The vertebral column or your backbone has a sequence of vertebrae. These vertebrae are separated and united by a soft pad-like structure called intervertebral disc. These intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers while walking, running, or jumping. 

Your cervical spine has seven vertebrae. Eight pairs of spinal nerves emerge from your cervical spine through the specified openings in the concerned vertebra. If your spinal nerve gets compressed by any means, it causes pain in the parts of your body that the nerve supplies to. This condition is called cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis is an age-related arthritic disorder affecting the joints and discs in your cervical spine. Several factors can cause neck pain, but getting older is the most common. Cervical spondylosis is common in 95% of people by age 65 due to degeneration of cartilage and bones. 

Few people with cervical spondylosis never experience any symptoms, while others have chronic pain and stiffness. Cervical spondylitis can be successfully managed with conservative treatment, which includes medication and physiotherapy. Homeopathy is known to be one of the alternative treatments for cervical spondylosis. These remedies provide you with pain relief and enhance your mobility. 

Role of homeopathy in cervical spondylosis

Homeopathic medications work well in cases of cervical spondylosis. Whether cervical spondylosis is caused by disc problems, degeneration, injury, or trauma, homeopathy has an answer to all. Homeopathic remedies lower oxidative stress on your body. Due to this it benefits degenerative diseases like cervical spondylosis. When cervical spondylosis is due to inflammation, like osteoarthritis, homeopathic medicines reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after analyzing your case along with your physical and mental disposition. These constitutional medications relieve cervical spondylitis pain, stiffness, and tingling in your limbs. These medicines prevent the further progression of spine degeneration in cervical spondylosis.

Top five homeopathic medications for cervical spondylosis

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Common name: Poison ivy

The major symptoms for using Rhus toxicodendron are pain and stiffness of cervical spondylosis after joint overuse or after a neck injury. It works best for stiffness that worsens in the morning and after rest but improves with motion and warmth. Rhus. tox. is indicated in tearing or burning neck pains. 

It helps in cervical spondylosis, where the affected area feels hot and swollen. It relieves the tearing pain of the tendons and ligaments of the neck. This pain often worsens after midnight, rainy weather, riding, blow injury, cold drinks, beginning motion, and rest.

Paris quadrifolia (Par.)

Common name: One-berry

Paris quadrifolia is suited for cervical spondylosis with numbness in arms and hands. The pain and numbness radiate down to the fingers. The neck pain worsens from exertion and there is a feeling of a heavy weight around the shoulders and neck. There is marked stiffness and swelling in the neck.

Bryonia alba (Bry.)

Common name: Wild hops

Bryonia alba is the remedy for neck pain that worsens from the slightest motion. Sharp and tearing pains of cervical spondylosis that worsen on touch and pressure are relieved by this remedy. These pains begin after complete rest and are relieved by warmth.

Other indications include painful pressure on the top of the neck and stiffness in the neck joints. Neck pain that is stitching and tearing responds well to Bryonia. The joints are hot to touch and swollen.

Guaiacum officinale (Guaj.)

Common name: Resin of lignum vitae

Guaiacum officinale is recommended when cervical spondylosis pain spreads over the neck, back of the head, and shoulders. There is neck stiffness along with a sore feeling in the shoulders. Sometimes, this stiffness may extend down to the entire back or on one side of the back. There is marked sensitivity to touch and pain that worsens on movement.

Kalmia latifolia (Kalm.)

Common name:  Mountain laurel

Kalmia is a helpful homeopathic remedy for cervical spondylosis where neck pain radiates down to the arm. Along with pain, there is numbness, or tingling, pricking sensation in the hands.

Kalmia helps in pain with shivering and a pricking sensation in the hands. There is a feeling of weakness in the upper vertebrae and marked irritation stretching down to the shoulder bones or the arm.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of cervical spondylosis

Disc degeneration

Intervertebral discs can degenerate over time, leading to cervical spondylosis.

Drying of fluid

There is a fluid present between your intervertebral disks. The drying up of this fluid and shrinking of your discs can result in cervical spondylosis.

Fluid leakage

In some cases, cracks develop on the discs, causing fluid leakage. This damages the nerves in this region causing cervical spondylosis.


If you have a history of injury to your neck, like a fall or car accident, it can cause cervical spondylosis.

Stiff ligaments

With time, your spinal ligaments might harden, reducing your neck’s flexibility and causing cervical spondylosis.

Bone spur

Osteophytes are produced to repair your injured bones. These bony overgrowths in your neck can affect the sensitive areas around your spine. Thus, a bony spur formed can impair your spine movements, causing cervical spondylosis.


Poor posture can contribute to cervical spondylosis.

Herniated disc

Herniated discs can lead to cervical spondylosis. The center of your discs has a gel-like substance that separates the vertebrae. The external fibrous cartilage of the disc’s exterior retains the gel inside. When this external part tears or cracks, the gel protrudes out. This is known as disc herniation or slipped disc. 

 Symptoms of cervical spondylosis

Most people with cervical spondylosis have no symptoms. When symptoms begin to show up, they often involve neck pain and stiffness. The cervical spondylosis symptoms appear due to pinching of the spinal cord or nerve root. The common symptoms include:

  • Pain and stiffness in your neck
  • Neck stiffness, especially when turning your head to the sides
  • Restricted flexibility and range of movements, like turning the whole body instead of just the neck while looking to the sides or over the shoulders 
  • Neck stiffness more marked when it is cold in the morning and after rest
  • Headache while trying to turn your head or look back
  • Popping, grinding, or crackling  sound while moving your neck
  • Muscle spasms
  • Tingling or numbness in your, hands, arms, feet, or legs
  • The feeling of a bump or knot in your neck
  • Weakness of arms and legs
  • Difficulty in walking 
  • Lack of coordination while walking
  • Lack of bowel or bladder control

Treatment for cervical spondylosis

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications

You can get relief from cervical spondylosis pain with OTC painkillers.

Anti-inflammatory medication

If your cervical spondylosis pain doesn’t improve with over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) may be necessary to reduce the inflammation.  


Neck muscles in cervical spondylosis may benefit from physiotherapy exercises, applying cold or heat, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation to reduce discomfort. A physiotherapist could introduce flexibility and strength exercises for your neck as the discomfort lessens. 

Injections of cortisone 

Corticosteroids are used to reduce inflammation in cervical spondylosis. Corticosteroid injections injected into your epidural space aid in reducing swelling close to the nerve roots. 


Traction can relieve pain and stiffness in cervical spondylitis. Pulleys and weights are used to extend your neck. A herniated disc might get realigned as a result of traction. 

Diet and lifestyle changes for cervical spondylosis

Lighten your load

Your neck can experience undue tension and strain from carrying heavy objects. Avoid carrying heavy luggage, briefcases, laptop bags, and purses. Instead, try to carry fewer items and utilize two-shoulder bags that distribute the weight more evenly. 

Engage in exercise

The muscles in and around your neck and surrounding areas support you when you move. Strengthening neck muscles can lower your risk of experiencing cervical spondylosis.

Fix your posture

Your spine gets unnecessary stress and strain from poor posture. This can lead to 

cervical spondylosis. Remind yourself frequently to straighten your shoulders and sit straight in your chair.

Stretch regularly

Stretch often to improve blood flow to your neck muscles and to decrease the chances of cervical spondylosis.


Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition with pain and stiffness, restricting your neck movements. It needs to be managed holistically. Try homeopathy for cervical spondylosis to reduce your pain without side effects.
