Leukorrhea or vaginal discharge is when a woman’s vagina releases an unusual white or yellowish fluid. It’s normal for women to have some discharge, but if it becomes too much or has a strange smell, it could be a sign of a problem. Sometimes leukorrhea occurs due to infections like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, which occur when the bacteria in the vagina get out of balance. Sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea or trichomoniasis can also cause leukorrhea. Hormonal changes, poor hygiene, certain medications, and health issues like diabetes can contribute to leukorrhea too. 

Treatment varies depending on what caused leukorrhea. The doctor may recommend creams or pills for countering infections, hormones for body balancing purposes, or propose lifestyle changes such as improved hygiene practices and wearing breathable cotton underclothes. In addition to these, sometimes natural medicines like probiotics or herbs also help. 

Role of homeopathy in leukorrhea

In treating leukorrhea, homeopathy aims to treat the underlying cause of the problem, such as infections or hormonal imbalances, instead of just alleviating the symptoms. Homeopathic medicines for leukorrhea are chosen according to specific symptoms and general health status in individuals. 

Six effective medicines for leukorrhea

Pulsatilla (Puls.)

Common name: Windflower

Pulsatilla is indicated for green, yellow, or thick leukorrhea that is itchy and burns. This medicine also works well for menstrual irregularities and mood swings. Pulsatilla is also indicated when the complaints feel less intense in open air.

Sepia (Sep.)

Common name: Cuttlefish

Sepia treats leukorrhea with a fishy smell with discharges of a yellowish or green color. Sepia helps with fatigue, irritability, vaginal dryness as well as low sex drive in the case of leukorrhea.

Borax (Bor.)

Common name: Borate of sodium

Borax is indicated for clear egg white-like leukorrhea. It relieves symptoms that worsen before and after menses, such as vaginal itching with burning pain during intercourse.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc-c.)

Common name: Carbonates of calcium 

Calcarea carbonica can be used for leukorrhea with milky or watery discharge. Calc. carb. is useful in chilly women who gain weight easily and have any menstrual irregularity or cramping.

Kreosotum (Kreo.)

Common name: Beechwood Kreosote

Kreosotum is prescribed to relieve the burning and sore feeling on the genitals caused by foul-smelling acrid leukorrhea that irritates the skin. It may also help alleviate urinary complaints such as frequent urination.

Medorrhinum (Medo.)

Common name: Gonorrheal bacteria

Medorrhinum is indicated when a thick yellowish or greenish sticky leukorrhea is associated with an offensive odor during menstruation. This medicine is particularly useful when leukorrhea is associated with burning and itching sensations in the genital area. Women usually experience recurrent or chronic leukorrhea that does not respond well to other treatments.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors of leukorrhea 

  • Yeast infection

An overgrowth of yeast in the vagina results in an abnormal increase in the white discharge, causing leukorrhea.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

It happens when there’s a problem with the bacteria in the vagina; the bacteria may disturb the pH levels of the vagina, causing leukorrhea.

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Infections that spread through sex may cause leukorrhea.

  • Hormonal changes

During periods or pregnancy, hormones can change and cause more leukorrhea.

  • Poor hygiene

Not cleaning well enough around the vagina can cause infections and leukorrhea.

  • Medications

Some medications like antibiotics for an infection or birth control pills, can cause changes in discharge.

  • Irritants 

Using things like douches or sprays can upset the vagina and cause leukorrhea.

  • Foreign bodies

Leaving a tampon inside can cause problems and leukorrhea.

  • Chronic medical conditions

Conditions like diabetes or thyroid issues can affect vaginal discharge and cause leukorrhea.

  • Stress

Feeling stressed out may increase infections that may cause an increase in the white discharge or leukorrhea.

  • Allergies

Some individuals might be allergic to condoms or other products, causing irritation and leukorrhea. 

Symptoms of leukorrhea 

  • Discharge coming out of your vagina, like mucus or fluid, might look white, yellowish, or greenish.
  • The leukorrhea might smell fishy or have a different odor, which is not usual. 
  • Feeling itchy or uncomfortable around your private area. An irresistible urge to itch can also be present.
  • Feeling a burning sensation when you pee or after peeing during sexual intercourse.
  • Feeling pain or discomfort around the vaginal area. 

Redness and swelling around your vagina.

  • You feel like needing to pee more often than usual.
  • You feel tired or weak like you have no energy.
  • You may also develop fever at times if some infection causes the leukorrhea.

Treatment of leukorrhea 

Your leukorrhea treatment depends on what caused it first and then fixing that. Also, in case of an infection such as yeast or bacteria, your doctor can give you some exclusive creams or tablets to relieve this disease. In some cases, hormone imbalance may necessitate hormonal medications to restore equilibrium. Hygiene practices such as washing up and avoiding harsh soaps or sprays might also work. Treating other disorders like diabetes and thyroid problems can alleviate the discharge as well. A physician should be contacted to determine the best treatment options for leukorrhea.

Diet and lifestyle modification for leukorrhea

  • Safe sex practice

Consistently using condoms can reduce the risk of contracting any sexually transmitted infection that could be the reason for leukorrhea. 

  • Regular screening

Regular screenings, such as Pap tests and HPV tests, are crucial for early detection of any disease that could possibly be the cause of leukorrhea. 

  • Diet

A wholesome diet can support your overall health and enhance the immune system’s ability to fight infections that cause leukorrhea.

  • Regular exercise

Regular physical workouts or exercise may help you maintain a balanced weight, reduce stress, and strengthen the immune system. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.

  • Wear clean and comfortable underwear 

Wash your undergarments regularly, and always use a washed undergarment.   Preferably, a cotton undergarment should be worn. Your underwear should be allowed to dry in direct sunlight. Wear loose clothes to keep your genital area clean.

  • Maintain personal hygiene

Wash your genitals with plain water. Avoid using any douches or intimate washes as they can alter your pH and cause infections


Treating leukorrhea is all about figuring out why it’s happening and then addressing that cause. If the cause for leukorrhea is an infection due to fungus or bacteria, your doctor might provide special creams or pills for treating it. Otherwise, if there is any problem with your hormones, the doctor will recommend hormonal treatment. Knowing how to keep clean down there by not using strong soaps or sprays will also help. And if you have other medical issues like diabetes or thyroid troubles, taking care of those will alleviate leukorrhea, too. Talk to a homeopathic physician regarding possible resolutions to leukorrhea.
