Fever is when your body temperature temporarily rises above normal (98.6°F). It is also termed as pyrexia. Fever is not a disease but is an external sign denoting an internal infection or inflammation in your body. Fever is often measured orally, within the armpit (axilla), or rectally to determine body temperature.

Fever is defined as body temperature above 100°F (measured orally) and above 100.8°F (measured rectally). For kids below three months, a temperature higher than 100.4°F is considered a fever.

The rise in body temperature to 100°F is not a serious concern in adults. However, in infants and children, a slight increase in the body temperature should be given utmost attention. Your fever is the progress indicator of the infection in your body. The rise in your temperature is directly proportional to the extent of the infection. When your fever increases it means the infection is getting worse, and when the body temperature drops, it indicates  that the infection is getting better.

Treatment for fever involves rest, hydration, and over-the-counter antipyretic medications to reduce temperature. If left untreated, fever can lead to seizures (especially in young children), confusion, and, in severe cases, organ damage. Seeking medical attention for persistent or high fevers is important to prevent complications and treat underlying causes.

Homeopathy offers quick relief from fever and other associated symptoms like body aches, colds, sneezing, and more. 

Role of homeopathy in fever

Homeopathic remedies prescribed based on the totality of symptoms target your infection and in turn the fever. These medicines act by controlling infection, preventing its progress, thus gradually bringing down the temperature. The remedies ensure the reduction of weakness or other effects of fever on your body. 

Top five homeopathic medicines for fever

Arsenicum album (Ars. alb.)

Common name: Arsenious acid

Arsenicum album is indicated for typhoid, dengue, and malaria fever. There is marked periodicity in fever, along with burning body pains, weakness, exhaustion, restlessness, and aggravation during the night. The complaints worsen with the slightest movement, and symptoms improve after heat application. The individual often uncovers themselves during the heat stage due to dry heat and thirst. There is cold and clammy sweat at the end of the fever stage. Sometimes, gastric symptoms like colic, nausea, loose stool, and heaviness in the stomach are seen with fever.

Belladonna (Bell.)

Common name: Deadly nightshade

Belladonna is one of the common remedies for fever with throat pain. The throat is sore, red, and inflamed. These people complain of headaches during the fever. The head becomes hot, but the feet are cold. Internally, the person feels cold, but there is extreme burning heat externally.

Bryonia alba (Bry.)

Common name: Wild hops

Bryonia is used for fever, where body aches predominate during fever. This remedy is suited for fever with chills, where the person’s body is cold to the touch. These people often want to lie down still to get relief. Fever and associated symptoms aggravate by the slightest motion. Bryonia is prescribed for fever, where symptoms get worse from warmth, movement, and touch. Fever with increased thirst and pain relief by lying on the painful side are other indications of this remedy. 

Eupatorium perfoliatum (Eup-per.)

Common name: Thoroughwort

Eupatorium is beneficial for fever with severe bone pain. This remedy is indicated for periodic fever (repeated at a fixed interval). Intense aching and bone pains accompany the chill stage. There is shivering and shaking with unbearable pain in the head and eyes. This remedy works well in case of fever with bruised pains. There is body pain that feels as if beaten. Although this remedy suits all kinds of fevers, it is commonly prescribed for dengue fever and malaria.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.)

Common name: Poison ivy

Rhus tox. is considered for people with fever, extreme body aches, and restlessness. The person wants to remain in motion throughout to get relief. Rhus tox. is suited for fever after getting wet in the rain. There is shivering all over the body, dry tongue with stretching pain in the body, and physical weakness with fever.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes for fever

  • Infections

Viral or bacterial infections are the common causes of fever. You can get a fever due to flu, colds, gastroenteritis, or infection in your ears, throat, skin, or bladder.

  • Environmental factors

Heat strokes due to sun heat or prolonged strenuous exercise can cause fever.

  • Inflammatory diseases

Inflammatory diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel diseases can cause fever.

  • Hormonal disorders

Disrupted body hormones like hyperthyroidism and thyroiditis can increase your body temperature.

  • Medications

The side effects of certain medicines like those used for high blood pressure, seizures, and antibiotics, can cause fever.

  • Cancer

Malignant growths can trigger fever due to inflammation or immune response.

  • Several vaccinations

Immunizations can induce a mild fever as a part of your body’s immune response.

  • Alcohol withdrawal

Fever can arise during alcohol withdrawal due to changes in your nervous system and increased metabolic activity.

  • Teething in babies

New tooth eruptions in babies can lead to inflammatory responses, causing low-grade fevers.

Symptoms of fever

In adults

  • Shivering 
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Generalized discomfort and soreness
  • Rashes on your skin
  • Restlessness
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating as your body attempts to cool down
  • Low appetite
  • Dehydration due to fluid loss
  • Increased sensitivity to pain
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive sleepiness

In children

  • Body feels hot to touch
  • Flushed cheeks 
  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability

Treatment for fever

  • Medications

Over-the-counter antipyretic medications can help lower temperature and relieve pain.

  • Prescription Medications

If your fever is due to bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed.

  • Medical Evaluation

If you have a persistent fever with severe symptoms or underlying health conditions, seeking medical evaluation is essential. The doctor can diagnose the underlying cause of the fever and advise appropriate treatment.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for fever

  • Hydration

Drinking plenty of fluids helps prevent dehydration, especially if fever is accompanied by sweating.

  • Rest

During fever allow your body to recover by getting adequate rest.

  • Cool compresses

Apply damp cloths or cool packs to your forehead, armpits, and groin to help reduce fever.

  • Dress lightly

Wear light clothing to help heat loss from your body.

  • Warm baths

Lukewarm baths can help you bring down fever, but avoid cold baths, which can cause shivering and raise body temperature.


Fever is a common symptom in several infectious and inflammatory conditions. It is an indicator of immune response. However, it’s important to monitor its progression, as it can indicate the severity of the infection. 

If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications, especially in children. Homeopathic medicines reduce fever naturally, treat the underlying infection, and reduce inflammation. Consult a qualified homeopathic doctor to support the body’s natural defenses.
