
According to research, 10% of the world population has warts. The prevalence 1 is higher (10% – 20%) among school children.

Warts have troubled humanity for thousands of years. Although warts aren’t dangerous, they are unattractive, contagious, and painful. These extra skin warts that stick out on your skin surface are common. They appear out of nowhere and become quite stubborn. Thus getting rid of them becomes problematic.

Warts are benign skin growths caused by a virus. These can appear anywhere on your body and are primarily rough in texture. They may resemble a tiny cauliflower or a solid blister in appearance.

Homeopathy provides a painless, non-invasive, and scar-free wart treatment. It not only treats warts but also corrects the underlying cause. Instead of suppressing the lesions, it focuses on treating them. It also reduces the recurrence of warts, thereby giving a long-lasting solution.

Role of homeopathy in the treatment of warts

Homeopathy has proved itself effective in managing warts with underlying immune deficiency. There are several therapeutic homeopathic remedies indicated for warts treatment. Mostly they are chosen based on presenting symptoms, cause, modalities, susceptibility to the infection, and individual constitution.

Here are the seven best homeopathic medicines for warts. The list of homeopathic wart remedies below gives therapeutic affinity but does not give a final guide to warts treatment.

Seven effective homeopathic medicines for warts

Thuja occidentalis (Thuja)

Common name: Arbor vitae or white cedar

Thuja, an antisycotic homeopathic remedy, is one of the best medications for warts. Thuja gives a pain-free alternative to eliminate common warts on the body. If no other remedy is clearly indicated, Thuja is prescribed. Thuja is one of the best homeopathic remedies for isolated, jagged warts that bleed easily. It works best on warts that are moist and brown and mosaic warts on the soles. Even genital warts are treated with Thuja.

Antimonium crudum (Antim. crud.)

Common name: Black antimony trisulfide

Antimonium crudum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for warts with a horny appearance. This homeopathic medicine treats warts that grow on soles and hands. Antim. crud. is indicated for smooth and firm warts that form in clusters. Warts with tender feet can be treated with Antim. crud.

Calcarea Carbonica (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

This homeopathic medicine is effective in treating warts that develop on the neck. These warts are spherical in shape, hard, and isolated. Warts that are often endophytic (having a horny wall surrounding a central depression) can be treated with Calc.

Causticum (Caust.)

Common name: Hahnemann’s Tinctura acris sine Kali

Causticum is effective on large and small warts appearing internally and externally. It is the best homeopathic medicine for warts that grow on the face, nose, under nails, and fingertips. Causticum warts are often old, rough, painful, and bleed easily. Pedunculated warts that are sensitive to touch are managed with Causticum.

Dulcamara (Dulc.)

Common name: Bittersweet nightshade

Dulcamara is one of the best homeopathic medications for flat-looking warts on the hands and face. These warts are mostly brown to blackish. Dulcamara is indicated for warts that are worse in cold or wet weather. These flat warts can also grow on the back as soft seborrheic warts. Homeopathic medicine for fleshy warts on dry skin and scanty perspiration is Dulcamara.

Graphites (Graph.)

Common name: Black Lead

Graphites are very good homeopathic for warts with a periungual or corn-like appearance. It works well on corns with a yellowish tint on the palms or soles of the feet.

Nitric acid (Nit-ac.)

Another standard homeopathic medicine for treating large and golden yellow warts is Nitric acid. Usually, these warts are fissured and itch a lot. The unusual characteristic of Nitric acid warts is they sting and bleed upon washing. This homeopathic remedy is best for warts with a central depression and horny surrounding walls.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors for warts

The prime cause 2 of warts is infection by Human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than one hundred varieties of HPV viruses. This virus enters through your skin, especially a wound. Then prompts fast cell multiplication on the epidermis, forming a wart.

  • Transmission via skin

You are mostly exposed to warts through skin-to-skin contact like handshaking. There are other ways of virus transmission including keyboards, towels, doorknobs, and shower floors. If you are exposed to the virus through a cut or skin abrasion, you are more likely to get a wart.

  • Weak immune response

Your immune system plays a significant role in warding off the HPV virus. Strong immune systems aid in preventing HPV. Because of this, some people are more likely to get warts, and others seem immune to them.

  • Role of genetics

You have a higher risk of warts if your parents or siblings do.

Types and symptoms of warts

Symptoms of warts differ based on type that are classified based on the location of the warts.

  • Common warts

Common warts are flesh-colored growths. These appear on the face, foot, back of hands, and fingers. These wart sizes range from a pinhead to a pea. They grow on hands where the skin is broken. Biting nails can be another causative factor. It can spread the virus from the fingers or nails to the face.

  • Plantar warts

Warts on the soles of your feet are known as plantar warts. These are flat in appearance. Often these grow inward due to pressure on the foot. These warts can be terribly painful. You may feel like pebbles in your shoes.

  • Flat warts

These are found in clusters and are smaller in size. Flat warts have a very smooth texture. Flat warts are commonly found in men’s beards, women’s legs, and children’s faces.

  • Filiform warts

These resemble protruding fingers or lengthy threads. The growth pace of these filiform warts is fairly rapid and suddenly appears. These are typically found on the mouth, nose, and area around your eyes.

Treatment of warts

The common solution for warts is surgical removal. In this, warts are cut off either with a surgical knife or burned with electricity, known as cauterization.

Chemical application using salicylic acid is another way of treating warts.

Freezing treatment is another treatment for warts. In this, a cold spray of a mixture of dimethyl ether and propane is sprayed onto your wart. This kills the skin and enables you to scrape warts.

However, this type of treatment has a drawback because it does not address the infection or the cause. It still exists and frequently results in warts recurring. Many people experience warts reappearing after these procedures.

Preventive measures for warts

Adhere to these basic rules to prevent the wart from spreading:

  • Regularly wash your hands, especially if you’ve recently come into contact with someone who has warts.
  • Avoid picking your warts
  • Keep your warts covered with bandage
  • Keep your hands and feet dry
  • Use shower flip-flops while using communal wash rooms


Warts are skin growths caused by viral infection. It spreads quickly from cuts of skin, common surfaces, and bathrooms. People often go for surgery or cauterization, but it cannot give a permanent solution.

However, homeopathy can offer the best, most effective, gentle, and painless treatment for warts. In addition, it treats its root cause, thereby reducing the chances of its reoccurrence. For a safe and effective cure, discuss it with a qualified homeopathic doctor.


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