As per the 2017 study, 29.5 million adults across the globe have psoriasis. This is a chronic autoimmune skin condition that is a non-contagious disease. It is characterized by red, dry, scaly patches that have intense itching. Psoriasis can significantly impact your physical and emotional well-being. The exact cause of psoriasis is still under research. However, medical science has come up with several treatment options.

Mostly, these give temporary relief. Made from natural substances, homeopathic remedies aid in healing psoriasis eruptions, lessen the severity, and reduce flare-ups. Homeopathy, being a holistic science, offers hope for a better life for those living with psoriasis.

Role of homeopathy in psoriasis 

Homeopathic constitutional medicines can efficiently treat psoriasis. These constitutional medicines are selected solely based on individual symptoms. This includes the site of psoriasis eruption, type of psoriasis, the factors that aggravate and ameliorate, time of itching, and severity of itching in psoriasis

Such prescriptions eradicate psoriasis from its roots, giving you long-term relief. These natural medicines help reduce the severity of psoriasis, itching, burning, and its recurrence. 

The best part of homeopathy is it corrects your overactive immune system. Initially, it reduces the itching and burning sensation in the psoriasis. Gradually, it heals current psoriasis eruptions along with the prevention of further progress of psoriasis.

Top five homeopathic medicines for psoriasis 

Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis are prescribed based on the totality of symptoms. Thus, one medication will not be effective in all psoriasis cases. Also, do not expect instant relief, as psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that takes some time. But in the end, it gives long-lasting results. Here are the top five homeopathic remedies for psoriasis.

Graphites naturalis (Graph.)

Common name: Black lead

An excellent homeopathic medicine for managing psoriasis is Graphites. This remedy helps in psoriasis patches that are sore, dry, and rough with scales. Graphites works well on psoriasis cracks on the surface.

This remedy is indicated in scalp psoriasis. Often, there is soreness over the scalp, with intense itching or burning sensation on the top of the head. These eruptions spread behind the ears. Nail psoriasis with rough, thick, and deformed nails calls for Graphites.

Also, this remedy is indicated for psoriasis over the bends of elbows or bend of knees, neck, behind the ears, face, nose, and chin. It works well on psoriasis with skin eruptions that ooze sticky, gluey discharge after scratching.

Sulphur (Sulph.)

Common name: Sublimated Sulphur

Psoriasis with intense itching and burning can be treated with Sulphur. This remedy treats psoriasis in people who scratch their skin eruptions till it bleeds. 

Sulphur is suited for psoriasis with dry scales that itch in the evening and at night, when in bed that also disturbs sleep. 

Psoriasis itching that is wandering in nature and changes places frequently calls for this remedy. Sulphur helps in managing rough, scaly eruptions that get painful after rubbing.

Other indications of this remedy are pricking, biting, and sticking sensations in the eruptions. Sulphur is also a remedy for skin complaints suppressed by local ointments or external applications.

Petroleum (Petr.)

Common name: Crude rock oil

Petroleum is a very good homeopathic medicine for psoriasis, with deep cracks on the skin. This remedy is indicated for psoriasis with a burning sensation.

Petroleum is a remedy for psoriasis that worsens in winter, at night, and due to the warmth of the bed. Psoriasis with intolerable itching and bleeding in the cracks calls for this remedy. 

It treats psoriasis that is intensely sore, hard, painful, fissured, and slow to heal. The skin is prone to infection and forms leathery scabs due to chronic irritation. 

Arsenic album (Ars.)

Common name: Arsenious acid 

Ars. alb. works well in cases of guttate psoriasis where small rose-colored spots appear with scales. It is indicated for dry, rough, red papular eruptions with silver-colored scales. These eruptions are present on most body parts except the face and hands. The lesions spread rapidly and have intense itching. After scratching eruptions, there is severe pain and bleeding. Ars. alb. is indicated for psoriasis that worsens with cold, and lesions get better with warmth.

Mercurius solubilis (Merc.)

Common name: Quicksilver

Merc. sol. is one of the best remedies for scalp psoriasis. It proves to be very efficient in the case of psoriasis, where the scalp is covered with abundant white scales. Psoriasis with raw scales over the scalp is an indication of this remedy. These eruptions have intense itching and get worse at night. The scales shed rapidly and re-form repeatedly. There is scalp sensitivity with sour-smelling sweat and hairfall.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of psoriasis

The exact reason behind psoriasis is not yet clear and is still under research. It is believed to be a complicated interplay of genetic, immune system, and environmental factors. Several contributing factors include:

Immune system

Autoimmune conditions are those where your immune system begins a misdirected immune response. Under this response, your immune cells target and destroy healthy body tissues. 

In psoriasis, your body’s immune cells target the skin. This leads to scaly eruptions. 


Family history plays a significant role in psoriasis. Those individuals with a family history of psoriasis are at high risk of developing it.

Environmental triggers

Various triggers, like streptococcal infections, skin injuries, stress, lithium, and beta-blocker medications, can worsen or trigger psoriasis in high-risk individuals.


As per another hypothesis, abnormal functioning of T-cells can be the cause. This often leads to inflammatory responses seen in psoriasis.


Cytokines are specific proteins. Increased production of cytokines can lead to inflammation, causing psoriasis.


Hormonal changes can impact psoriasis. It includes hormonal fluctuations during puberty and menopause.


Obesity is known to increase the risk and severity of psoriasis.

Symptoms of psoriasis 

Psoriasis is characterized by several symptoms that vary in severity and appearance. Common symptoms include:

  • Red, raised skin patches typically covered with silvery-white scales is a characteristic symptom of psoriasis.
  • Itching and irritation leading to discomfort are common in psoriasis.
  • Psoriasis can make the skin dry and prone to cracking.
  • Psoriasis can cause thickened or pitted nails with ridges. Also, nails can turn yellow and get detached from the nail bed.
  • Some people with psoriasis may have joint pain and stiffness. This condition is known as psoriatic arthritis.
  • Scalp psoriasis can appear as red, itchy areas covered with silvery scales.
  • Inverse psoriasis affects skin folds like the underarms, groin, and beneath the breasts. It causes smooth and red patches.
  • Small, water-drop-shaped sores characterize guttate psoriasis. These commonly appear on the torso, arms, and legs.
  • In pustular psoriasis, pus-filled blisters appear over the skin.

Treatment for psoriasis

Psoriasis treatment aims to relieve symptoms, reduce inflammation, and reduce skin cell turnover. Treatment options differ on the basis of type and severity of psoriasis. Here are some common treatment options:

Topical lotions or creams

  • Corticosteroids 

These are often prescribed for mild to moderate psoriasis. Corticosteroid local applications help reduce inflammation. 

  • Topical calcineurin inhibitors

These are prescribed for psoriasis on sensitive skin areas like the face and genitals.

  •  Vitamin D analogs

This treatment is used alone or in combination with other treatments. Vitamin D analogs decrease skin cell growth in psoriasis.

  • Topical retinoids

These are derived from vitamin A. Topical retinoids help reduce inflammation.

Phototherapy or light therapy

  • UVB phototherapy

Ultraviolet B (UVB) light under controlled conditions can reduce symptoms.

  • PUVA Therapy

This combines psoralen (a light-sensitizing medication) with UVA light exposure to reduce symptoms.

Oral medications

  • Oral retinoids

In widespread psoriasis, oral retinoids are prescribed.

  • Methotrexate

Methotrexate helps slow down skin cell production in severe psoriasis.

  • Cyclosporine

Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant that helps in severe psoriasis.


These are newer medications that target specific parts of the immune system. Biologics are effective for moderate to severe psoriasis.


Medicated moisturizers help reduce dryness and itching in psoriasis.

Dietary modifications for psoriasis 

  • Anti-inflammatory diet

As per research an anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce symptoms.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, have beneficial effects.

  • Gluten-free diet

For individuals with psoriasis, a gluten-free diet helps improve symptoms.

Lifestyle modifications for psoriasis

  • Healthy weight

Obesity can increase the risk of psoriasis.  Thus, it can worsen psoriasis symptoms. 

  • Alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption can worsen psoriasis. Reducing alcohol intake can benefit.

  • Smoking

Smoking increases the risk for psoriasis. Quit smoking to get relief from psoriasis symptoms.

  • Stress management

High stress levels can exacerbate psoriasis. Following stress-reduction techniques like meditation and yoga can be of help.


Immunosuppressants and corticosteroids are not a long-term solution for psoriasis. A holistic approach with homeopathy can provide the best results. Homeopathy can rectify your hyper responsive immune system. Thus, the results of homeopathic medicines for psoriasis are safe, long-lasting, and effective.
