Throat cancer can affect the throat known as the pharynx or the voice box also known as the larynx. It affects the fat cells which are present inside the lining of the throat. Along with this, throat cancer may also spread to the voice box which may change the voice causing hoarseness.

Detection of cancer at the initial stage is a must to prevent further complications and metastasis of the cancer. Throat cancer can be treated with conventional cancer treatment. It is also important to couple up homeopathy and lifestyle modifications along with conventional cancer treatment. Homeopathy works as a supportive therapy for treating throat cancer and preventing complications.

Role of homeopathy in throat cancer

Cancer occurs in the body at the cellular level disrupting cellular activity and leading to uncontrollable overgrowth and multiplication of the cells in the squamous epithelium of the pharynx and larynx. Homeopathy can work effectively in cases of throat cancers detected at an early stage. It is important to continue homeopathy along with conventional cancer treatment for better recovery.

Homeopathy helps prevent the side effects of cancer treatment. When coupled with conventional treatment, homeopathy helps in enhancing the action of cancer medicines. It helps boost the immunity of throat cancer patients for better recovery. It prevents the metastasis of cancer to other parts of the body such as the head, neck, or lymph nodes..

Six effective homeopathic medicines for throat cancer

Conium maculatum

Common name: Poison hemlock

Conium helps in giving symptomatic relief in the initial stages of cancer with a sore throat, pain, and dysphagia. It is also given in cases of metastatic throat cancer affecting the lymph nodes with pain. Severe weakness is well-marked for this remedy. Along with stitching pain in the neck and throat area, there is marked trembling of the body. There is nodular affection in the form of a tumor along with fever and fatigue.

Pulsatilla nigricans

Common name: Windflower

Pulsatilla is indicated for patients who are depressed, timid, sensitive with a weeping tendency. The pain keeps on changing sides and causes intense weakness of the entire body. There is great dryness of the mouth with no desire to drink water. Symptoms are worsened by heat, fatty foods, and lying down on the side which is not painful. The symptoms are reduced in open-air and cold water.

Lycopodium clavatum

Common name: Club moss

Lycopodium works for people with depression and great sensitivity. All symptoms are aggravated by 4 pm -8 pm, and from heat. The symptoms are better with a cold, by movement, and after midnight. It helps in reducing distressing symptoms of terminal-stage cancer. It is indicated in throat cancer cases associated with neck and ear pain.

Ruta graveolens

Common name: Rue bitterwort

Ruta is used in the treatment of throat cancer associated with intense pain, body aches, weakness, and fatigue. It helps in working as a supportive therapy along with chemotherapy and radiation which helps in destroying the cancer cells.

This remedy helps to protect the healthy cells and stimulate their functioning. All complaints of throat cancer are aggravated in cold damp weather, touch, and pressure. Pain in the throat and associated ear is better by lying down on the same side. Severe laziness, sleepiness, and depression are associated with this remedy.

Calcarea carbonica

Common name: Impure calcium carbonate

Calc. carb. is indicated in cases of throat cancer which is associated with obesity, fever, and chills alternating with intense sweating. This remedy is used for the management of throat cancer along with chemotherapy for better recovery. The symptoms are worsened in rainy weather, climbing stairs, from mental and physical exertion. The patient feels better by lying on the painful side and in dry weather.

Kalium carbonicum

Common name: Carbonate of potassium

Kali. carb. is suggested in cases of throat cancer associated with pain radiating to the ears. The pain is very peculiar with a stinging sensation that may affect the whole body including the abdomen, back, muscle soreness, and joint aches. The pain worsens in the morning at about 3 am, after intercourse, cold weather, and lying on the painful side. The pain is better during the day, moving about, and in warm weather.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors of throat cancer

  • Smoking tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Exposure to carcinogenic elements like formaldehyde or asbestos
  • Chronic infections due to Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) or Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Unhealthy and poor diet with high sugar and high-fat
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle
  • Radiation exposure to UV rays for a long time
  • Being on hormone replacement therapy for a long time
  • Genetics with a strong family history of cancer

Symptoms of throat cancer

  • A sore throat that does not recover and lasts for more than 2 weeks
  • Dysphagia with pain and difficulty swallowing food
  • Changes in voice with hoarseness or husky voice for more than 2 weeks
  • The presence of lumps in the throat or mouth internally
  • Enlarged lymph nodes present in the back of the neck
  • Headaches with ear pain for more than two weeks
  • Red swollen tonsils with extreme pain
  • Fatigue with no desire to work
  • Fever and chills at night
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Extreme muscular weakness
  • Difficulty in breathing and swallowing

Treatment for throat cancer

The treatment of throat cancer depends on various factors which include type, stage, chronicity, and spread of cancer.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy can help kill cancer cells and prevent further spread to other areas. It can help control the growth and multiplication of cancer cells in cases of throat cancer with high-energy rays. This is mainly recommended to treat smaller tumors of the throat.


Chemotherapy uses anti-cancer drugs which help to kill cancer cells in the body. This is generally with combination treatment along with radiotherapy to maximize the effect of treatment.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy involves the use of specific medications to kill and inhibit the growth of cancer cells without affecting the healthy normal cells. It can be recommended in advanced and complicated cases of throat cancer.


Immunotherapy can help protect the immune system against cancer. It helps boost immunity levels to fight against cancer. Vitamin pills and nutritional supplements are generally included in immunotherapy.


Surgery involves the removal of part or entire larynx or pharynx. This can affect the person’s ability to speak. Surgery is important in cases of localized forms of cancer to prevent further metastasis of cancer.

Physiotherapy and speech therapy

Physiotherapy can work on cases of postoperative throat cancer cases to learn new ways to speak. This allows the patients to express themselves by using breathing techniques and voice aids.

Lifestyle modifications for throat cancer

  • Avoid smoking and exposure to any form of tobacco products.
  • Avoid intake of alcohol by quitting it or gradually tapering it.
  • Ensure to get routine check-ups and blood tests.
  • Switch over to a healthy lifestyle with a protein-rich diet.
  • Do some yoga and meditation to relieve stress.
  • Start walking and improve physical activities.
  • Maintain optimum hydration levels.


Throat cancer is a life-threatening disorder. If left untreated, it can get complicated causing major issues. It is very painful for the patient to deal with throat cancer. It is important to address the issue of cancer at the initial stages for better recovery and prognosis.

Chronic cases of throat cancer need to be treated with the right form of cancer therapy. Taking anticancer medications for a long time may cause side effects. It is suggested to couple up conventional treatment with natural therapies like homeopathy and lifestyle changes for better holistic healing from throat cancer.


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