Not being able to talk fluently can wreak havoc on your confidence. You are not alone in this struggle. More than 80 million people across the globe stammer. 

Stammering is a common speech disorder. Normal fluency of speech is disrupted in stammering. This disruption can arise in different forms. 

Stammering of speech arises in the form of repetition of some words. It can also manifest as the prolongation of certain words or syllables. Also, some people experience silent pauses in between speeches. 

Stammering is common among children. Often, it arises in children whose speech ability is underdeveloped. In most kids, the stammering issue goes away on its own. However, sometimes stammering might persist even in adulthood. 

Stammering is not a serious disease. However, it can affect your emotional state. People who stammer may feel stressed, and ashamed in social communication. 

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in bringing good recovery in people with stammering. These medicines help treat stammering in a gentle, natural way without side effects.

Role of homeopathy in stammering

In stammering, homeopathic medicines work by calming and strengthening the nerves. Thus, it improves the speech in a holistic manner. Gradually, the person will overcome stammering. Of course, the cure does not happen overnight. You need to be patient and give time for the medicines to show results. The earlier treatment for stammering is started, the more the chances of cure. 

Top five homeopathic medicines for stammering 

Stramonium (Stram.)

Common name: Thorn apple

Stramonium shows remarkable results where a person has to strain for a long time before a word is uttered. This remedy works well in people whose facial muscles undergo heavy distinction before speaking.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

Common name: Club moss

Lycopodium works best in stammering cases when a person stammers while speaking the last words of a sentence. 

Apart from stammering, Lycopodium is indicated in stammering with weak memory and lack of self-confidence. These people have low self-esteem and often complain of indistinct sleep. In stammering due to fear of public speaking, Lycopodium works wonders.

Causticum (Caust.)

Common name: Hahnemann’s tincture acris sine Kali

Causticum is greatly helpful for persons with stammering when the person is mentally or emotionally excited. It is the top homeopathy medicine for people who begin to stammer while talking fast and where stammering appears while talking to strangers.

Spigelia anthelmia (Spig.)

Common name: West Indian Pinkroot

Spigelia works wonderfully in cases of stammering during the first few words of a sentence. Stammering in Spigelia is followed by normal, uninterrupted, and clear speech. 

The patient repeats the first syllable three to four times before going to the next part of the sentence.

Lachesis mutus (Lach.)

Common name: Bushmaster or Surucucu

Lachesis is well indicated when someone stutters over certain specific letters while speaking. These people are extroverted and talkative who usually talk about different topics and often jump from one subject to another. Stammering with fear of the public or strangers is where Lachesis works best.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes for stammering

Stammering, also known as stuttering, is a common speech disorder with several contributing factors. While the exact causative factor is not fully known, several causes are responsible for stammering:


Family history plays a significant role in stammering. 


Speech fluency can be affected by differences in brain structure and function.

Developmental factors

Stammering could be due to a developmental defect. It often begins in childhood as speaking skills are developing.


Stress is known to be one of the triggering factors for stammering. Stressful circumstances can worsen stammering.

Environmental factors

Emotional factors in the environment play a role in stammering. Fear, domination, or quarrels in the environment can cause stammering.

Speech motor control

Speech is a complex motor skill. Thus, difficulties in coordinating speech organ precise movements can contribute to stammering.

Age of onset

Normally, early childhood stammering often resolves on its own. However, if stammering persists beyond a certain age, it can become chronic.

Neurological factors

Neurological conditions, such as strokes or head injuries, can result in acquired stammering in adulthood.


Physical or emotional trauma can worsen stammering

Co-occurring conditions

Stammering can be associated with other speech disorders, like cluttering or apraxia.

Symptoms of stammering


Stammering can manifest as frequent repetitive sounds, syllables, or phrases. For instance, words like “b-b-b-butterfly”.


People with stammering often stretch out words like “ssssnake” while speaking.


Stammering makes a person struggle to produce the intended word or sound. This often leads to involuntary pauses or halts while speaking.


Stammering is accompanied by visible tension in the face or body. These symptoms include facial grimaces, eye blinking, or physical effort while trying to speak.


When people stammer, they often try to avoid specific words or sounds. This is due to the fear of stammering while speaking in certain situations.

Social anxiety

Social anxiety and fear are marked in people struggling with stammering


Due to speech difficulties, these people have feelings of frustration, embarrassment, or self-consciousness.

Secondary behaviors

Some people develop secondary behaviors to cope with stammering. Such secondary behaviors include excessive blinking, throat clearing, or tapping.

Treatment for stammering

Stammering can be effectively managed through various treatments and interventions. It’s essential to start early treatment for stammering. Early intervention can be highly effective in managing stammering. Here are some common approaches:

Speech therapy

Speech therapy is conducted by speech-language pathologists (SLPs). An expert specialized in treating speech disorders like stammering. Speech therapy helps to improve speech fluency. It also reduces stuttering, and enhances overall communication skills.

Behavioral therapy

Some people with stammering get benefitted from cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT addresses the emotional and psychological impacts of stammering. It helps manage anxiety and fears related to stammering.

Fluency shaping techniques

These techniques help to modify speech patterns. It includes controlled breathing and smooth, slow speech techniques. This therapy improves speech fluency.

Stuttering modification techniques

This technique focuses on reducing the severity of stuttering. It improves your self-confidence. Also, this technique promotes better communication. 

Electronic device

Electronic devices help improve speech fluency in some cases. Examples of such devices are

  • Delayed auditory feedback
  •  Frequency-shifting devices


Medications are prescribed to treat anxiety or other emotional distress associated with stammering.

Diet and lifestyle management for stammering

Stress reduction

Stress and anxiety can worsen stammering. Stress-reduction techniques can help reduce the emotional aspects of stammering. Try distressing techniques likelike deep breathing and yoga for better results.


Regular exercise can help release tension and reduce stress. Also, it improves overall confidence, which can have a positive impact on speech fluency.

Avoid triggers

Identify and avoid situations that exacerbate stammering. This may include avoiding 

  • Caffeine 
  • High-stress environments 
  • Anxiety

 that can trigger fear, leading to stammering.


Ensure you get adequate sleep. Sleep deprivation can add up to stress that can worsen stammering.

Supportive social environment

A supportive social environment can decrease social anxiety related to stammering


Stammering can be effectively managed with the right treatment. An expert homeopath will design a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. With homeopathy, you can improve your communication skills, boost your confidence, and speak fluently.
