A study showed that 25.2% of Indians are struggling with migraine headaches. A migraine is a headache with characteristic pain on one side of the head. These headaches are throbbing or pulsating in nature. Other migraine symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and light and noise sensitivity. This type of headache can last for hours to days to weeks. Migraine headaches are often so severe that it can disturb your routine life.

In some cases, migraine headaches begin with an aura. It is a warning symptom experienced before the onset of a migraine headache or with the headache. The aura symptoms may feel like flashes of light in different shapes before the eyes, temporary loss of vision, or difficulty in speech. Other aura symptoms include tingling and prickling sensations on the face, arms, or legs.

Most people use analgesics or painkillers for these migraine headache episodes. Excess use of this medication can make you dependent on the medication and lead to overuse headaches. In other words, painkillers lose their efficacy to reduce pain and start to produce drug-induced headaches. This can cause a further negative impact on your body. However, migraine headaches can be treated holistically and gently with homeopathy. This mode of treatment is gentle, reliable, and safe.

Role of homeopathy in migraine headache

Homeopathy is popular for migraine because it can wonderfully manage both acute migraine attacks and chronic migraine. It cures migraine headaches gently without any side effects.

Homeopathic migraine medications are selected based on your headache symptoms, mental disposition, and general physical symptoms. All these spheres are studied in-depth to understand the person as a whole. A qualified homeopath also considers triggering factors and presenting symptoms in the patient before choosing a final similar remedy.

These medicines resolve the root cause of migraine. Also, these medicines can prevent migraine attacks. The best part is these sweet pills improve your emotional state and enhance overall well-being. Thus, homeopathic remedies for migraine headaches offer effective treatment.

Top five homeopathic medicines for migraine headache

Belladonna (Bell.)

Common name: Deadly Nightshade

Belladonna is one of the best homeopathic remedies for acute migraine headaches with intense throbbing, pulsating pain. This is among the top homeopathic medicines for treating migraine headaches with extreme fullness in the head. Often, the patient feels a sensation as if the head would burst. This remedy works well on right-sided migraines.

Belladonna soothes migraine headaches triggered by exposure to cold air and a head bath with cold water. This remedy is indicated when the headache worsens due to the slightest noise. Belladonna acts by reducing inflammation. It is indicated in migraine headaches relieved by manual pressing of the head.

Glonoinum (Glon.)

Common name: Nitroglycerine

Glonoinum headache is often throbbing and bursting in nature. The person often feels excessive blood rush into the head. It is indicated for migraine headaches where the person holds his head tightly as he feels his head is enlarging and might burst.

This constitution often gets migraine headaches after sun exposure. It is also prescribed for extreme head heaviness with unbearable heat. Such a headache is relieved by uncovering and after sleeping.

Gelsemium sempervirens (Gels.)

Common name: Yellow jasmine

Dizziness, dullness, and drowsiness are the keynote symptoms of Gelsemium. This is one of the best homeopathic medicines for temporary blindness that precedes the onset of migraine headaches.

Gelsemium treats migraine with heaviness and vertigo. These symptoms worsen while walking and from head movement. Gelsemium is indicated for migraine headaches in the back of the head (occipital region). Other indications of this remedy include heaviness on the eyelids, noise sensitivity before headache, and migraine accompanied by dim or double vision.

Natrium muriaticum (Nat-m.)

Common name: Chloride of sodium

Nat. mur. is another most used homeopathic medicine for migraine headaches, specifically before or during menstruation. It is indicated in those with salty teeth. This remedy is suitable for those who experience migraine headaches that feel like little hammers knocking on the brain.

Migraine headaches that start with sunrise, continue throughout the day and decline after sunset can be treated with Nat. mur. This headache is known as the sunrise-to-sunset headache. It gives great results in the migraine headache of school girls who are anemic. Nat. mur. is a brilliant medicine to help with migraines with numbness or tingling in the nose, tongue, or lips before the attack.

Sanguinaria canadensis (Sang.)

Common name: Bloodroot

Sanguinaria is a leading medicine administered for migraine headaches on the right side. It is best suited when the pain starts in the occipital region and then goes up and settles over the right eye. These people feel relieved by lying down or sleeping quietly in a dark room. It gives great results in migraine headaches that start in the morning, get intense during the day, and last until sunset. It is often seen that migraine headaches get triggered by fasting.

Sanguinaria is the best prescription for migraine headaches in women during menopause.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of migraine headache

A migraine is a distressing headache because of its frequent and prolonged attacks. The prime causative factors include:

Brain changes

Changes in the brain affecting blood vessels are hypothesized to be the cause behind the brain changes that impact neuron communication. Both of these elements play a role. These modifications send pain signals to your brain.

Low serotonin

A drop in the brain chemical serotonin may be another contributing factor. However, further study is needed to clarify serotonin’s involvement in migraine headaches.


Many migraine patients frequently have a family member who also has the condition. This indicates genetics may potentially be a factor in migraine headaches. A family history of migraine effects is seen in two-thirds of migraine cases. A person has a 40% chance of developing migraine headaches if one of their parents has a migraine. The chance of their children developing migraines increases to 75% when both parents have migraine headaches.

Psychological conditions

Some psychological disorders like anxiety and depression are linked to migraine headaches.

Other than these, certain factors trigger migraine headaches like:

  • Stress
  • Sunlight or bright flashing lights
  • Loud noise
  • Skipping meals
  • Alcohol and caffeine
  • Sleep deprivation

Symptoms of migraine headache

Migraine headache symptoms are not uniform throughout its course. Although headache is the predominant symptom, the other symptoms vary according to the stage of migraine attacks. Here are four stages and symptoms felt in each stage of migraine headache.


This initial stage can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. During this phase, the sufferer feels a little difference, indicating that an attack is about to begin. Prodrome symptoms include:

  • Irritability
  • Mood changes
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Issues with focussing
  • Food cravings
  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Change in bowel patterns
  • Increased frequency of urination


It is the second stage and can remain for five to sixty minutes. This can appear before the headache or even after it has begun. Aura symptoms include:

  • Visual disturbances like flashlights in different shapes, bright spots, and zigzag lines
  • Difficulty in speech
  • The sensation of pins in the arm or legs
  • Weakness in the face
  • Weakness on either side of the body
  • Altered smell or taste sensation
  • Vertigo
  • Dizziness

Headache (migraine attack)

It lasts at least four hours and can persist for up to three days. Migraine attack symptoms include:

  • Throbbing pain in the head
  • Pulsating type of headache
  • Headache unilateral or bilateral
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


This stage is known as a migraine hangover. It occurs after the end of a migraine attack and may remain for one to two days. Postdrome symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Confusion

Treatment for migraine headache

Chronic migraine headaches cannot be cured but can be managed and perhaps even improved. Abortive and preventative are the two main medications used in its management.


These pills are effective when you take them at the earliest indication of a migraine. By interrupting the headache process, abortive medications help to stop or minimize your migraine headache symptoms, such as pain, nausea, and light sensitivity. These medications relieve the pounding discomfort by restoring your blood vessels to normal.


These medications are prescribed in case of frequent, severe headaches occurring more than four times each month. These medications lessen the frequency and intensity of headaches. These are used on a regular, daily basis, to prevent migraine headaches.

Diet and lifestyle changes for migraine headache

Several external factors can trigger migraine headaches. Avoiding these triggers and modifying your lifestyle can help prevent migraine attacks and reduce their intensity.

  • Scalp massage reduces migraines by improving blood circulation.
  • Lying down in a quiet, dark room can give relief from migraine headaches.
  • Try meditation or yoga to calm your mind and distress yourself. Meditation can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks.
  • Drink plenty of fluid to keep yourself hydrated. Optimum hydration can prevent migraine.
  • Ensure to get a minimum of eight hours of sleep. Sleep is a crucial factor in preventing migraine headaches.


Migraine headaches can be debilitating. These often create obstacles in daily activities like going to work or school.

Thankfully, homeopathy has several medicines to avoid getting a migraine attack, as well as to cope with migraine symptoms. To prevent headaches from taking over your life, consult a qualified homeopathic doctor.
