Eye floaters are little black spots you see that float when you move your eyes. These sometimes appear like specks or shapes moving across your field of vision. When you try to focus on these spots, they move away quickly out of your visual field.

Eye floaters are medically called the muscae volitantes. While often harmless, they can be bothersome and affect your overall vision quality. However, if eye floaters are a frequent occurrence, it is recommended to get your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and holistic treatment approaches, like homeopathy, can help you manage eye floaters.

Role of homeopathy in eye floaters

Homeopathic medicines can provide temporary relief to eye floaters by managing the symptoms. Ensure that you consult your homeopathic physician to get a prescription. Don’t forget to get your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist before beginning homeopathic treatment for your eye floaters to rule out the cause and any other serious conditions. 

Top five homeopathic remedies for eye floaters

Phosphorus (Phos.)

Common name: Phosphorus

Phosphorus is an effective medicine for eye floaters in people who see black spots. These spots often appear like flashes of light or red dots. Looking at any bright or shining object often worsens this visual complaint. This medication is prescribed for eye floaters associated with diminished eyesight. People needing Phosphorus can have short-sightedness. The appearance of eye floaters with colored spots before a migraine attack is a characteristic symptom of this remedy.

Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m.)

Common name: Chloride of sodium

Natrum muriaticum is a good homeopathic medicine for eye floaters, where people see zigzag lines before their eyes. This remedy is indicated for eye floaters associated with dimness of vision. Nat. mur. works well in eye complaints with double vision. There can be headaches along with glimmering before the eyes. Dazzling lines or lightning in the eyes, followed by a migraine, indicate this remedy.

Belladonna (Bell.)

Common name: Deadly nightshade

Belladonna is indicated for eye floaters due to eye inflammation. The person feels flickering or bright sparks before his eyes. These people also complain of flashes of light before their eyes. Burning in eyes and lachrymation associated with eye floaters respond well to Belladonna. Photophobia or dimness of vision with eye floaters is another keynote symptom for prescribing this remedy.

Arnica montana (Arn.)

Common name: Leopard’s bane

Arnica works best in eye floaters after an eye injury. The person feels flickering before the eyes after injury. This remedy treats eye floaters associated with double vision (diplopia). There is a heaviness of the eyes with a headache.

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n.)

Common name: Nitrate of silver

Argentum nitricum treats eye floaters that seem like brown–colored spots. The person has a weak eyesight, along with gray spots before the eyes. Intolerance to light in the eyes is also seen.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of eye floaters

  • Age

Eye floaters can appear due to age-related changes in the vitreous humor, a jelly-like substance occupying two-thirds of the back of your eye. The vitreous humor begins to liquefy with age and the collagen fibers clump together. It casts shadows on your retinal surface leading to the perception of floaters.

  • Composition of vitreous humor

The vitreous humor constitutes water with small amounts of collagen, salt, and sugar. The changes in its composition, particularly the clumping of collagen fibers, contribute to eye floater formation.

  • Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD)

The vitreous humor can get pulled away from your retina, causing eye floaters.

  • Retinal detachment

Tears or detachment of your retina can lead to the perception of floaters in the visual field. Tearing of the retina can occur due to injury.

  • Eye inflammation

Inflammatory conditions affecting your eyes can contribute to the appearance of eye floaters.

  • Bleeding in the eye

Eye floaters can result from hemorrhage within the vitreous humor. This leads to the presence of blood particles casting shadows on the retina, resulting in floaters. 

  • Posterior uveitis

Inflammation of the uvea can contribute to the perception of floaters.

  • Other risk factors

Certain factors, such as diabetes mellitus and nearsightedness, can elevate the risk of developing eye floaters.

  • Migraine aura

In some cases, eye floaters are associated with migraine, where they may experience it as part of the visual aura preceding the migraine headache. This can include the perception of floating spots or lines.

Symptoms of eye floaters

  • Tiny, dark spots, or specks drifting across your vision.
  • Thread-like cobwebs or squiggly shapes that move with your eyes.
  • Zigzag, curved lines, rings, fine strands, or strings drifting before your eyes.
  • Brief light flashes, especially noticeable in dimly lit environments.
  • Tiny dots on the outer edges of your visual field.
  • Blurred vision due to the obstruction of vision.
  • Prominence of the floaters on a light-colored background due to the contrast that enhances their visibility.

Treatment for eye floaters

  • Observation

In mild cases of eye floaters, no specific treatment may be required. Especially if eye floaters are not causing significant disruption to vision and are due to age-related changes in the vitreous, ophthalmologists often recommend monitoring without intervention.

  • Medication

  • Currently, there is no medication specifically approved for treating eye floaters. However, some medications are prescribed to address underlying conditions causing eye floaters, like inflammation or infection.
  • Vitrectomy surgery 

In cases where eye floaters impair vision and other conservative measures are ineffective, a vitrectomy is recommended. Vitrectomy involves removing and replacing the vitreous humor with a saline solution. 

  • Laser therapy

Laser treatment, known as laser vitreolysis, is a less invasive option. Laser therapy breaks apart large floaters, making them less noticeable. 

  • YAG Laser Treatment

YAG laser treatment has been used to target specific types of floaters, particularly those caused by collagen clumping. This laser breaks down the floaters into smaller, less noticeable fragments. 

Diet and lifestyle changes for eye floaters

  • Stay hydrated

Drinking sufficient water helps maintain overall health, including the health of your eyes. Proper hydration can help maintain the viscosity of the vitreous humor.

  • Balanced diet

Consume a diet rich in vitamins A, C, E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids that help enhance your eye health. These nutrients are present in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, and fish.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Foods abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, like flaxseeds, walnuts, and salmon. These anti-inflammatory properties contribute to maintaining eye health.

  • Eye protection from UV exposure

Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light may contribute to eye problems. Wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays outdoors to protect your eyes.

  • Control blood sugar levels

If you have diabetes, managing blood sugar levels is essential. Uncontrolled diabetes can cause various eye problems, including eye floaters.

  • Avoid smoking

Smoking is linked to various eye conditions and can contribute to the development or worsen your eye floaters. Quitting smoking can improve your eye health.


Eye floaters are common. However, a sudden increase in eye floaters, especially when accompanied by light flashes or a loss of vision, can lead to an emergency. 

Homeopathy provides promising results in eye floaters with its constitutional remedies. Consult a professional homeopathic doctor to get the most suitable approach for individual cases and ensure long-term clear vision.
