abdomen and are colicky or cutting in nature. This pain is relieved by bending forward, burping, and applying hard pressure on the abdomen. There is marked sensitivity where even the slightest touch causes pain. Colocynthis can be used for managing abdominal cramps in women during menses. It works well for cramps in the legs, feet, and middle of thighs and  cramps that worsen at night. 

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

Calcarea carbonica is indicated for cramps in obese, fatty, and flabby individuals with excess body fat.

These people often get cramps from stretching their limbs. The cramps are marked in the calf muscle of the legs, in the bend of the knee, and soles. During cramps, lumps are felt in the muscles. This remedy also covers cramps in the hands. Calc. carb. helps in cramps of calves and hands that worsen at night. The crooked appearance of toes and fingers, along with cramps, is characteristic of this remedy.

Cuprum metallicum (Cupr.)

Common name: Copper

Cuprum met. helps manage muscle cramps in the legs, soles, palms, fingers, and toes with weakness of limbs. The cramps are often severe, making the person cry from pain. The muscle affected is sensitive to touch and feels warm. There is a feeling of a knot or lump formation in the affected region. 

Cuprum met. works well in cramps that get better by stretching the limb. Drawing or a digging type of pain in the calf muscle with coldness in the feet is the characteristic of this remedy.  Cramping begins in the fingers and toes and then goes to other muscles. 

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Common name: Poison ivy

Rhus tox. has a marked affinity for muscles, tendons, and other fibrous tissues. It is indicated in cramps arising from excessive stress or strain on the feet, like running or exercise. The cramps in the legs and feet get better by walking. 

Rhus tox. Is also indicated for cramps that worsen after rest or in the mornings when you take the first steps soon after waking up. The cramps reduce after continuous motion and with hard pressure. 

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of cramps

Sleeping position

Your sleeping position can trigger cramps. Sometimes, the position of your feet, back, neck, or arms is such that it causes your muscles to tense up. As a result, you will end up getting a cramp.

Overuse of muscles

Cramps can occur due to overstraining or overusing your muscles, like running and over-exercising. Such cramps are often observed in athletes.


Dehydration due to decreased water intake and loss of water due to fasting, loose motions, or excess sweating in the hot weather can cause cramps.

Mineral deficiency

You can get cramps due to a drop in levels of certain minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium.


Exposure to excess cold weather and sleeping on cold floors can cause cramps.


As you age, the incidences of muscle cramps increase.

Medical conditions

Medical conditions like diabetes, kidney failure, thyroid issues, and liver cirrhosis can be the cause of your cramps.

Vascular diseases 

In vascular diseases, the hardening of arteries interferes with blood supply. Decreased blood flow to your muscles leads to muscle cramps.

Neurological conditions

Some neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, lumbar canal stenosis, and spinal nerve compression can cause cramps in the legs.


Pregnant females are more prone to get cramps in the legs due to inadequate blood supply to their legs.


Some medications, like oral contraceptive pills, diuretics, and asthma medications, can cause cramps.

Symptoms of cramps

Cramps appear as sudden, intense, and involuntary muscle contractions, causing localized pain. Often, this pain persists for a few seconds to several minutes. Some common symptoms of cramps include:

  • Sharp or stabbing sensation in the affected muscle
  • Visible muscle bulging or tightening or contractions or spasms
  • Localized soreness or tenderness
  • Tightness or knots in the affected muscles before the cramp
  • Temporary loss of flexibility in the impacted area
  • Limited range of movements in the affected area
  • Temporary weakness leading to difficulty in using the affected muscle
  • Muscle twitching

Treatment for cramps

Over-the-counter medications 

OTC medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines or painkillers can help with cramps.

Muscle relaxants

In case of severe or frequent muscle cramps, muscle relaxants are prescribed to ease your symptoms. These help relax your muscles and soothe your spasm.


Treating the underlying cause of muscle cramps can alleviate your symptoms. For instance, if calcium or potassium deficiency triggers cramps, you will be given supplements.

Diet and lifestyle changes for cramps


Hydrate consistently throughout the day. Ensure you drink up to eight glasses of water every day. Adequate hydration can help with muscle cramps.


Incorporate natural sodium sources like beetroot, spinach, celery, and carrots into your diet. Avoid high-salt processed foods such as chips and sauces.


Add potassium-rich food, like melons, bananas, potatoes, pumpkin, and coconut water to prevent cramps.


Consume magnesium-rich foods like nuts, seeds, soybeans, whole grains, dark chocolates, and cocoa. Magnesium deficiency can trigger cramps.


Add calcium-rich foods like dairy products, nuts, and dark green leafy vegetables into your daily meals. Adequate calcium levels can prevent cramps.

Stretch and massage

Stretching your cramped muscle and gently rubbing it can help you with cramps. For example: 

  • In calf muscle cramps, keep your leg straight and pull the top of your foot towards your face.  
  • Stand with your weight on your cramped leg and press down firmly.

These help ease the cramp pains.


Warm up and stretch before beginning any sports activity and exercise. Failure to warm up can increase the chances of muscle strain and injury, leading to cramps.                                                                                          

Avoid caffeine

Decrease consumption of food and drinks that contain caffeine, like coffee and chocolate. 

Heat or cold application 

Apply a heating pad or use a warm towel to release tension in your tight muscles. Take a warm bath or hot shower during muscle cramps to alleviate pain. Rubbing your sore muscles with ice can help relieve pain.


A sudden, painful tightening in your muscles with involuntary muscular contractions leads to muscle cramps. It commonly affects the leg, thigh, and abdominal muscles. However, it can involve any muscle in your body. It can occur due to excess pressure, strain, or injury. Rest, taking painkillers, or applying a heating pad may give you some relief. Homeopathy has great scope in treating muscle cramps and relieving the pain and discomfort. 
