Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the prostate gland in males. All men in their later stages of life are at risk of developing this disease. Some experience benign hypertrophy of the prostate gland called prostatomegaly or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) while others suffer from a more serious form like cancer. Men at a young age mostly suffer from prostatitis which is the inflammation of the prostate gland but it can show symptoms similar to prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancer may not be easily identifiable. The screening tests for prostate cancer are PSA (prostate-specific antigen), a blood test, and a digital rectal examination (DRE). Biopsy helps diagnose the cancer and is conducted in cases of severe symptoms and high levels of PSA.

Prostate cancer is mainly grouped into four stages, early stages I &II, stage III, and advanced stage IV. Homeopathy helps in palliative care of prostate cancer.

Role of homeopathy in prostate cancer

Homeopathic medicines can help in treating prostate cancer with palliative care. These medicines may help reduce the size of prostatic enlargement.

Six homeopathic medicines for prostate cancer

Sabal serrulata

Common name: Saw palmetto

Sabal serrulata is indicated for difficulty and pain during urination. There is frequent urination related to prostate issues. The frequency of urination is especially increased during the night due to which the patient experiences disturbed sleep patterns. There can be slight pain in the prostate region that may extend to the abdomen and thighs. The patient complains of difficulty in starting urine flow, interrupted urine stream, and dribbling of urine. Urination becomes difficult and there is smarting and burning in the urethra. There is a frequent desire to urinate and the discharge of prostatic fluid while passing stools or urination. Loss of sexual power and painful sex are also present.

Conium maculatum

Common name: Poison hemlock

Conium is indicated for difficulty in urination and interrupted urine where the urine stops and starts several times before completely voiding. There is difficulty in urinating with cutting and burning pain.

Lycopodium clavatum

Common name: Club moss

Lycopodium is prescribed for pain in the back before urination that gets better after the flow. The person must strain before passing urine. Abnormal frequent urination at night and constant urging to pass urine are the common symptoms. There is a heavy red sediment in urine and erectile dysfunction related to prostatomegaly.

Thuja occidentalis

Common name: American arborvitae

Thuja is considered when the person feels like a drop is running down the urethra after urination. There is a sensation of trickling after urination. Involuntary and frequent urination at night with cutting or burning pain felt near the bladder and neck is commonly seen. A forked or divided urine stream is sometimes present.

Ferrum picricum

Common name: Picrate of iron

Ferrum picricum is indicated in cases of prostate cancer where the heaviness of the prostate occurs with painful urination. Increased frequency of micturition at night and painful tenesmus when urinating are indicative of this remedy. There is retention of urine and unsatisfactory urination where the patient feels as if some urine is still left in the bladder.

Baryta carbonica

Common name: Barium carbonate

Baryta carb. is indicated when there is a sudden urge to urinate. A burning sensation while passing urine is also noted. Dribbling after urination and frequent urination may also be present.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of prostate cancer

While there are no direct causes for prostate cancer, some factors may pose an increased risk. These include:


Most of the cases are diagnosed in men over 50 years of age. As your age increases                                                           so does the risk of developing prostate cancer.


If you have a family member with prostate cancer, your chances of developing the condition increase.


Fad diets and irregular eating habits can contribute to prostate cancer. Fats are known to increase the production of testosterone which further speeds up the growth of prostate cancer.


People who consume more dairy products are found to be at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancer

  • Frequent desire to urinate.
  • Urgency to urinate.
  • Weak flow of urine.
  • Painful urination with burning during and after passing urine.
  • Loss of bladder control resulting in urinary incontinence.
  • Painful ejaculation.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Presence of blood in semen (hematospermia) and in urine (hematuria).
  • Pain in the back and hips on exertion or sitting for a long time.
  • Loss of weight and appetite.

Treatment for prostate cancer

Regular follow ups and constant monitoring is recommended to prevent the prostate cancer from spreading. In the later stages of prostate cancer, surgical intervention may be needed. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and targeted therapy may also be indicated in severe cases,

Diet and lifestyle modifications for prostate cancer

  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Exercise regularly and remain physically active.
  • Stop smoking and alcohol.
  • Reduce your dairy intake.
  • Increase your intake of fish and tomato.


Although there is no exact etiology for prostate cancer, the symptoms can be discomforting. Conventional treatment includes surgical procedures, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Homeopathy helps in providing palliative care and symptomatic relief.


  • Oberai P, Roja V, Ramesh D, Arya DD, Ravi Chandra Reddy G, Sharma SK. Homeopathic medicines in managing benign prostatic hyperplasia: A multi-centric prospective observational study [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 9]. Available from:
  • MacLaughlin BW, Gutsmuths B, Pretner E, Jonas WB, Ives J, Kulawardane DV, et al. Effects of homeopathic preparations on human prostate cancer growth in cellular and animal models. Integr Cancer Ther [Internet]. 2006 [cited 2024 Mar 9];5(4):362–72. Available from:
  • Mukhopadhyay DRS. Homeopathy Treatment as suitable alternative to Modern Management for Advanced Stage of Adenocarcinoma of Prostate [Internet]. [cited 2024 Mar 25]. Available from: