Low sperm count is the condition when the semen ejaculated during an orgasm contains fewer sperm count than normal. Your sperm count below 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen is considered to be lower than normal. It only takes one of the sperm to fertilize an egg. However, the more sperm you have, the better your chances.

A low sperm count is a crucial factor in people with infertility. You may be infertile if you have been trying to have a baby for a year and haven’t been successful as yet. This means that for at least a year, you have been having regular sex without using any birth control methods. As per WHO, there are an estimated 180 million couples throughout the world who deal with infertility. And about 50% of the situations have male factor infertility as the cause. Low sperm count can be treated with various modes of treatment like homeopathy, modern medicine, ayurveda, and lifestyle changes.

Role of homeopathy in treating low sperm count

Homeopathic medicines for low sperm count includes a holistic approach to all the symptoms and the underlying causes of infertility. They can be customized to address specific lifestyle and physiological factors that play a role in each individual case. Homeopathic medicines help to treat low sperm count in the gentlest way to enhance sperm count.

Five effective homeopathic medicines to treat low sperm count

Agnus castus

Common name: Chaste tree

Agnus is indicated in males having low sperm count with weak erection issues. There is relaxation with complete impotency and coldness of genitalia. The person suffering from low sperm count has no sexual power or desire. The semen is watery, thin, and less in quantity. There is reduced sexual desire and in some cases it is almost nil. Mentally, the person is depressed and absent-minded. There is fear of death and nervous debility.


Common name: Vial containing alcohol exposed to X-ray

X-ray is indicated for low sexual desire and infertility. The person is mentally irritable and desires to be alone. They suffer from excessive weakness and fatigue. The person has lewd dreams without any sexual desire.

Conium maculatum

Common name: Poison hemlock

Conium is indicated for low sperm count along with inflamed testicles. In cases of orchitis, the symptoms are cutting, tearing pain in the testicles along with swollen, enlarged testicles. The testicles are hard to touch. Other symptoms include erection, which may be weak, short, or imperfect in duration. The mental state is full of hysteria and nervousness. Person complains of painful ejaculation as if cutting with a knife due to acrid semen.


Common name: American arum

Caladium is indicated in cases of low sperm count where the person is dealing with the condition of total impotence along with itching on the testicles. The penis is relaxed with sexual desire, excitement, and mental depression. There is no erection even after caress with no orgasm or emission.

Lycopodium clavatum

Common name: Club moss

Lycopodium is indicated for low sperm count in cases where there is a history of gonorrheal infection. There is the presence of warts on male genitals. There is impotence of young men from frequent masturbation or excess sexual desire. Penis is small, relaxed, and cold. Older men with strong desire but imperfect erection. There is a premature erection. Older people may also have an enlarged prostate. Mentally and physically, the patient is very tired, with complaints of chronic fatigue and aversion to his work. He is very forgetful, with dread of a public appearance. The person is very timid and has low self-confidence.

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Causative factors for low sperm count


A history of testicular injury, surgeries, or genetic conditions such as Klinefelter syndrome, may increase your chances of having a low sperm count.


The veins that drain the testicles swell up, resulting in infertility or low sperm count.

Issues with erection or ejaculation

Conditions like diabetes and spinal injuries can cause erectile dysfunction or low sperm count.

Cystic fibrosis

Conditions like cystic fibrosis may block sperm from entering the semen and result in low sperm count.


Surgery for undescended testicles, inguinal hernia, or vasectomy can cause low sperm count.

Environmental factors

Sperm requires a lower temperature to thrive and survive. When your testicles get overheated, it may cause low sperm count. Using a laptop on your lap, sitting in a hot tub, or going for regular saunas may cause low sperm count.

Other environmental causes include exposure to radiation from X-rays, pesticides, or industrial chemicals, which may cause low sperm count.


Addiction to heavy drug and alcohol use, as well as tobacco or vaping, may cause low sperm count.

Marijuana, opioids, and anabolic steroids also cause low sperm count. Anabolic steroids are usually taken by people to increase muscle mass. They cause the testicles to shrink and decrease sperm production. Emotional issues like stress and depression, high body weight, and poor eating habits may cause low sperm count.

Signs of low sperm count

  • Inability to conceive despite trying for a long time
  • Low sex drive
  • Difficulty in maintaining an erection
  • Pain or swelling in the testicles
  • Decreased facial or body hair

Treatment of low sperm count

The treatment received for low sperm count depends on the cause. The first step includes medical history, physical examination, and analysis via diagnostic tests. Tests for low sperm count include blood tests to check for hormones and chromosomes and ultrasound to visualize the testicles or prostate. Further treatments differ according to the causes, such as medications, counseling, hormonal therapies, surgery, and lifestyle modifications.

Diet and lifestyle modification for low sperm count

  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Reduce alcohol.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Skip using lubricants that may slow down sperm travel and affect sperm health.
  • Avoid activities that raise the temperature of testicles, such as frequent hot tubs, steam rooms, etc.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol use or drug use.


The first sign of low sperm count is when you’re unable to conceive despite trying. You may talk to your healthcare provider if you’ve been dealing with low sperm count to find the exact underlying cause. Homeopathic medicines help males have healthier sperm with increased chances of fertility. Homeopathy also treats varicocele, hormonal imbalance, and other urological abnormalities. The medicines help to conceive naturally and are selected based on individualization.
