Leukemia is a blood cell cancer. Abnormal duplication and multiplication of white blood cells of bone marrow and peripheral blood is known as leukemia. The number of abnormal white blood cells that are immature is also linked to leukemia.

Role of homeopathy in leukemia

Homeopathic remedies for leukemia treatment focus on stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Homeopathic medicines not only care about symptoms but also find the cause and treat the root cause of the disease.

Five effective homeopathic medicines for leukemia

Carcinosinum (Carc.)

Common name: Nosode from carcinoma

Carcinosin is best suited for people with a history of diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, and anemia. The person’s face is dull and pale, having warts on the face. Birthmarks in the body may be present. People lost interest in the surrounding environment and society.

Children suffer from sleeplessness. Gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, and belching are frequently observed in leukemia patients.

The person has a strong desire to lie on the chest. The symptoms of leukemia are aggravated by rapid motion, hot weather, seashore, and full moon or new moon. They are better while fasting, short sleep, heat, and gentle movement.

Arsenic album (Ars. alb)

Common name: Arsenic

The person feels restless, and for relief, they change places continuously.

Leukemia patients may feel many fears, fears of death and fear of being alone. Cold

sweat gives much fear about death. The patient has a swollen face and yellowness on the face with paleness. The face is covered with sweat, which is cold. 

Many patients suffer from frequent mouth ulceration. Ulcers feel dry with burning heat. Due to ulcers, leukemia patients are unable to swallow food. Gastrointestinal symptoms of nausea, retching, and vomiting after eating or drinking are also present. Due to leukemia, the patient has suicidal thoughts and also feels it is useless to take medicines. Burning in eyes with acrid lachrymation. Septic fevers and intermittent fevers may be present.

All symptoms are worse by cold, cold weather, but only the headache is relieved by the cold.

Phosphorus (Phos.)

Common name: Phosphorus

Patients of leukemia are relaxed and excited. Patients are usually tall and thin patients. He likes cold, iced drinks. Patients want sympathy from everyone and are over-sensitive to small things and words. Nose bleeding is also present. Leukemia patients may feel palpitation in the heart and shortness of breath on exertion. Loose stool with offensiveness causes complete exhaustion.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat. mur.)

Common name: NaCl, sodium chloride

Nat. mur. is indicated in people who are lean and bony. Depressed and introverted people where consolation aggravates and they cannot cry in front of others. Patients feel severe headaches from sunrise to sunset. Headaches disappear at night. With the desire for salt and salty food, the patient takes excess salt in food. The lower lip may have a deep crack in the middle. Tongue is mapped. Cold begins with sneezing.

Benzoin (Benz.)

Common name: Benzoin odoriferum

Benzoin is indicated for loss of voice with severe coryza and a running nose. The person may feel pain and soreness in the larynx and trachea while talking and clearing the throat.

Children have an offensive odor from the mouth and a dullness of the mind. The child wakes from sleep with a sick feeling in their stomach and bowels.

Frequent urine, in small quantities, and dark color, had to rise twice at night to urinate. Hips feel crushed along with pain in knees. Feet and legs cold up to knees and remain cold in bed.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative Factors for leukemia

  • Exposure to chemicals

Chemical benzene (found in gasoline) increases the risk of some kinds of leukemia. Some radioactive chemicals, ionizing radiation, may also cause leukemia.

  • Previous cancer treatment

People taking chemotherapy and radiation therapy for other cancers are more susceptible to developing leukemia.

  • Genetic factors

There is an increased risk of leukemia in patients having abnormal chromosome no.22, also called the philadelphia chromosome.

  • Smoking

Acute myelogenous leukemia may be caused by cigarette smoking.

  • Family history of leukemia

Families who have been diagnosed with one form of leukemia may have a higher risk for other leukemia.

  • Other factors causing leukemia

The presence of HIV / aids is also a contributory factor for leukemia. Intake of immunosuppressant medicines and cytotoxic drugs taken after an organ transplant is also a risk factor for leukemia.

Classification of leukemia

  • Acute lymphocytic (ALL)

Acute leukemia attacks immature blood cells, multiplies rapidly, and worsens quickly. Acute lymphocytic leukemia commonly affects young children.

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

Chronic leukemia attacks mature blood cells, which accumulate slowly and require more time to show appreciable symptoms. In some cases, this type of leukemia remains unnoticed for an extended period. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia slowly shows symptoms and is challenging to be diagnosed. It is commonly found among young children.

  • Acute myelocytic leukemia (AML)

Acute myelocytic leukemia is commonly found among adults.

  • Chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML)

Chronic myelocytic leukemia does not show any symptoms or difficulties for months and is commonly found among adults.

Symptoms of leukemia

  • People who are suffering from leukemia may feel frequent infections, fever or hypothermia, anemia, and weight loss.
  • Leukemia affects the bone marrow’s production of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
  • Excessive night sweats.
  • Enlargement of organs specifically. 
  • Leukemia may cause pain and tenderness in the bones.
  • Persistent weakness, bleeding from various body parts from the nose and anus.
  • Enlargement and ulceration of lymph nodes may be present.
  • Small size red spots in the skin and painless and swollen lymph nodes are also diagnostic for leukemia.

Diet and lifestyle modification for leukemia

  • Healthy diet

A healthy and full variety diet is required for all aspects of health. Eat healthy food from organic sources and protein-rich food. Eat antioxidant-rich foods, including fruits, dry fruits,  vegetables, and lean proteins in your daily diet. Using light and healthy oils in cooking, such as coconut and olive oil are good alternatives. Try to avoid food rich in preservatives and food additives. 

  • Exercise

Exercise and yoga improve the quality of bone marrow and help normal blood cell formation. Daily physical workout improves the function of every organ of the body. Slow walking, slow cycling, and low-impact indoor sports are highly recommended for leukemia.

  • Probiotic supplements

A probiotic supplement containing lactobacillus acidophilus is essential for gastrointestinal tract health in diseases like leukemia and other cancers. Leukemia causes decreased immunity. Probiotics-containing supplements enhance immunity in severely immunocompromised people.


The impact of homeopathic medicine on leukemia treatment includes its non-invasive and gentle approach, holistic perspective, and personalized treatment plans. Homeopathic medicines have proven to be a good alternative for leukemia and several diseases. Homeopathy might help you perform your daily activities freely by reducing the speed of duplication and multiplication of white blood cells in the bone marrow. It is always advised to consult with a qualified homeopathic doctor before taking any medicine for safe and effective treatment.


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