Urine incontinence is a condition characterized by a lack of control over the bladder, resulting in unintentional leaking of urine. This situation may be embarrassing and have a negative effect on a person’s quality of life. The severity ranges from occasional leakage of urine while coughing, laughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects to having an urge to urinate that may be sudden and strong and you don’t get to a toilet in time.

Many people think that urine incontinence is a typical sign of aging that can’t be helped, and so they hesitate to inform their healthcare provider. Urine incontinence is common in people who are overweight, during pregnancy or postpartum, old age, or in conditions like cystitis, urinary tract infections, and enlarged prostate. For most people, lifestyle and dietary changes along with medical care can treat symptoms of urine incontinence. The management of urine incontinence depends upon the cause and severity of the symptoms.

Role of homeopathy in urine incontinence

Involuntary urination occurs mainly when the bladder muscles become weak. Homeopathic medicines help strengthen the detrusor muscle of the urinary bladder. Urine incontinence is not just a medical issue; it can affect emotional, psychological, and social life. Homeopathy not only takes into account physical symptoms of urine incontinence but also the patient’s mental and emotional state. Homeopathic medicines treat the external symptoms of urine incontinence and help resolve the underlying problems, providing a permanent solution.

Six effective homeopathic medicines for urine incontinence

Apis mellifica

Common name: Poison of honey bee

Apis is indicated when there is great irritation while passing urine. The patient suffers from frequent painful urination and is unable to retain urine. The urine passes in drops as soon as it starts collecting in the bladder. There is an ineffectual urge with constant desire and much straining before urine starts coming. The urine may be bloody, fetid, or albuminous with casts, and it may be dark or frothy. There is continuous stinging pain while urinating, and the last drop of urine burns.

Cantharis vesicatoria

Common name: Spanish fly

Cantharis is prescribed when there is constant and intolerable urging to urinate before, during, and after urination. The person suffers from burning and cutting pain in the urethra during micturition. Over-sensitiveness is observed in all parts of the body. Cantharis can be indicated in diseases such as urethritis, cystitis, or renal colic. There are signs of hematuria, which gets worse after drinking coffee or cold water. There is violent pain with lancinating and stabbing pain in the neck of the bladder. The pain is so severe while urinating that the person screams on passing every drop. The complaints are relieved by warm application.


Common name: Potassium hydrate

Causticum is the most suitable homeopathic medicine for urine incontinence when urine is passed involuntarily while coughing, sneezing, or with the slightest excitement. The urine is expelled very slowly; sometimes, much straining is required. A loss of sensibility is observed in people while urinating, and sometimes, urine is also passed while sleeping. There may be urine retention after surgical procedures.

Pareira brava

Common name: Virgin vine

Pareira is used in cases of urine incontinence where the patient experiences pain from the bladder to the thighs as soon as they try to urinate. The pain is relieved by squatting on their knees with their head down. This position enables them to release a bit of dark urine with great effort. The urine contains blood and a lot of mucus. There is pain in the glans penis, itching along the urethra and the bladder is distended with neuralgic pain in the anterior crural region.


Common name: Wild licorice

Sarsaparilla is indicated for unbearable pain at the end of urination. The person passes urine freely only while standing. Urine that keeps dribbling while sitting is indicative of this remedy There is excruciating pain from the right kidney down, and the person cries due to the pain caused by the passing of small stones. Urine may be scanty and bloody but irritating with the passing of air from the urethra.


Common name: Cuttlefish

Sepia is indicated for urine incontinence caused due to uterine prolapse. The dragging pain in the pelvis is markedly present. There is a constant feeling of pressure on the bladder with an urgent need to urinate. Cystitis greatly affects the mood of patients who present a depressive state and do not accept comfort.

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Causative factors for urine incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence

Involuntary leakage of urine caused by increased intraabdominal pressure due to sneezing, coughing, exertion, or lifting heavy weight can weaken the urethral sphincter or pelvic flow. Young athlete women may experience this type of urine incontinence. Also, pregnant women and women who experienced childbirth may be prone to stress urinary incontinence.

Urge urinary incontinence

Involuntary urine leakage is accompanied by a sense of urgency to pass urine due to overactivity of the detrusor muscle. The urge may also be caused by minor conditions such as infection, or severe conditions such as a neurological disorder or diabetes.

Mixed incontinence

Involuntary leakage of urine caused by a combination of stress and urge urinary incontinence.

Overflow urinary incontinence

Involuntary leakage of urine from overdistended bladder due to impaired contractility of detrusor in neurological diseases such as spinal cord injury, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis. External compression of the abdomen can give rise to bladder outlet obstruction. A familiar cause in men is benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Functional urinary incontinence

Involuntary leakage of urine because of physical or environmental barriers. A mental or physical impairment that keeps you from making it to the toilet in time.

Signs and symptoms of urine incontinence

  • Urine leakage during everyday activities like coughing, exercising, or bending
  • Waking up many times at night to urinate
  • Being unable to hold urine after a sudden, strong urge to urinate
  • Leaking urine without any warning or urge
  • Wetting bed during sleep
  • Being unable to reach the toilet in time

Treatment of urine incontinence

Treatment for urine incontinence depends on the different types, the underlying cause, and the severity. A combination of treatments may be needed. Your doctor might recommend less invasive treatments to start with and escalate as appropriate.

Conservative management

This includes behavioral therapy, such as controlling fluid intake, prompted voiding, bladder training, electrical stimulation, pelvic floor muscle strengthening, and weight loss.

Pharmacologic management

Alpha-adrenergic agonists, antimuscarinics, alpha-blockers, or topical vaginal estrogen.

Surgical management

Intravesical balloons, periurethral injections of bulking agents, urethropexy, sling procedures, and suprapubic catheter.

Diet and lifestyle modifications for urine incontinence

  • Drink a relatively small amount of water at a time. Not drinking enough water can irritate the urinary bladder and worsen urine incontinence.
  • Eat cranberries and blueberries. They contain substances that keep bacteria from sticking to the bladder and thus treat infections, which may cause urine incontinence.
  • Avoid eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, spicy foods, and carbonated sodas, as these may worsen urine incontinence.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, and tobacco use.
  • Follow a healthy diet to avoid constipation. Aim for a diet with plenty of fiber and not too high in fats.
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes daily, which includes exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.
  • Keep your genitals clean and avoid using a jet spray each time you pee.


Urine incontinence can be treated when caught early. While the emotional symptoms associated with the condition are more troublesome, it is a manageable condition and can be treated easily. Homeopathy helps in symptomatic relief and allows you to lead a normal life.
