Balanitis is a relatively common condition, affecting around 3-11% of men at some point in their life. It is an inflammatory condition affecting the head of your penis (glans) and the flap of the skin covering the head called foreskin. Balanitis is a painful condition, most common in uncircumcised men with foreskin around the glans of the penis. 

It is caused by overgrowth of yeast and bacterial infection under the foreskin. Poor hygiene is the main cause. Other factors responsible for balanitis include not thoroughly rinsing the soap from the genitals. It can be due to irritation of the glans from chemicals in soaps, shower gels, lotions, lubricants, or condoms. 

Most often, it is treated with topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors, antibiotics, and painkillers. You may feel better with this treatment. However, sometimes, your symptoms may reappear. When balanitis recurs again, it can be frustrating. Sometimes, repeated infection can complicate things, leading to phimosis and balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO).

Homeopathic constitutional treatment can treat balanitis effectively. Homeopathy is effective in treating inflammation, swelling, and redness of the glans, penis, and foreskin. 

Role of homeopathy in balanitis

Homeopathic natural remedies are effective in treating individual symptoms of balanitis like pain, itching of the glans, and painful urination. After taking your complete history and studying your symptoms, the most indicated remedy is selected. The potency and repetition of medicines are determined, considering your susceptibility. These remedies provide a cure that is natural, gentle, safe, and free of side effects.

Top five homeopathic medicines for balanitis

Apis mellifica (Apis)

Common name: The honey bee

Apis mellifica is prescribed for balanitis with severe burning and stinging type of pain. This remedy helps in managing balanitis with marked inflammation and swelling over the glans penis. There is bruised and sore pain over the genitals. The slightest touch makes this pain unbearable. Apis is suited for balanitis associated with a scanty, painful, frequent, and sudden urge to urinate.

Mercurius solubilis (Merc.)

Common name: Quicksilver

Merc. sol. is a homeopathic medicine for balanitis from suppressed gonorrhea. There is visible swelling, redness, and small vesicles over the glans and the prepuce. These vesicles ooze thin milk-like discharge under the glans penis, with an offensive smell. A burning sensation during urination with a thirst for a large quantity of cold water is a characteristic symptom of Merc. sol.

This remedy is prescribed in balanitis that worsens at night, in warm beds, warm rooms, and in damp weather.

Nitricum acidum (Nit-ac.)

Common name: Nitric acid

Nitric. acid. treats balanitis with ulcers. There are splinter-like pains and severe pricking sensations due to these ulcers. Homeopaths prescribe this remedy for balanitis when reddish spots are seen on the glans penis with moisture. This moist discharge has a foul smell. 

Nitric. acid. works well in case of balanitis with swelling, inflammation, and soreness over the genitals, making urination difficult. There are tearing, burning, or sticking pains and itchy vesicles over the glans. Nitric. acid. complaints worsen in the evening and midnight, changes in weather, and temperature.

Caladium seguinum (Calad.)

Common name: American arum

Caladium is helpful in balanitis with inflammatory red patches on the glans penis. The glans penis is covered with spots, and there is marked dryness. This remedy is effective in balanitis, where the foreskin gets swollen and sore along the margins. The biting pain while urinating is an associated symptom indicating Caladium.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Common name: Poison ivy

Rhus. tox is helpful for balanitis with shooting-type pain. There is dark red swelling over the glans and prepuce with the pain. Rhus. tox is recommended in moist vesicles on the glans penis with itching and stinging sensation on the prepuce. These vesicles rupture to form vesicular ulcers that itch. This itching worsens at night and in cold, wet weather. Balanitis with pain and inflammation, appearing after or before reactive arthritis, is a characteristic symptom of Rhus. tox. 

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes for balanitis

Infrequent cleaning of the penis and foreskin can support the growth of bacteria and the accumulation of irritants within your genitals. This can increase the risk of balanitis. The other causes of balanitis include:

Yeast infection

Genital yeast infection (candidiasis) can cause balanitis. These fungi cause inflammation and irritation to your foreskin and penis. 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) 

STIs can cause inflammation and trigger immune responses in the genital area, leading to balanitis.


Scabies are tiny mites that invade your skin, causing severe itching. Bacterial infections occur, secondary to this, leading to balanitis.

Sensitivity to products

Allergic reactions to harsh soaps or chemicals can irritate your skin, causing balanitis.

Skin diseases

Psoriasis and eczema can affect your genital area, making it dry, itchy, inflamed, and prone to balanitis.

Diabetes mellitus

Elevated sugar levels in diabetes support bacterial and fungal growth in the genitals. This increases the risk of balanitis.

Reactive arthritis 

After an infection elsewhere in the body, reactive arthritis may develop. This can trigger inflammation in your genitals and lead to balanitis.

Symptoms of balanitis

Pain in the penis

You may feel mild to severe irritation and discomfort over the genital skin. Additionally, there can be sensitivity to touch or pressure.


Discolored patches varying in color (redness or darkening) may appear over your genitals. These patches feel warmer than the surrounding skin and expand if left untreated.


Persistent itching can be felt under your foreskin, accompanied by a burning sensation. Scratching may worsen burning and complicate the infection.


Swelling and tenderness can cause tightness in your genitals. 

Change in texture

Some parts of your genital skin may appear smooth and shiny white. These areas can be more sensitive to irritants.

White discharge 

A discharge known as smegma may accumulate under your foreskin, causing an unpleasant odor. 

Foul smell

The strong, foul, and unpleasant odor is common in balanitis due to infection or bacterial overgrowth. 

Pain while urinating 

You may feel discomfort or pain during urination due to inflammation or irritation at the urinary opening. 

Treatment for balanitis

Antifungal creams

Antifungal creams are prescribed to manage balanitis caused by yeast infections. These creams are applied externally on the head of the penis and foreskin.


Antibiotics are prescribed for sexually transmitted infections causing balanitis. Your doctor will decide on the type of antibiotic to use depending on your infection type.

Diabetes management

Antidiabetic medications are prescribed if balanitis is due to uncontrolled diabetes.


For recurring balanitis, circumcision is recommended. It is a surgical procedure in which the foreskin covering your penis is removed. For those not willing to do full circumcision, the dorsal slit is recommended. The dorsal slit, the foreskin, is not removed, but the tight ring above is opened, making the head of the penis visible.

Diet and lifestyle changes for balanitis

The role of diet in balanitis has yet to be extensively studied. However, dietary considerations like a balanced diet, probiotics, and hydration may help manage or prevent inflammation and infections in your genital area. 

Some lifestyle factors to consider:

  • Cleaning penis 

Regularly wash with warm water, clean, and dry below your foreskin to reduce the risk of balanitis. 

  • Bathe everyday

Take a bath every day. Pull your foreskin back while bathing to clean the area underneath.

  • Avoid harsh soaps

Avoid using strong, harsh soaps or lotions that can irritate the skin around your genitals.

  • Stay dry

After urinating, dry the area under your foreskin. This prevents urine from getting trapped under your foreskin.


Balanitis is a common condition affecting males. It can be frightening, embarrassing, and irritating. Determining the cause and getting proper treatment can give you relief. 

Homeopathic medicines can aid in managing  balanitis. If you have symptoms of balanitis, meet a homeopathic doctor for an individualized treatment plan. Follow hygiene measures along with homeopathic medicines to manage balanitis.
