Alopecia areata and bald patches affect millions of people across the globe each year. Studies show the incidence of alopecia areata in India is 0.7. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition characterized by hair loss causing bald patches on the scalp and other body parts covered with hair. In this condition, your immune system attacks your hair follicles, causing round, smooth bald patches on the scalp.

This condition can affect all ages, races, and both genders. However, a person with a family history of autoimmune conditions is at increased risk of developing these bald patches.

These bald patches on the head, beard, or eyebrows can be embarrassing. Although it’s not a serious disease, it’s certainly a life-altering event. It causes distress due to sudden onset, recurrent appearance of bald patches, and unpredictable course.

The usual treatment for alopecia areata is suppressing the immune response with local steroids. However, it may solve your issue temporarily, effects are limited to the patch only, and patches can relapse.

Homeopathy has excellent remedies for alopecia areata and bald patches. These remedies successfully treat alopecia, help in hair regrowth, and reduce the chances of recurrence.

Role of homeopathic medicines in alopecia areata and bald patches

Autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata require constitutional medicine. Treating it locally is ineffective and yields temporary results.

Homeopathy is safe and gentle and treats the root cause of bald patches. The best part of homeopathic treatment is that it does not consider alopecia as an external condition. It corrects the defective immune response, quickly regrows new hair, and prevents the recurrence of alopecia areata. A well-selected constitutional homeopathic medicine not only cures bald patches but all other associated problems.

Top five homeopathic medications for alopecia areata and bald patches

Regardless of the cause, homeopathy is highly effective in treating alopecia areata. The top five homeopathic remedies for alopecia areata and bald patches are listed below.

Fluoricum acidum (Fl-ac.)

Common name: Hydrofluoric acid

Fluoric. acid. is one of the best homeopathic medicines for hair loss in spots. This remedy helps in new hair growth in the bald patches and prevents further progress of patchy hair loss.

Fluoric. acid. is suited in alopecia with dry, brittle hair strands that tend to break easily. It is a good homeopathic remedy for bald patches after typhoid fever, syphilis, infections, and other debilitating illnesses.

Phosphorus (Phos.)

Common name: Phosphorus

Phosphorus is another homeopathic remedy for hair loss in large bunches or spots. It is indicated for alopecia at the front or sides of the scalp.

These people have excessive sweaty scalp. This remedy promotes hair growth at bald patches and prevents further spread of alopecia. Phosphorus is an excellent remedy for dry and premature graying of hair. Other indications of phosphorus include alopecia with heat in the scalp, intense itching, and dandruff.

Lycopodium clavatum (Lyc.)

Common name: Club moss

Lycopodium is a good homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata and bald patches on the top of the vertex. This remedy is indicated for persons complaining of burning and itching on the scalp. This medicine is effective in those with bald patches and premature graying of hair.

Lycopodium is effective when alopecia is due to scalp skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. The other indications of Lycopodium include dry scalp, intense itching, and bald patches that worsen from warmth and heat.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.)

Common name: Carbonate of lime

This homeopathic medicine is effective in treating alopecia with a sweaty scalp. This remedy is indicated for hair loss with intense itching and the person scratches when he wakes from sleep. A cold sensation on the scalp is the keynote symptom of Calc. carb.

Vinca minor (Vinc.)

Common name: Lesser periwinkle

Vinca minor is another good remedy for alopecia areata and bald patches. It is indicated in patchy baldness, which then gets replaced by white hair. There is oozing from the scalp, causing hair strands to matte together. Vinca minor is prescribed when there is corrosive itching with an irresistible desire to scratch.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causes of alopecia areata

Several causes can be responsible for alopecia areata and bald patches like:

Genetic factors

Genes that participate in your body’s immune response are linked with alopecia areata. Studies show that genes belonging to human leukocyte antigen (HLA) are the culprits behind altering the immune response and targeting the hair follicles.


Using hair care products like serum, oil,  shampoo, and conditioner containing sulfur, ether, and paraben can trigger alopecia.

Mechanical cause

Traction alopecia areata can be caused by tying the hair tightly for a long time.

Hormonal imbalance

Alopecia is more common during various stages of life where the hormones play an active role. These phases include puberty, menopause, pregnancy, and after delivery.


Alopecia areata and bald patches can be caused due to a psychological disorder known as trichotillomania. In this condition, the person is compelled to pull out his hair from different body parts, including the scalp.

Scalp infection

Fungal scalp infections like seborrheic dermatitis and tinea capitis, can also lead to patchy hair loss.

Other disease conditions

Individuals suffering from other autoimmune skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, and lichen planus can also lead to alopecia areata. Baldness occurring due to such underlying conditions is called scarred alopecia. The new hair does not grow back in scarred alopecia due to permanent scar formation over hair follicles.

Symptoms of alopecia areata

Hair loss

The typical presentation of alopecia areata is patchy hair loss. Hair falls out in coin or oval-shaped patches, forming circular bald patches on the scalp, eyebrows, beard, etc. The size of these patches is usually of a five-rupee coin or one-rupee coin. There can be one or more bald patches in alopecia areata.

Pinpoint hair

At the margins of bald patches, pinpoint hair strands are seen. These resemble exclamation marks.


Some folks often complain of irritation and itching in the bald spot.


Dark pigmentation on the bald spots can be seen in people with scarred alopecia areata.

Treatment for alopecia areata

There is no cure for alopecia areata and bald patches. However, doctors prescribe some internal and external medications to promote hair regrowth. The main goal of these treatments is to block immune system attack and stimulate new hair growth.

Topical serum or ointments

Local corticosteroids (immunosuppressants) are prescribed for topical application on bald patches.


Injections containing corticosteroids are used for treating alopecia areata and bald patches. You must continue this treatment for a long time for sustainable results.

Oral immunosuppressants

Steroid drugs are prescribed in cases of alopecia areata to treat bald patches by blocking your body’s immune response.

Hair transplants

Hair transplant is the choice of treatment for permanent hair loss. In the hair transplant, a few hairs are taken from the hairy part of your scalp and implanted in the bald spots.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for alopecia areata

Treatment for alopecia areata and bald patches can be challenging. Although medications are essential, dietary changes play a significant role in managing alopecia areata. Inflammation is the main culprit behind alopecia areata, just like in other autoimmune conditions. Inflammatory cells destroy hair follicles under the immunological response, resulting in alopecia areata and bald patches.

Avoid gluten

Alopecia areata may worsen with gluten present in wheat, rye, and barley. A gluten-free diet rich in raw veggies, soy, and protein can improve alopecia areata.

Vitamin D

According to a study, people with alopecia areata have lower vitamin D levels. Spend some time in the sunlight every day. Consume fish, mushrooms, eggs, and cheese rich in Vitamin D.


Alopecia areata patients frequently have low zinc levels, a nutrient necessary for your immune system. Ensure you consume food rich in zinc like legumes, seeds, nuts, and eggs.


Hair strands are made of the protein keratin. Thus, a protein-rich diet can help with hair growth in alopecia areata and bald patches.


Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts between meals or as snacks. These are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help lower inflammation and prevent bald patches.



Alopecia patches can cause distress. Homeopathy, a scientific system of medicine, can successfully treat autoimmune conditions, including alopecia areata and bald patches. It optimizes your overactive immune system and stops the destruction of your hair follicles. Consult a homeopathic doctor to get permanent solutions to your bald patches.
