
Frozen shoulder is a condition that is unpleasant and painful. The incidence of frozen shoulders in the general population is reported to be 2-5 % 1.

Frozen shoulder, also known as Adhesive Capsulitis, is an inflammatory condition that targets the shoulder joint. In a frozen shoulder, the tissue surrounding your shoulder joint, known as the shoulder capsule, becomes stiff and thick. This results in restriction of free movement of your shoulder joint.

The prevalence of frozen shoulders is more common in people of 40-60 years. A single shoulder is often involved, but in rare cases, both can get affected.

Role of homeopathy for frozen shoulder

Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of frozen shoulder is the best choice as it treats it without surgery and painkillers. People frequently underestimate the efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of frozen shoulders.

Homeopathic medicines effectively reduce pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. Pain relief and improved shoulder joint movement are possible with homeopathic medications.

Homeopathic medicines are gentle, effective, and safe. It eases your pain and stiffness. In addition, it gives your joints natural mobility by naturally promoting joint recovery.

Five effective homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder

In homeopathy, there isn’t one medication that works on all cases of frozen shoulders. Here are the five best homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulders.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Common name: Poison ivy

Rhus toxicodendron is a homeopathic remedy that relieves pain and stiffness in shoulder joints. It works best for pain that worsens in the morning and after rest but improves with motion and warmth.

This homeopathic remedy is indicated in tearing or burning shoulder pains. It helps in joint pains where the affected area feels hot and swollen. This medicine helps when joint complaints begin due to joint overuse or after injury.

Rhus tox. relieves tearing pain of tendons and ligaments of the shoulder that spread to the nape of the neck. The pains worsen after midnight, blow injury, rainy weather, riding, cold drinks, beginning motion, and rest.

Ferrum metallicum (Ferr.)

Common name: Iron

Ferrum metallicum is one of the best homeopathic remedies for the frozen shoulder, where pain aggravates by putting the arm behind. Rheumatic pains, including frozen shoulders, can be managed with Fer. met. Joint pains in people who are anemic and flush easily is the keynote symptom of Fer. met.

It treats joint pains where muscles are flabby and relaxed. Fer. met. gives relief to frozen shoulders with cracking in joints. This homeopathic medicine is indicated in pains that are sudden in onset and feel like limbs are torn. Coldness of the limbs, hands, and feet is an indication of Fer. met.

Bryonia alba (Bry.)

Common name: Wild hops

Bryonia alba is the remedy for shoulder pains that worsen from the least motion. It relieves sharp and tearing pains that worsen on touch and pressure. Bryonja helps with pains that begin after complete rest and are relieved by warmth.

Other indications include painful pressure on the top of the shoulder and stiffness in the shoulder joints. Often shoulder pains that are stitching and tearing respond well to Bryonia. The joints are hot to touch and swollen.

Sanguinaria canadensis (Sang.)

Common name: Bloodroot

Sanguinaria canadensis is one of the very good homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulders, where pain worsens while turning in bed. This homeopathic medicine is indicated for rheumatism of the right shoulder. This helps manage shoulder joint pains that get worse at night. Sanguinaria works well in stiffness or cutting pain in the right deltoid. Shoulder pains get worse at night by raising and turning the arm.

This homeopathic remedy helps in shoulder pain, with the nape of the neck and the left hip joint being affected. It helps in bunting pains in the palms and soles.

Ruta graveolens (Ruta)

Common name: Rue bitterwort

Ruta graveolens is one of the best homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulder after tendon strains and sprains. It is indicated when the patient complains of violent pain in the neck.

Ruta works on injured joints, bruised bones, and tendons. It is one of the very good homeopathic medicines for frozen shoulders as it relieves sore, painful, and aching joints. Ruta works best on cracking joints that get worse in the open air. It is indicated in pain and stiffness of the hand joints. The rheumatic complaints of Ruta get worse on lying down and in cold weather.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of frozen shoulder

Your shoulder joint is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons that are enclosed in a connective tissue capsule. A frozen shoulder develops when this capsule around the shoulder joint becomes thicker and tighter. The factors that predispose to frozen shoulder include:

Decreased or complete immobility

Frozen shoulder is seen in people who have recently endured extended immobilization of their shoulder. This includes fracture, shoulder or arm surgery, rotator cuff injury, or stroke.

Disease conditions

Certain medical conditions predispose you to develop a frozen shoulder. Such conditions include diabetes, stroke, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Parkinson’s disease, and cardiac disease.


Frozen shoulder is more common in those over the age of 40 years. Females are more prone to develop frozen shoulders than males.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder

Pain and stiffness are the most common symptoms of a frozen shoulder. The stiffness restricts shoulder movements. Sometimes the pain can be dull and aching in nature. Pain in the frozen shoulder often runs down to the arm.

Symptoms of frozen shoulder differ based on its stage:

The freezing stage

The first stage lasts from three to nine months1. In this stage, your shoulder becomes stiff and painful while you move. The pain gradually increases and might worsen at night. Slowly it becomes difficult to move your shoulder.

The frozen stage

This stage lasts from ten to fourteen months1. The pain might reduce during this stage, but your shoulder stiffness remains. In this phase, you may find it challenging to complete daily activities.

The thawing (recovery) stage

The third stage of frozen shoulder lasts from fourteen months to two years1. During this stage intensity of pain reduces, and shoulder movements get better. Gradually normal movements and strength return.

Treatment  of Frozen Shoulder

The medical approaches to treating frozen shoulder focus on managing pain and preserving as much shoulder range of motion as possible. It includes:


Over-the-counter painkillers can help lessen the discomfort and swelling due to a frozen shoulder. Stronger anti-inflammatory and pain killing medications may occasionally be administered.


You can learn stretching techniques from a physiotherapist to help keep your shoulder as mobile as possible.

Surgical and non-surgical procedures

If the treatment mentioned above for a frozen shoulder does not provide positive results within 12 to 18 months, your doctor may advise:

  • Steroid injections: Corticosteroids can be injected directly into your shoulder joint to reduce pain and increase mobility.
  • Joint distension: To help stretch the tissue and ease movement of the joint, sterile water can be injected into the joint capsule.
  • Anesthesia-induced shoulder manipulation: A general anesthesia is administered during this operation. The doctor will then exert stress on your shoulder in various directions, stretching, or rupturing the capsule and scar tissue. This helps improve the mobility of the shoulder joint.
  • Shoulder arthroscopy: If nothing else works, you might be a candidate for surgery to remove scar tissue and adhesions inside your shoulder joint. This procedure is called shoulder arthroscopy.

Lifestyle modifications to prevent frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulders can be avoided if a few things are kept in check like:

  • Avoiding injury to the shoulders.
  • Keeping your shoulder warm, mainly as you sleep at night.
  • Avoiding usage of the affected arm excessively.
  • Avoiding lifting heavy weights.

Usually, a frozen shoulder develops as a result of immobility. Frequently, the shoulder starts hurting as it approaches stiffness. So one should try to maintain their shoulder’s full range of motion to prevent a frozen shoulder.


A frozen shoulder is a condition in which pain and stiffness occur in the shoulder, preventing movement. Sometimes it happens with no apparent cause, and sometimes, an injury or illness can cause it.

One to two years2 may pass before a frozen shoulder recovers, although homeopathy speeds up the process considerably. When illness can be treated quickly with homeopathy, there isn’t any need to endure pain for several months.


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