Urinary tract infection, commonly coined as UTI, is an infection affecting your urinary tract. The primary cause of UTI is bacteria called E. coli. It is usually present in the gastrointestinal tract. 

UTI can affect anyone, but they are more common in women. Women are at higher risk due to the shorter length of the urethra. Also, women have extended urine-holding capacity than men, which adds up to risk. Factors like multiple sexual partners, pregnancy, increased blood sugar, and antibiotics can contribute to the risk of UTI. These microbes multiply rapidly and cause pains, pus, blood, or foul-smelling urine.

Maintaining good hygiene, staying hydrated, and treating symptoms can help reduce the symptoms of UTI. If you have symptoms of UTI, it’s essential to seek medical treatment. Untreated UTI can lead to more severe kidney infections.

Homeopathy gives promising results in reducing UTI. However, consulting a professional homeopathic doctor is essential to get suitable medicine for your infection.

Role of homeopathy in UTI

Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully in cases of UTI, both acute and chronic. The homeopathic system uses a holistic approach to treat UTI. These remedies aim to treat the underlying causes of the UTI. They treat UTI by strengthening the disease-fighting mechanism of your body. Thus, it naturally strengthens you enough to fight any disease or infection, including UTI.

Before prescribing a constitutional remedy, the homeopathic doctor considers your medical history, work habits, and mental health. Based on a detailed analysis and evaluation, a final remedy is prescribed. Thus, the remedies vary from individual to individual.

Top five homeopathic medicines for UTI

Apis mellifica (Apis)

Common name: The honey bee

Apis mellifica is one of the excellent homeopathic medicines for UTI with severe pain while passing urine. UTI with stinging and sore pains is relieved by Apis. 

The person requiring this remedy will complain of intense burning while passing the last drops of urine. The sensation of incomplete bladder emptying calls for Apis. This bladder tenesmus is felt even when no urine is left behind in the bladder. Blood in urine during UTI can be effectively treated with Apis.

Sepia officinalis (Sep.)

Common name: Inky juice of cuttlefish

Sepia is a very good homeopathic medicine for UTI in women with cutting pain in the bladder. Women often complain of a weak urinary stream. Urine that has a foul smell due to UTI is an indication of Sepia. 

Sepia works well in UTI with chronic cystitis (bladder inflammation). This medicine is suited for UTI in women going through menopause. It is indicated for women with relaxed pelvic organs. There is a constant bearing down sensation as if pelvic organs are getting pushed down. 

Nitricum acidum (Nit-ac.)

Common name: Nitric acid

This homeopathic remedy treats UTI with foul-smelling urine like horse urine. This is one of the most effective medicines for UTI, with burning while passing urine. Nitric acid. is suited in UTI where urine is scanty, cloudy, dark, or bloody. It relieves UTI pains that are violent and last for hours.

The other striking features of using this remedy in UTI are sharp pain with pricking, tearing,  stitching, cutting type, or burning sensation.

Staphysagria (Staph.)

Common name: Stavesacre

Staphysagria is a homeopathic medicine for UTI after sexual activity. This is indicated for people experiencing a constant urge to urinate. These people feel pressure in the bladder during UTI. Staphysagria helps men who develop UTI due to an enlarged prostate.

Acidum benzoicum (Benz.)

Common name: Benzoic acid

Benzoic acid is a recommended remedy in case of UTI, where urine has a strong odor. There is a sharp pain in the urethra felt during UTI. It is also used to treat UTI pain worsens when not urinating.

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Causes of UTI


Bacterial infection commonly causes UTI. These bacteria enter and multiply in your urinary tract. The most common bacteria causing UTI is Escherichia coli (E. coli). 

Sexual activity

Sexual intercourse can introduce bacteria into a woman’s urethra. This makes women more prone to develop UTI. This is known as ‘honeymoon cystitis’.


Women are more prone to develop UTI than men. The shorter urethra in women makes it easy for bacteria to reach the bladder. However, men suffer due to prostate problems.

Urinary retention

Incomplete emptying of the bladder due to various conditions can cause urinary retention. This allows bacteria to multiply, resulting in UTI.

Catheter use

Urinary catheters can cause bacteria to enter into the urinary tract that leads to UTI.


Certain obstructive conditions like kidney stones can prevent the free flow of urine. This makes it easier for bacteria to grow causing UTI.

Weak immune system

A weak compromised immune system can increase the risk of UTI


Diabetic people may have increased sugar in their urine. This can promote bacterial growth, making them more prone to UTI.


Aging can put you at high risk for UTI. The weakened urinary system fails to expel bacteria completely, which is the culprit here.


Another significant cause of UTI is poor personal hygiene in the genital area.

Symptoms of UTI

UTI presents with several symptoms that may vary in severity. This variation in symptoms depends on the location and extent of the infection. Common symptoms of UTI include:

Frequent urination

There is a sudden and constant urge to pee more often than usual.

Burning pain

Often, the first symptom felt in UTI is burning pain. A burning or stinging sensation is felt during urination.


The person with UTI cannot hold urine. There is an intense need to urinate urgently. But when they pee, only small amounts of urine are passed.

Lower abdominal pain

UTI is often accompanied by abdominal pain. This discomfort or cramping is often felt in the lower abdomen or pelvis.

Changes in the appearance

Cloudy, bloody, or strong-smelling urine indicates UTI.

Pain in back

Discomfort or pain in the lower back or planks indicates that the infection has reached the kidneys.


Chills with fever are felt when UTI progresses to the kidneys.


General feelings of tiredness and malaise are also prominent symptoms of UTI.


There can be involuntary leakage of urine due to UTI.

Treatment for UTI

UTI is commonly treated with antibiotics to clear the bacterial infection. The type of antibiotic and the duration of its course depend on the following factors.

  • Type of UTI
  • The specific bacteria causing the infection
  • The patient’s medical history

Here are different treatment options for UTI:

  • Antibiotics
  • Single-dose antibiotic therapy
  • Extended antibiotic therapy
  • Pain-relievers
  • Prophylactic antibiotics

It’s essential to complete the full course of antibiotics even if symptoms improve. Never stop the course abruptly without consulting your doctor.

Dietary changes for UTI

  • Hydration

Drinking plenty of water helps flush out bacteria from your urinary tract. 

  • Cranberry juice

Research shows that cranberry juice helps in preventing UTI. It helps reduce bacterial adhesion to the urinary tract lining. 

  • Probiotics

Include probiotics like yogurt in your diet. It helps promote the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut and urinary tract.

  • Avoid irritants

Cut down on caffeine, alcohol, and spicy foods from your diet. These can irritate your urinary tract.

Lifestyle changes for UTI

  • Pee regularly

Don’t hold urine for long periods. Empty your bladder as soon as you feel the need to go. It prevents the buildup of bacteria.

  • Wipe front to back

Make a habit of cleaning your privates from front to back after using the toilet. It helps prevent bacteria from spreading to the urethra from the anal area.

  • Personal hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene practices after sexual activity, peeing, and passing motion can prevent the risk of UTI.

  • Cotton innerwear

Avoid tight-fitting underwear to reduce moisture and irritation in the private parts. Instead, wear breathable cotton underwear.

  • Pee after sexual activity

Urinating after sexual activity helps flush out bacteria that could enter the urethra during intercourse.

  • Avoid spermicides and diaphragms

Some birth control methods can increase the risk of UTI. Discuss alternative contraceptives with your healthcare provider.


Both men and women can experience UTI at some point in your life. However, UTI can easily be prevented and cured by homeopathic medicines.

If you have symptoms of UTI, meet a homeopathic doctor for an individualized treatment plan. Follow preventive measures along with homeopathic doses and get rid of UTI.
