As per a study, 16.27 % of Indian kids struggle with language and speech delay due to different reasons.

If your child is not responding to people or not paying attention to sounds, it is one of the first alarming signs of speech delay. It is important to know the signs of speech development to identify speech delay.

Normally, your child begins to speak as he grows. There are some age-wise limits for speech development like:

  • Initially, the babies make babbling or cooing sounds. 
  • As the babies grow to the age of 9 months, they begin to say words like ‘mama’ and ‘dada.’
  • The baby begins to say words other than ‘mama’ and ‘dada’ and follows simple one-step commands by 12 – 15 months of age.
  • When the child is 18 to 20 months old, the child can speak about 20 to 50 words.
  • As the children grow to the age of 2 years, they can combine two words to form simple sentences.
  • At the age of three, a child’s vocabulary increases manifold. By this time, children can combine three or more words to form a sentence. 
  • By the age of 4 years, the child can use five or more words in a sentence. Recite a nursery rhyme and tell a short story.

Conducting a hearing test is the initial step in cases of speech delay. This helps rule out hearing issues.

Homeopathy provides promising results in developmental delays in children. 

Role of homeopathy in speech delay

Each homeopathic medicine for speech delay is decided based on understanding the child’s physical and mental constitution, family history, and other details. After a detailed analysis, the most suitable homeopathic medicine for speech delay is prescribed.

Top five homeopathic remedies for speech delay

Baryta carbonica (Bar-c.)

Common name: Carbonate of baryta

Baryta carb. is an amazing homeopathic medicine for delayed milestones including speech delay. These children are timid and often hide behind their parents. Kids with speech delay who fear strangers can be cured with Baryta carb.

Along with speech delay, these kids have difficulty in understanding. Delayed milestones with weak memory call for this remedy.

Calcarea carbonica ostrearum (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

Calc. carb. is prescribed to quiet, shy kids with speech delay. It is indicated in children who have speech delay along with other delayed milestones. 

These kids have large heads and abdomen with open fontanelles and sutures. Characteristic indications of Calc. carb are soft bones that develop very slowly. Difficult, delayed dentition in kids with sweaty heads calls for this remedy.

Silicea terra (Sil.)

Common name: Silica, Pure Flint

Silicea is among the best homeopathic remedies for speech delay in scrofulous, rachitic children with large heads. The milestone delay is often due to defective nutrition due to imperfect assimilation. 

Silicea works wonders in children with open fontanelles where sutures are seen. Also, these kids have weak ankles. Due to this, these kids are slow in learning to walk. There is marked muscle wasting in Silicea children, especially in the legs. 

Natrium muriaticum (Nat-m.)

Common name: Chloride of sodium

Natrum mur. is a homeopathic remedy for delayed milestones due to digestive troubles. There is marked emaciation despite eating well.

Along with speech delay, these kids exhibit behavioral disorders. These kids are cross, irritable, and cry for the slightest cause. Speech delay with marked emaciation in the neck and abdomen is a marked symptom of Nat. mur.

Tuberculinum bovinum kent (Tub.)

Common name: A nosode from a tubercular abscess

Tuberculinum is an effective remedy for speech delay in kids who emaciate rapidly. These kids lose flesh while eating well. 

Tuberculinum is suited for kids who catch colds easily. These kids catch a cold every time they breathe fresh air.  Along with speech delay, there is marked mental and physical weakness in these children.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of speech delay

Speech delay in children can be due to various causes. Some common causes of speech delay include:


Family history plays a role in speech delay that may have a genetic component.

Hearing loss

Hearing impairment can significantly impact speech development. Factors affecting hearing include ear infections, structural issues, or other hearing problems.

Premature birth

Premature infants might experience speech delay due to early birth and related health issues.

Neurological conditions

Some neurological conditions are associated with speech delay. These include cerebral palsy and autism.

Oral-motor issues

Speech delay can be due to problems with the physical aspects. These include issues with speech production, tongue and lip movements, etc.

Environmental factors

If the child is exposed to limited interaction with caregivers, it may cause speech delay.

Symptoms of speech delay 

The symptoms of speech delay in children differ depending on the child’s age and the severity of the delayed milestones. Common symptoms of speech delay include:

Limited vocabulary

The child has a smaller vocabulary than other kids of the same age.

Difficulty in pronouncing words

These kids struggle to pronounce sounds or words correctly. It leads to unclear speech.

Short sentences

These kids have difficulty forming complete sentences. Often, kids have difficulty expressing themselves in complex language.

Difficulty being understood

Parents and caregivers need help understanding what the child is speaking. 

Difficulty following directions

These kids have difficulty understanding and following verbal instructions from parents.

Lacking social interaction

These kids avoid social interactions. They avoid speaking with peers or adults.


Some kids repeat sounds, syllables, or words. Often, stuttering behavior is also marked.

Frustration and behavioral issues

Children with speech delay get frustrated due to communication challenges. This often leads to behavioral issues.

Here are some age-wise red flags signs of speech delay:

  • No babbling or cooing sounds till nine months
  • Not uttering first words by 15 months
  • Child not speaking three to six words by 18 months
  • The child fails to combine two words by 24 months.
  • At two years of age, the child cannot combine words, and it’s hard to understand the child’s speech.

Treatment for speech delay

If a child exhibits signs of speech delay or lagging in speech development, proper evaluation is essential. Evaluation helps to start the right treatment at the right time.

The treatment options for speech delay in children normally include speech therapy. In addition, it involves some of the following therapies:

Speech therapy

Speech therapy is conducted by speech-language pathologists (SLPs). SLPs are trained professionals who assess and treat speech delay disorders. They help children to improve their communication. Most therapy sessions are customized for each child’s specific needs. It includes activities to improve speech, vocabulary, language, comprehension, and social communication skills.

Early intervention programs

Early intervention programs for speech delay provide access to speech support services.

Parental involvement

Parents play a significant role in speech delay treatment. SLPs give guidance and exercises to parents. Parents must practice these with their children at home to reinforce therapy goals.

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

AAC uses devices like picture boards and sign language to help kids with severe Speech delay. It helps them communicate effectively.

Treating hearing problems

This is needed if hearing loss is suspected. Addressing hearing problems helps improve speech development.

Treating medical condition

Speech delay can be due to underlying medical conditions. A medical evaluation by a pediatrician can help diagnose and treat these medical issues.

Behavioral interventions

These address behavioral issues related to speech delay.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for speech delay

Balanced diet

Diet is not directly related to speech improvement. However, ensuring your child receives proper nutrition is essential for overall development. A balanced diet gives all essential vitamins and minerals that support the brain and development. Thus, indirectly, it helps with speech delay

Omega-3 fatty acid

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are linked to cognitive development. Thus, including food like fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds in your child’s diet can support cognitive skills.

Limit screen time

Increased screen time can interfere with a child’s social interactions and communication. Encourage your child to play with you. Also, engage in face-to-face interactions with your kid to encourage language development.

Reading aloud

Reading out loud to your child regularly is an excellent way to introduce new words and stimulate linguistic development in speech delay.


Early intervention and speech therapy are essential in addressing speech delay. However, homeopathy, with its gentle and holistic approach, has shown promising results in improving speech development. By considering the needs of each child and tailored treatment, homeopathy has proven its efficacy. Homeopathy is a nurturing choice for those seeking a natural path to overcoming speech delay.
