
Did you know 2% of the world population (140 million) has obsessive compulsive disorder?1 Unfortunately, only a tiny percentage of these people get timely diagnosis and treatment.

Life with obsessive compulsive disorder means living each day with persistent and distressing thoughts. In addition, spending long hours in ritualistic behaviors to curb thoughts can make life more miserable. 

Obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental condition that is characterized by an urge to repeatedly engage in a particular behavior or action that might puzzle people around. This compulsive behavior can affect both men and women of all ages. 

The negative thoughts caused by OCD are pretty distressing and persistent. It compels people to carry out repetitive behaviors that temporarily relieve them from obsessions. 

However, you don’t have to struggle with these thoughts and distress. You can live a normal life with homeopathy and the right therapy. These tiny sweet pills can help you control obsessive thoughts and successfully resist the compulsion of engaging in repetitive actions.

Role of homeopathic  medicines obsessive compulsive disorder

Homeopathy is known for its effectiveness in treating psychological issues. The fundamental homeopathic concepts, which include prescribing based on the patient’s mental state, are safe and effective. 

Homeopathy helps by improving mental clarity, lowering stress and anxiety levels, which are aggravating factors for OCD. This may result in a decrease in obsessive thinking. Due to their disease, many OCD sufferers have trouble sleeping. Homeopathic medications help relieve these symptoms and improve sleep quality.

Top five homeopathic remedies for obsessive compulsive disorder

Arsenicum album (Ars.)

Common name: Arsenious acid

Arsenicum album is the best homeopathic remedy for OCD with persistent thoughts of approaching death. These people believe that their death is nearing and that taking any medicine is useless at this stage. 

Ars. alb. is suited for anxious and restless people. These people are sensitive to disorder and disorganization and want things to be put in the right place in the right way. They cannot rest if things aren’t in the right place.

This compulsion goes so extreme that if there is a tilted painting hanging on the wall, the person feels restless until it is appropriately placed. Demand for neatness and fastidiousness in everything is the keynote symptom of the Ars. alb.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

Another homeopathic remedy for OCD with persistent thoughts of going mad or insane is Calcarea carbonica. This remedy is indicated in OCD with mental exhaustion.

Calc. carb. is suited for people who constantly feel they are going insane. These thoughts prevail in their mind day and night. These thoughts cannot be avoided, even during sleep. Another indication of this remedy is a person engaging in the act of breaking sticks or bending pins. They often do it to overcome the distress of their thoughts. 

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n.)

Common name: Nitrate of silver 

Argentum nitricum is a very good homeopathic medicine for OCD with persistent impulsive thoughts about jumping out of the window while on the train. 

Arg. nit. treats OCD with thoughts of jumping from high buildings or thoughts that make the person anxious and restless. The person constantly walks to avoid such impulsive thoughts until all body strength is lost.

Natrium muriaticum (Nat-m.)

Common name: Chloride of sodium

Natrium muriaticum treats OCD with a compulsion to check locked doors repeatedly. This remedy is suited for those who fear that thieves may attack their home. To prevent robbery, these people frequently check the door locks. 

Nat. mur. obsession is so persistent that the person often dreams of thieves in the house. He wakes up from sleep to check the doors repeatedly.

Carcinosinum (Carc.)

Common name: A nosode from carcinoma

Carcinosinum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for OCD, with concern about cleanliness. It is indicated in people who are anxious about cleanliness and want a particular pattern to be followed in everything they do. It can be arranging things or dressing style; they are particular about every minute detail. The keynote symptom of Carcinosin. is trying to make things perfect to the extent of abnormal limits.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of obsessive compulsive disorder

Doctors are not sure about the exact cause of OCD. However, stress is seen to be an aggravating factor. Women are slightly more prone to get OCD than men.2 Other factors causing OCD include:


According to research, individuals are more likely to experience OCD if they have an immediate family, like a biological parent or sibling, who has the disorder.

Brain changes 

As per imaging studies, patients with OCD have different changes in the frontal cortex and subcortical brain regions.4 Neurological disorders like Parkinsonism, Tourette’s syndrome, and epilepsy are also linked to OCD.

PANDAS syndrome 

The acronym PANDAS stands for pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections. It covers strep throat and scarlet fever that affects kids with strep infections. OCD is one of these disorders.5

Childhood trauma 

Trauma experienced as a kid, such as abuse or neglect, is linked to the development of OCD.6

Symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder 

The main symptom of OCD is obsessions and compulsions that interfere with daily tasks. For instance, symptoms may often make it difficult to reach for work or to get to bed on time. 

OCD obsessions 

Obsessions are unwanted, bothersome thoughts or images that trigger severe anxiety in people with OCD. These thoughts are uncontrollable.

Common illustrations include:

  • Fear of exposure to contaminated materials, such as dirt or germs
  • Fear of hurting himself or someone else if he is not careful
  • Frequently acts of impulsiveness
  • Unwanted sex-related thoughts or visuals in the mind
  • Anxiety about making a mistake
  • Excessive moral concern about being or doing right or wrong
  • Feelings of disgust or skepticism
  • Excessive worry about your gender identity or sexual orientation
  • A need to be precise or symmetrical in tasks
  • Always looking for reassurance

OCD compulsions 

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that people with OCD must engage in to lessen their obsessions. OCD sufferers don’t enjoy and don’t want to do these compulsive behaviors. However, if they don’t, their anxiety gets worse. 

Examples of compulsions include:

  • Putting things in specific arrangements, like the stuff or clothes
  • Repeatedly taking a bath, cleaning, or washing hands
  • Urge to collect things that are worthless in monetary terms 
  • Repeatedly checking things like locks, switches, and doors 
  • Rituals involving numbers, such as counting, repeating an action a specific number of times
  • Obsessively favoring or avoiding a particular number
  • Saying specific prayers or sentences while performing compulsive things 

Treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder

Most OCD treatment comprises both medication and psychotherapy.


OCD may be treated with tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). 

Psychotherapy for OCD

The term “psychotherapy”, sometimes known as “talk therapy”, refers to several therapeutic procedures intended to assist you in recognizing and altering undesirable thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The common therapies include

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

A therapist will work with you to explore and comprehend the ideas and feelings during CBT. 

  • ERP therapy

In exposure and response prevention (ERP), a therapist will make you confront your feared scenarios or visuals while asking you to fight the thought of carrying out a compulsion. 

  • ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy) 

ACT teaches us to accept obsessive thoughts as mere thoughts. Thus one can learn to live a productive life despite OCD symptoms with the help of ACT therapy.

  • Mindfulness practice 

Mindfulness practices like meditation and relaxation can aid with OCD symptoms.

  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation

TMS may be suggested by your doctor when all the above treatments are ineffective for OCD symptoms.

Diet and lifestyle changes for obsessive compulsive disorder

Although the primary treatments for this chronic ailment are medication and therapy, diet and lifestyle changes are a secret weapon with additional advantages.


To keep your blood sugar levels stable, include nuts, seeds, proteins like eggs, beans, and meat, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

Sleep well 

Sound mental health depends on getting enough sleep. Create a sleep pattern that prepares your body for undisturbed sleep.

Get active 

Your body releases the hormone cortisol when you’re nervous and stressed. Your cortisol levels stay under control with regular exercise. 


OCD can be distressing, but you don’t have to embrace suffering. It is possible to live well with OCD by starting comprehensive homeopathic treatment. So swap now to homeopathy and bid farewell to OCD thoughts.


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