Hyperthyroidism occurs due to an overactive thyroid gland in the body. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of your neck. The thyroid gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones comprise two main hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). Thyroxine (T4) is an active hormone, which means it has a significant impact on the cells of the body.

Hyperthyroidism causes distress when your thyroid gland makes excessive T3 and T4. The thyroid hormones regulate the rate of metabolism, controlling heart rhythm, bone maintenance, and brain development. Generally, antithyroid medications and radioiodine are used in hyperthyroidism to slow down the production of thyroid hormones. In some cases, hyperthyroidism treatment includes partial or total surgical removal of the thyroid gland. 

Role of homeopathy in hyperthyroidism

Homeopathy helps treat hyperthyroidism by rectifying the faulty signals that affect cells of the thyroid gland. Homeopathic medicines stop the thyroid gland from overproducing the hormone and help to arrest the progress of hyperthyroidism. The medicines are prescribed by taking into consideration the mental as well as physical symptoms. 

Six effective homeopathic medicines for hyperthyroidism

Iodum (Iod.)

Common name: Iodine

Iodum is used for hyperthyroidism with rapid metabolism. It is suited to thin, dark-complexioned, dark, or black hair with enlarged lymphatic glands. There is emaciation, weight loss, and great appetite in hyperthyroidism. The person feels relieved while eating or after eating. He loses flesh even while eating well. There is great anxiety when sitting ideally, and he must always keep himself busy.

Profound debility, mentally exhausted, and forgetful. Palpitations are worse on the slightest exertion. He is very irritable and always feels hot with perspiration, even with the slightest effort. He has an enlarged thyroid goiter with the sensation of constriction. Iodum in hyperthyroidism helps regulate thyroid function by restoring the balance of iodine in the body.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyco.)

Common name: Club Moss

Lycopodium is indicated for hyperthyroidism with emaciation of the upper half of the body. It is indicated in individuals who are intellectually keen but physically weak. They suffer from malnutrition and weakness. There is disturbed and weak digestion, which causes constipation. The person is thin and full of gas and has a bloated feeling in the lower abdomen.

There is an unhealthy complexion, an anemic and pale appearance, and he looks older than he is. He is sensitive to cold, and there is a lack of vital heat in the body. The person craves sugar and has throat conditions like tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and diphtheria. There is stitching pain in the throat, which gets worse when drinking cold drinks and hence they prefer hot drinks and hot foods.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat. mur.)

Common name: Common salt

Nat. mur. is indicated when the person experiences cold, fatigue, and mood changes. An emaciated person has a shiny, oily, and waxy look on their face. The person is losing flesh, especially marked in the neck region. Mentally, the individual is extremely irritable and emotional. Sad and weeping without any cause and any consolation from others, aggravates the trouble.

There is an intense craving for salt and salty food, which is characteristic and also has bad effects on mental symptoms. The complaints worsen from sunrise to sunset from mental exertion. In hyperthyroidism the remedy helps to regulate fluid balance in the body and improve the absorption of nutrients. 

Lachesis (Lach.)

Common name: Surukuku snake poison

Lachesis is suited to thin and emaciated persons who have been changed physically and mentally by their illness. Mentally, the person is very sad and melancholic after waking up in the morning. There is great loquacity and wants to talk constantly without any relevancy or consistency. The individual may experience a sensation of constriction and tight feeling everywhere, especially in the heart and throat.

There is great physical and mental exhaustion with trembling in the whole body. The tongue trembles like that of a snake. Lachesis is indicated in tonsillitis and diphtheria. All symptoms are aggravated after sleep and high temperature. Lachesis also helps regulate blood flow and reduce inflammation. 

Ferrum phosphoricum (Ferrum phos.)

Common name: Ferric phosphate

Ferrum phos. is often used in anemic persons who are nervous and sensitive. It is also indicated in people with hyperthyroidism who experience racing thoughts, palpitations, and irritability. The remedy helps reduce inflammation in the body and regulate the immune system in hyperthyroidism. 

Thyroidinum (Thyroidinum)

Common name: Dried thyroid gland of sheep

Thyroidinum indicated in the management of goiter. It is suited to thin or obese people with irregular distribution of fats. Puffiness and obesity are present and there is a sensation of coldness in the body. 

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors for hyperthyroidism

  • Grave’s disease

Grave’s disease is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system starts attacking its thyroid cells, resulting in the overproduction of thyroid hormones. It is a hereditary condition where if a member in your family has the condition, there is a chance you or other family members could also develop it. The disease is more common in females than males. 

  • Thyroid nodules

A thyroid nodule is a lump produced due to growth of cells in the thyroid gland. It produces excessive hormones than your normal body requires leading to hyperthyroidism.

  • Thyroiditis

It is caused by inflammation of the thyroid gland, which may or may not be painful. It usually occurs postpartum.

  • Excess iodine consumption

If you are at risk for hyperthyroidism and you consume too much iodine through diet or medications, it causes the thyroid gland to produce hormones. This makes you very likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism. Iodine is a mineral used by the thyroid gland to produce hormones.

Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism

  • Weight loss
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat (Palpitations)
  • Hyperactivity
  • Hand tremors or muscle weakness
  • Nervous or irritable
  • Frequent bowel movements (diarrhea)
  • Goiter (Enlarged thyroid gland)
  • Increased appetite
  • Alopecia or patchy hair loss
  • Weak memory
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle

Treatment and management of hyperthyroidism

Medicines like antithyroid drugs are used to treat hyperthyroidism. Beta-blockers help reduce the symptoms of hyperthyroidism like rapid heartbeat, nervousness, and shakiness. Radioactive iodine helps destroy active thyroid cells and thereby reduce thyroid hormone production. Surgical treatment may be required to remove part or whole of the thyroid gland when other modes of treatment do not work.

Diet and lifestyle modification for hyperthyroidism

Your thyroid hormone uses iodine to make hormones. If you have Grave’s disease or any autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland, then you may be sensitive to the side effects of iodine. Eating food with high amounts of iodine such as seaweed may cause or worsen hyperthyroidism. Taking iodine supplements can also have the same effect. Instead, a person suffering from hyperthyroidism can include the following:

  • Consuming dairy or non-dairy products
  • Eating foods high in fiber, whole grains
  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Eating low-fat proteins such as chicken, legumes, fish
  • Learning relaxation techniques


Hyperthyroidism is a treatable condition, and most people do well. Some forms of treatment include medications to be taken life-long to maintain normal thyroid levels. A genetic predisposition to thyroid conditions like Grave’s disease, pregnancy, or consuming excess iodine can all contribute to hyperthyroidism. Eating well, exercising, and quitting smoking can help to reduce the risk of hyperthyroidism.

If you’re experiencing signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, it is essential to see a healthcare provider so that they can assess the condition and provide proper treatment. Homeopathic treatment for hyperthyroidism is considered as a holistic approach. The treatment considers the mental and physical state of the person and how the condition impacts the person during that time. Thus, considering the whole picture, homeopathic remedies are prescribed to the individual. 
