
If your family is complaining about your snoring or you often wake up tired with a headache even after enough sleep, you could have sleep apnea.

Good refreshing sleep is essential for a healthy life. The hours and quality of your sleep affect how well your body and mind can rejuvenate each day. Sleep apnea stops your breathing while you are asleep. These pauses can occur throughout the night and range from a few seconds to more than a minute.1 Sleep apnea is more common than you think and messes up more than just your sleep.

However, most people with sleep apnea are unaware of their condition or do not pay attention to their symptoms. Your body lacks oxygen due to sleep apnea. When your tissues are deprived of oxygen, your body’s immune system triggers inflammation. A lower percentage of oxygen in the long run can make inflammation worse. Chronic inflammation can cause significant, long-lasting health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, obesity, depression, diabetes, dementia, and cancer.

There is no proven treatment for sleep apnea in the traditional system of medicine. However, homeopathy has several deep-acting remedies that help with sleep apnea. Homeopathy, being a natural science, solves sleep troubles without making you feel dull, exhausted, and addicted to these medicines.

Role of homeopathy in sleep apnea

People of all ages can use homeopathic medicines for sleep apnea. A homeopathic physician considers all of your symptoms and underlying causes before prescribing the medication for your sleep apnea. Factors like obesity, smoking, hypothyroidism, lifestyle habits, medical history, allergies, and family history are considered before prescribing the remedy.

Top six homeopathic medicines for sleep apnea

Lachesis mutus (Lach.)

Common name: Bushmaster or Surucucu

Lachesis mutus is one of the best homeopathic medicines for sleep apnea. This remedy is indicated in cases where the person frequently wakes up due to obstructed breathing. He has to sit up and take a deep breath.

Lachesis is prescribed for people with a fear of going to sleep. These people often feel a choking sensation with sleep apnea. All their symptoms aggravate after sleep.

Opium (Op.)

Common name: Dried latex of poppy

This homeopathic medicine is indicated for sleep apnea with deep snoring. It treats loss of breath when falling asleep. These people often feel suffocated.

Opium works well in cases of excessive drowsiness and sluggishness during the day due to unrefreshing sleep. This medicine works wonders in people who are sleepy but cannot sleep due to distant noises, cocks crowing.

Grindelia robusta (Grin.)

Common name: Rosin wood

Grindelia robusta is another excellent remedy for sleep apnea for asthmatic people. This is indicated in people who stop breathing while sleeping and wake up suddenly, gasping for breath. There is oppression felt in the chest with tough, profuse, tenacious white expectoration and wheezing.

Ammonium carbonicum ( Am-c.)

Common name: Carbonate of Ammonia

Ammonium carbonicum is a homeopathic medicine for sleep apnea with enlarged adenoids or tonsils. This remedy treats sleep apnea with the blocked nose at night and an inability to sleep. People wake up suddenly gasping for breath. Ammon. carb. is indicated for excessive sleepiness during the daytime.

Sambucus nigra (Samb.)

Common name: Elderberry

Sambucus nigra is a very good homeopathic medicine for sleep apnea in children. These kids wake up suddenly during sleep feeling suffocated. The child sits up and gasps for breath. The episodes of pauses of breathing are repeated frequently throughout the night. Dry and an obstructed nose with sleep apnea call for this remedy.

Lemna minor (Lem-m.)

Common name: Duckweed

Lemna minor is a homeopathic medicine prescribed for sleep apnea due to nasal polyps. This remedy acts well in case of stuffed nostrils from polyps and a putrid smell from the nose with snoring. Sleep is poor, and there is marked restlessness due to lack of sleep. The person often desires fresh air.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of sleep apnea

The causes of sleep apnea vary depending on the type of apnea. Here are the three main types of sleep apnea:

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

This common type of sleep apnea is brought on by relaxed throat muscles that stop airflow to the lungs. These muscles support your soft palate. When these muscles relax, your airway narrows. Your airway closes as you breathe in. Thus you can’t get enough air, lowering your oxygen levels.

At this point, your brain senses that you can’t breathe and wakes you so that you can breathe to reopen your airway. However, this awakening is brief; you will not remember it. When this happens, you may snore or gasp repeatedly all night.

Central sleep apnea (CSA)

Sleep apnea that occurs when the brain fails to properly activate the muscles that regulate breathing is central sleep apnea. In other words, you stop breathing without knowing. Shortness of breath could wake you up.

Complex sleep apnea

Also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea, this happens when someone with OSA slips into CSA while undergoing therapy for OSA.

Symptoms of sleep apnea

  • Loud snoring that is loud enough to wake others.
  • Snoring that may come and go throughout the night.
  • Sore throat and dry mouth due to keeping your mouth open throughout the night.
  • Waking up with a choking sensation.
  • Restless sleep, frequent waking up, or sleeplessness.
  • Drowsy and sleepy during the day.
  • Lack of energy even after sufficient sleep.
  • Morning headaches due to poor sleep and oxygen deprivation.
  • Forgetfulness, mood swings, and a lack of interest in sex.
  • Dizziness due to low oxygen levels.
  • Nightmares or bad dreams.

Treatment for sleep apnea

Although sleep apnea can be corrected with weight loss, treatment is necessary to alleviate symptoms.

Oral devices

Some dental devices can help in keeping your airway open. This device is designed to keep your lower jaw forward and your tongue in the proper position. A trained dentist can fit this device for you.


This procedure shrinks and stiffens the tissue of your soft palate.

Upper airway stimulation (UAS)

A small device that has a pulse generator with a wire under the skin. This wire detects your natural breathing pattern. It keeps your throat muscles open by signals sent from another wire that regulate them.


Sleep apnea frequently results in drowsiness, which can be treated with medications.

Surgery for sleep apnea

If the solutions mentioned above haven’t improved your sleep apnea issue, surgery may be necessary. The common types of surgical procedures for treating sleep apnea include:

  • Nasal operation

This treats nasal issues like a deviated nasal septum.

  • UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty)

This includes the removal of soft tissue from the back of your throat and palate. This widens your upper airway.

  • Mandibular maxillomandibular advancement surgery

This corrects some face issues or throat blockages that contribute to sleep apnea.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for sleep apnea

While there is no known treatment for sleep apnea, some lifestyle choices can correct the condition or at least lessen its severity like:

Reducing weight

Obese persons are more likely to have sleep apnea. The upper airways may become blocked by additional fat tissue.


If you are not physically active, you can be at higher risk of developing sleep apnea. Fat surrounding your upper airways reduces with exercise.

Quit smoking and drinking

Alcohol and smoking can worsen sleep apnea by lessening the tone of the upper airway breathing muscles. Also, heavy drinkers frequently gain weight.

Check your mattress

A bed that elevates your head might help with sleep apnea.


Sleep apnea is more complex and serious than it may appear. It requires medical evaluation and treatment. Homeopathy is the best system of medicine to manage sleep apnea. If you are struggling with loud snoring, try homeopathy and enjoy undisturbed sleep.


  1. Sleep apnea research [Internet]. NHLBI, NIH. [cited 2023 Aug 28]. Available from:
  2. Slowik JM, Sankari A, Collen JF. Obstructive Sleep Apnea. StatPearls Publishing; 2022.
  3. Central sleep apnea research – Google Search [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 28]. Available from:,in%20managing%20the%20condition%20better.
  4. Morgenthaler TI, Kuzniar TJ, Wolfe LF, Willes L, McLain WC III, Goldberg R. The complex sleep apnea resolution study: A prospective randomized controlled trial of continuous positive airway pressure versus adaptive servoventilation therapy. Sleep [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2023 Aug 28];37(5):927–34. Available from:
  5. Oral devices for sleep apnea research – Google Search [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 28]. Available from:
  6. Gite SS. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and It’s Homoeopathic Management [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 31]. Available from: