
Sneezing once in a while is not a big deal, everybody sneezes from time to time. If a minor trigger, like a cold or odor, is making you sneeze incessantly, it could be due to allergies. Unfortunately, such situations cannot be avoided and can be pretty distressing.

Sneezing is a physiological response that helps your nose get rid of irritants. When something foreign, such as dust, pollen, smoke, or dirt, enters your nostrils, the delicate lining of your nose may begin to itch or irritate. As a result, you will have a sneeze reflex to open the airway and clear the dust. In other words, sneezing is the human body’s first defense mechanism against external microorganisms. It is a reflex action that eventually stops on its own.

There are two types of rhinitis:

  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis

This occurs mainly in spring, summer, and early fall. It occurs during this time because the pollen count is high, with trees and weeds in full bloom.

  • Perennial allergic rhinitis

This can occur at any time of the year. This happens due to exposure to indoor allergens. However, this can worsen in winter when indoor time increases.

However, frequent sneezing can occasionally be uncomfortable to the extent that you might struggle to breathe. Homeopathic medicines can offer great relief to those with allergies and sneezing. The best part is that homeopathy can provide both immediate relief and a long-term solution to allergies.

Role of homeopathic medicines for allergy and sneezing

Homeopathic medicines are best for treating all kinds of allergies because they not only reduce symptoms but treat the root cause of allergies.

An overactive immune system is responsible for causing allergies. Thus, when you encounter certain substances, your immune system goes into overdrive. Although harmless, your immune system often perceives these allergens as offenders and tries to respond defensively. It makes too much mucus to wash them away.

Thus homeopathy repairs the immune system and corrects hyperactivity. When that happens, your body responds normally to the same things that previously triggered allergies.

Top five homeopathic medicines for allergy and sneezing

Allium cepa (All-c.)

Common name: Red onion

Allium cepa is the best homeopathic remedy for coryza with acrid nasal discharge and throat symptoms. Sneezing starts as soon as the person enters a warm room. Discharges are copious, watery, and extremely acrid.

Due to its acrid nature, the nasal discharge burns and corrodes the nose and upper lips.

The sensation of the lump at the root of the nose is a keynote symptom of Allium cepa. This remedy cures sneezing that is present with coryza, headache, cough, and hoarseness. Allium cepa works well when sneezing worsens in the evening and soon after rising from bed. There can be a non-irritating eye discharge with sneezing. This homeopathic medicine treats allergies that worsen in spring or early August.

Natrium muriaticum ( Nat-m.)

Common name: Chloride of sodium

Natrium muriaticum is one of the best homeopathic medicines indicated for nasal allergies. Violent sneezing and runny nose are the keynote symptoms of Nat. mur. The discharge is thin and watery and looks like the raw white of an egg. It flows for a day or two, followed by a nasal block. Due to this, there is a loss of smell and taste.

Nat. mur. treats sneezing that increases in the morning. Often there is a sensation of a tiny worm moving in the nostrils.

Arsenic album (Ars.)

Common name: Arsenious acid

Arsenic album is a very good homeopathic remedy for nasal discharge with a burning sensation. It is prescribed for sneezing with thin watery nasal discharge with excoriation of the skin of the nostrils. Nasal skin feels raw and burning from within.

Often sneezing gets worse in the open air but gets better indoors. It helps in sneezing, where the nose feels stuffed up. Sometimes there can be bleeding from the nostrils along with watery discharge.

Arundo mauritanica (Arund.)

Common name: Reed

Arundo mauritanica is a homeopathic medicine for itching in the nostrils with sneezing. This medicine is indicated for catarrhal states and hay fever. The person often feels burning and itching of the palate and conjunctiva. Other symptoms include itching of the nostrils, burning sensation, and loss of smell.

Sabadilla (Sabad.)

Common name: Cevadilla seed

Sabadilla is a homeopathic medicine that treats sneezing and allergy that worsens from strong smells. This homeopathic medicine acts on mucus membranes of the nose and lachrymal glands. Sabadilla treats spasmodic sneezing with a runny nose. People often complain of coryza with frontal pains. These people are sensitive to cold. There can be redness of the eyes and lachrymation.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of allergy and sneezing

Allergy and sneezing are immune responses to an irritant in the air. The irritants, also called allergens, are tiny particles that easily get inhaled through your nose or mouth.

These allergens are often harmless to most people and do not cause any trouble. But your immune system perceives the allergen as an intruding foreign particle if you have an allergy. To protect the body, your immune system releases a natural chemical called histamine. This causes inflammation and itching of your nose, eyes, and throat mucous membranes.

Allergens include:

  • Dust mites living in your house carpets, bedding, and furniture
  • Pollen from grass, plants, trees, and weeds
  • Pet dander, hair, dead skin, and flakes

Symptoms of allergy and sneezing

Symptoms of sneezing and allergy can appear throughout the year. Allergies caused due to outdoor allergens get worse in spring and summer. Indoor allergens cause allergies that get worse from dust, and pets dander more in winter when people spend more time indoors.

Symptoms include:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny, itchy nose
  • Itching in the throat and eyes
  • Headache
  • Dark circle around eyes
  • Increased mucus from nose and throat
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fatigue
  • A general feeling of discomfort
  • Sore throat
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Trouble breathing

Treatment for sneezing and allergies


Antihistamines function by preventing histamine release in response to an allergic reaction.


These drugs help to clear sinus and nasal congestion.

Corticosteroid nasal sprays and inhalers

These products lessen inflammation and treat allergy symptoms.

Leukotriene inhibitors

The body releases histamines, leukotriene, and other substances after an allergic reaction, which leads to inflammation and hay fever symptoms. These medications inhibit these leukotrienes.


This therapy helps your body develop a tolerance to allergens. You receive a series of injections (allergy shots) from your doctor containing a small quantity of the allergen. Your doctor increases the allergen dose with each injection. Your immune system becomes immune to the allergen and no longer reacts to it over time.

Diet and lifestyle modification for allergy and sneezing

Allergic reactions cannot be prevented, but you can manage your allergies by changing your way of life like minimizing your exposure to allergens.

  • Do not rub your eyes or nose or touch your face frequently.
  • Close the windows in your house when pollen counts are higher.
  • Place dust mite covers over pillows and mattresses.
  • Keep your pets away from your couches, beds, and bedrooms.
  • Use filters in your vacuum and air conditioner, to cut allergens in the air.
  • Wash your hands frequently, particularly after handling animals.


Sneezing is an essential immune response that is essential. However, when this response becomes excessive it can be annoying.

The most effective method for treating these allergies, and hypersensitivities is homeopathy. So next time you sneeze don’t pop up antihistamines, instead try homeopathy.


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