
Approximately 10% (190 million) of women and girls of reproductive age are affected by endometriosis across the globe.1 Endometriosis is a condition in which tissues (endometrium) that usually line the uterus begin to grow elsewhere in the pelvis, usually over the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvic lining.

The inner lining membrane of the uterus is called the endometrium. This tissue grows and thickens under the influence of female hormones. Then, during the menstrual cycle, endometrium is shed in the form of menstrual flow. In certain conditions, this endometrial tissue grows in parts other than the uterus.

Under the influence of fertility hormones, this misplaced tissue proliferates alongside the healthy uterine tissue. During the menstrual cycle, these sites start shedding the lining along with the uterine lining. This causes heavy bleeding and pain. Gradually, these tissues undergo scarring and develop adhesions affecting fertility.

Some women with endometriosis go undiagnosed until a pelvic check reveals their condition. While some women with this condition experience severe abdominal discomfort either during or just before their periods. Some others experience it throughout their menstrual cycle.

There are several factors responsible for endometriosis. Homeopathy, being a holistic science, can provide symptomatic relief and address the underlying cause.

Role of homeopathic medicines in treating endometriosis

Homeopathic medicines for endometriosis are primarily intended to relieve patient’s symptoms. However, due to their holistic nature, they treat other associated issues brought on by inflammation, adhesions, and scarring in the fallopian tubes, like infertility. These medicines relieve your symptoms of endometriosis and stop the disease from spreading further.

Top five homeopathic medicines for endometriosis

In homeopathy, there are no specific medications for endometriosis. Several therapeutic medications are prescribed depending on the overall constitution. Please find the top five homeopathic remedies for endometriosis listed below. These medicines have an affinity for female genital organs and are often prescribed after a thorough case evaluation from a homeopathic perspective.

Xanthoxylum fraxineum (Xan.)

Common name: Prickly ash

Xanthoxylum fraxineum is a great homeopathic medicine for endometriosis with early and painful menses. This medicine is indicated for thick menses, that is almost black. It treats ovarian neuralgia with pain in the ovary, loins, and lower abdomen. Pain is worse on the left side, extending down to the thighs along genitocrural nerves. Leucorrhoea at the time of menses is the keynote symptom of Xanthoxylum.

Lachesis mutus (Lach.)

Common name: Bushmaster or surucucu

Lachesis mutus is one of the best remedies for endometriosis with a cyst in the ovary. This medicine is prescribed for ovarian pain in the left ovary that worsens at night in sleep. Lachesis is indicated for a swollen and indurated left ovary.

This remedy is suited for females with menses that are too short, too feeble, and with pain in the coccyx and sacrum. Menstrual and ovarian pains worsen on rising from a sitting position and get relieved by menstrual flow. This medicine acts well on complaints that appear at the beginning and close of menstruation.

Cimicifuga racemosa (Actaea racemosa) (Cimic.)

Common name: Black snakeroot

Cimicifuga racemosa is one of the best medicines for endometriosis with painful periods. It is prescribed for severe, bearing down pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and uterine region during periods. Pain in ovarian regions shooting upward and down to the anterior surface of things calls for this medicine. This remedy is suited for darting pains in the pelvis from hip to hip. Sharp neuralgic pains appear in various body parts as a reflex of ovarian sensitivity.

The more the menstrual flow, the increased intensity of the pain. Menses are profuse, dark, coagulated, and offensive with backache.

Platinum metallicum (Plat.)

Common name: The metal

Platinum metallicum is best suited for endometriosis in women who complain of severe pain during intercourse. There is often burning and soreness in the vagina after having sex.

Early and profuse menses with dark clotted blood are an indication of this remedy. Other indications of this remedy include itching in the vulva, abnormal sexual appetite, excessive sexual development, and nymphomania.

Ammonium muriaticum (Am-m.)

Common name: Sal ammoniac

Ammonium muriaticum is an excellent remedy for endometriosis with rectal symptoms. It is suited for endometriosis with a bleeding rectum during menses. Menses are early, painful, dark, clotted, and more flow at night. Left-sided abdominal pain and pain around the navel are characteristic symptoms of the remedy.

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Causes of endometriosis

Although several theories have been proposed to explain the cause of endometriosis, none have been able to explain it clearly. Therefore, the actual cause of endometriosis is still unknown. Some theories to consider are:

Estrogen excess

Excess estrogen production is considered one of the main causes of endometriosis.2


A condition in which endometrial cells spontaneously replace and begin to grow in place of native cells.3


Women with immediate relatives like a mother, grandmother, sister, or maternal aunt with endometriosis are more prone to developing endometriosis.4

Retrograde menstruation

In this condition, menstrual blood with endometrial cells flows back into the fallopian tubes and pelvic cavity.5 These cells stick to the walls of pelvic organs and begin to grow, thicken, and bleed during the menstrual cycle.

Transformation of peritoneal cells

As per this theory, under the influence of hormones or immune factors, peritoneal cells transform into endometrial-like cells.3

Surgical scar implantation

After a hysterectomy or C-section, endometrial cells might attach to a surgical incision, causing endometriosis.6

Symptoms of endometriosis

The most common symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain. These pains often coincide with the menstrual cycle. However, the pain can occur at other times. The sensation of endometriosis pain might vary, but commonly, they are intense, crampy, and spasmodic. Endometriosis pain is felt like pain

  • Occurring before, during, or after menses
  • That begin suddenly
  • That are progressive in nature and get worse with every menstrual cycle
  • During ovulation (around 12-14 days before your next menses)
  • In the rectum during menstruation
  • While passing motions or urine
  • In the lower back during or after sexual intercourse
  • With excessive, heavy, and irregular bleeding during each menstrual cycle
  • With nausea and vomiting
  • With diarrhea or constipation, mostly before or during menstruation
  • With abdominal bloating again coinciding with menses
  • With a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion

Treatment for endometriosis

Endometriosis is commonly treated with medication or surgery. Doctors often advise trying conservative treatment methods first and only opting for surgery if such methods fail.

A.  Painkiller medications

Over-the-counter pain medicines are used to manage pain during the menstrual cycle.

B.  Hormone treatment

Endometriosis discomfort can be reduced or eliminated with the help of additional hormones. Hormone therapy may reduce endometrial tissue growth and stop new endometrial tissue implants. Hormonal therapies include

Birth control medications

Birth control pills, patches, and vaginal rings help regulate the hormones that cause the build-up of endometrial tissue. Using hormonal contraceptives, particularly continuous-cycle regimens, may lessen or eliminate pain associated with endometriosis.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists and antagonists

These medications suppress estrogen levels by blocking the production of ovarian hormones and stopping menstruation.

Progestin treatment

Numerous progestin treatments, such as intrauterine devices, can stop menstruation and the development of endometrial implants, which may alleviate the signs and symptoms of endometriosis.

Aromatase inhibitors

These medicines lower the estrogen levels in your body.

C.  Surgery

Those with endometriosis and trying to get pregnant have a better chance of success with conservative surgery. Endometriosis implants are removed during this surgery while keeping the uterus and ovaries. Although endometriosis and pain may return after surgery, it may reduce severe endometriosis pain. Most endometriosis cases can be managed with laparoscopic surgery, including severe ones.


It might be challenging to find relief from endometriosis symptoms. The only options are frequently invasive surgical procedures or unsustainable long-term hormonal medicines. However, natural modes of treatment, like homeopathy, can help resolve all issues related to endometriosis.


  1. Endometriosis [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 31]. Available from:
  2. Chantalat E, Valera M-C, Vaysse C, Noirrit E, Rusidze M, Weyl A, et al. Estrogen receptors and endometriosis. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2023 Aug 31];21(8):2815. Available from:
  3. Sourial S, Tempest N, Hapangama DK. Theories on the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Int J Reprod Med [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2023 Aug 31];2014:1–9. Available from:
  4. Hansen KA, Eyster KM. Genetics and genomics of endometriosis. Clin Obstet Gynecol [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2023 Aug 31];53(2):403–12. Available from:
  5. Lamceva J, Uljanovs R, Strumfa I. The main theories on the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Int J Mol Sci [Internet]. 2023 [cited 2023 Aug 31];24(5):4254. Available from:
  6. Malutan AM, Simon I, Ciortea R, Mocan-Hognogi RF, Dudea M, Mihu D. Surgical scar endometriosis: A series of 14 patients and brief review of literature. Med Pharm Rep [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2023 Aug 31];90(4):411–5. Available from:
  7. Endometriosis [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 31]. Available from:
  8. Parasar P, Ozcan P, Terry KL. Endometriosis: Epidemiology, diagnosis and clinical management. Curr Obstet Gynecol Rep [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2023 Aug 31];6(1):34–41. Available from:
  9. Sérgio P, Baracat EC, Teixeira MZ. Protocol of randomized controlled trial of potentized estrogen in homeopathic treatment of chronic pelvic pain associated with endometriosis. Homeopathy [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2023 Aug 31];105(03):240–9. Available from:
  10. Hunton M. Endometriosis and homœopathy: An audit study of 8 consecutive patients. Br Homeopath J [Internet]. 1993;82(02):92–6. Available from: