Blocked fallopian tubes are among the most common causes of infertility in women. Around 40% of cases of infertility are due to fallopian tube blockages. Fallopian tubes are female reproductive organs that connect your ovaries to your uterus. Every month, your ovary releases an ovum (egg), which is picked up by the fimbriae of your fallopian tube. This ovum enters your fallopian tube and remains there for about 12 to 24 hours. If sperm fertilizes this egg, the process of conception is carried forward. If the ovum is not fertilized, it is shed along with the endometrium (uterine lining) as menstrual blood. 

Therefore, an open or patent fallopian tube is essential for the ovum to travel through and unite with the sperm. In case your fallopian tubes are blocked due to some cause, the passage of your ovum along the fallopian tube is obstructed, preventing the sperm from uniting with the ovum and resulting in infertility. A hysterosalpingogram is a diagnostic test conducted to rule out fallopian tube blockage.

Scar tissue, pelvic infections, and adhesions are common causes of fallopian tube blockage. Blocked fallopian tubes are asymptomatic, so you will not experience any symptoms. Most women don’t realize they have fallopian tube blockage until they try to conceive and are unsuccessful.

Fallopian tube blockage can be treated successfully with homeopathy

Role of homeopathy in fallopian tube blockage

Homeopathy is an effective treatment for fallopian tube blockage. Constitutional homeopathic medications help you conceive naturally without causing any side effects.

Homeopathy works well in treating fallopian tube blockage caused due to spasms, mucus plugs, or tubes that are blocked over time. In case of fallopian tube blockage due to infections, homeopathic medications aim to control the further progression of the infection and then focus on clearing the blockages in the tubes. The constitutional homeopathic remedies correct the cause of the fallopian tube blockage and eliminate the risk of recurrence. 

Top five homeopathic medicines for fallopian tube blockage

Cimicifuga racemosa (Actaea racemosa) (Cimic.)

Common name: Black snakeroot

Cimicifuga racemosa is considered to be an effective medicine for fallopian tube blockage due to endometriosis. There is severe pelvic pain during menses, and this pain radiates from hip to hip. Sometimes, the pain radiates from ovary to ovary or moves downwards along the thighs.

Other indications of Cimicifuga include severe bearing down pain in the lower abdomen. These women often complain of backache during menses; this pain increases with blood flow. This remedy works well in women with profuse or scanty, dark, coagulated, irregular, or regular menses.

Medorrhinum (Med.)

Common name: The gonorrheal virus

Medorrhinum is prescribed for fallopian tube blockage after a pelvic infection. Often, these women have a history of gonorrhea. Medorrhinum is indicated for fallopian tube blockage due to infective salpingitis (inflammation of the tubes). Acrid, itchy, thick, excoriating vaginal discharges with fishy odor are characteristic symptoms of this remedy. This medicine helps to reduce intense abdominal pain during periods.

Lachesis mutus (Lach.)

Common name: Bushmaster or surucucu

Lachesis is suited for left-sided fallopian tube blockage. This remedy is indicated in swollen, indurated, and painful left ovaries. These women have black, scanty, lumpy, and acrid menstrual flow. Women needing Lachesis have painful menses and less flow, causing more pain. Pain is more severe on the first day. 

Sepia officinalis (Sep.)

Common name: Inky juice of cuttlefish

Sepia is recommended for fallopian tube blockage due to inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis). These women often complain of gripping, clutching, and stitching, type pains in the pelvis. 

Fallopian tube blockage in women with low sexual drive and pain during sexual activity indicates this remedy. Sepia is suited to women with late, irregular, early, scanty, or profuse menses with sharp cutting pains. 

Sepia is effective for fallopian tube blockage due to endometriosis. There is marked urinary urgency and frequency with bearing down sensation in the pelvis. There is aching, burning pain in the bladder while passing urine during menses.

Eupionum (Eupi.)

Common name: Wood tar distillation 

Eupionum removes blocks from both sides of the fallopian tubes. This remedy is indicated in women complaining of burning pain in the right ovary. Gushing leucorrhoea is accompanied by other menstrual complaints.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of fallopian tube blockage

  • Inflammation

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can lead to scarring and fallopian tube blockage.

  • Infection

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other infections can cause scarring leading to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Endometriosis

In endometriosis, a tissue similar to your uterine lining (endometrium) grows outside your uterus. This causes adhesions and fallopian tube blockage

  • Surgeries

If you have had previous abdominal or pelvic surgeries, like cesarean sections, it can cause scar tissue formation, leading to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

If you have had an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized ovum/egg implants and grows outside the uterus), it can cause damage, leading to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Congenital abnormalities

Women with birth defects or structural abnormalities of the tubes can lead to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis infection involving female reproductive organs can cause inflammation and scarring of your tubes, leading to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Pelvic adhesions

Scar tissue formation due to various causes can make your tubes stick to nearby organs, leading to a fallopian tube blockage.

  • Hydrosalpinx

Fluid accumulation (hydrosalpinx) in your fallopian tubes can cause fallopian tube blockage.

  • Other factors

Certain factors like smoking, age, and exposure to certain chemicals or toxins contribute to fallopian tube blockage.

Symptoms of fallopian tube blockage

Fallopian tube blockage may not always present with symptoms. Some women discover it while they seek evaluation for infertility or other reproductive health concerns. However, the symptoms include:

  • Difficulty getting pregnant / infertility

The most common sign of fallopian tube blockage is infertility or difficulty conceiving.

  • Chronic pelvic pain

You might experience chronic pelvic pain if fallopian tube blockage is due to conditions like endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. This pain can be intermittent or constant.

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

Fallopian tube blockage can disrupt your hormonal imbalance and menstrual cycles, leading to irregular periods.

  • Pain during intercourse

You might experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. This pain is more marked when fallopian tube blockage is due to inflammation or adhesions in the pelvic area.

  • Vaginal discharge

A foul-smelling, discolored, abnormal vaginal discharge is common in fallopian tube blockage due to infections or inflammation.

  • Fever

Some women may experience unexplained fever or flu-like symptoms in cases of severe infection or inflammation.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

The fallopian tube blockage can lead to an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg attaches and grows outside the uterus. This can cause abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, and other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy complications.

Treatment for fallopian tube blockage

  • Medications

In cases of mild fallopian tube blockage caused by conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or endometriosis, fertility medications are prescribed to induce ovulation or to address underlying hormonal imbalances. These medications can help in treating fallopian tube blockage and increasing the chances of natural conception.

  • Surgery

Surgical procedures are advised to remove blockages and repair damaged tubes. Surgeries include tubal cannulation or tuboplasty.

In tubal cannulation, a catheter is inserted into your fallopian tubes to clear blockages.

In tuboplasty, fallopian tubes are surgically repaired by removing scar tissue or other obstructions. However, these procedures are only suitable for certain types of fallopian tube blockages, and their success rates vary depending on the blockage’s severity and location.

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)

IVF is often advised for women with fallopian tube blockage when other treatment options are not successful or when the blockage is severe.  In IVF, eggs are collected directly from the ovaries, fertilized with sperm artificially in a laboratory, and the fertilized embryos are transferred into your uterus. This is an effective option in couples where natural conception is not possible due to fallopian tube blockage.

  • Salpingectomy or tubal reanastomosis

Surgical removal of the affected tubes (salpingectomy) is recommended in cases where the fallopian tubes are severely damaged or have underlying issues, like hydrosalpinx (fluid-filled tubes). Alternatively, tubal reanastomosis (reconnecting the fallopian tubes) is done in women who desire to restore fertility naturally.

  • Laparoscopy

Laparoscopic surgery is performed to treat certain types of fallopian tube blockages. 

Diet and lifestyle changes for fallopian tube blockage

  • Maintain a healthy weight

Being obese or underweight can impact your hormone levels and cause infertility. Focus on a balanced diet and regular exercise to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

  • Quit smoking

Smoking can cause fallopian tube blockage and reduce your chances of fertility. Quit smoking to improve your chances of natural conception.

  • Manage stress

Chronic stress can disturb your hormone levels and interfere with reproductive function. Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or deep breathing exercises.

  • Avoid exposure to toxins

Minimize your exposure to environmental toxins, pollutants, and harmful chemicals that can negatively impact your reproductive health. This includes avoiding exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, and certain household chemicals.


Fallopian tube blockage not only causes infertility but can be life-threatening when a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube. Homeopathic treatment under a qualified homeopath can complement conventional treatment for your fallopian tube blockage. Consult a professional homeopathic doctor to overcome tubal blockage and embark on your parenthood journey with this scientific treatment.
