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Uveitis is inflammation of the eyes. It may be unilateral affecting one eye or bilateral affecting both the eyes. The warning signals of uveitis have a sudden onset which may get worsened quickly. This includes a series of eye symptoms ranging from pain to vision problems. Uveitis can affect all age groups right from children to elderly age groups. Apart from identifying the symptoms of uveitis, it is important to know about the causes of uveitis to eliminate them.

Uveitis is an inflammation of the uvea. The uvea is the middle layer in the eye wall. If left untreated, it may affect the entire eye causing major complicated issues. It is important to address the issue of uveitis at an early stage for better recovery. Uveitis can be a serious issue leading to loss of vision in extreme cases. Apart from taking conventional medicines, it is important to treat the issue of uveitis with homeopathy, medicines to prevent the further progression of the disease.

Role of homeopathy in uveitis

The uvea is a highly vascular layer lining the sclera which plays an important role in providing nutrition to the eye through blood vessels. Any form of inflammation in the uvea causes problems in eye circulation leading to eye issues. Homeopathy plays a very important role in controlling the active inflammation of the eyes and reducing its symptoms. Uveitis is a complex, chronic, progressive problem that can affect the eyes causing vision problems.

Homeopathic remedies help prevent eye flare-up issues and maintain the healthy condition of the eyes. Ignoring the problem of uveitis at an early stage may lead to progressive problems in the sclera and the iris. Mild cases of uveitis may last for 2-4 weeks, however, chronic cases of uveitis may need close monitoring with supportive therapy through homeopathy to avoid vision impairment.

Six homeopathic medicines for uveitis

Mercurius solubilis

Common name: Quicksilver

Merc. sol. is indicated when the eyelids are red and thickened with extensive swelling. The symptoms worsen at night as the sun sets. The discharge is profuse, has an offensive smell with extensive burning. There is extensive itching with boils around the eyes. The boils have pus formation with suppuration.


Common name: Deadly nightshade

Belladonna is best suited for preventing loss of vision. It is indicated for eye swelling or inflammation with pain. There is severe inflammation, dryness, and redness in the eyes. Pain is specific with injected sensation with eye disorders like iritis or retinitis. There is fear of light with sensitivity to light and glare also known as photophobia. Retinal hemorrhages are marked with sudden onset of symptoms.

Euphrasia officinalis

Common name: Eyebright

Euphrasia is indicated in cases of eye infections with hay fever, cold, allergic rhinitis, and conjunctivitis. The patient has excessive watering from the eyes, swelling of eyes, redness of eyes, itching, and burning of eyes. There is heavy watering of eyes that causes extreme irritation and a burning sensation with bland nasal discharge. A sensation of sand particles is present in the eye with a gritty feeling. The eyelids are glued together with a sticky feeling.

Allium cepa

Common name: Onion

Allium cepa is indicated in cases of opaque blistering cornea with watery discharge. Eye swelling is present which is better in open air and worsens in the evening. There is an acrid nasal discharge with burning tears. Continuous watery discharge from the nose is present. There is burning of eyes with corrosion of eyelids and margins.

Arsenicum album

Common name: Arsenic trioxide

Arsenic alb. is suited in cases of eye disorders arising due to inflammation. This remedy is indicated for sharp eye pain caused by sunlight. Closing eyes also produces pain. The tear ducts are mainly affected by watering of the eyes. The letters seem to run when trying to read. The symptoms are worsened during the new moon and cold weather and improve with warmth. There is marked inflammation and swelling of the eye tissues with fever.

Hepar sulphuris calcareum

Common: Sulphide of calcium

Hepar sulph. is indicated in cases of uveitis with severe pain, redness, itching, and burning. It is recommended for eye boils with pus discharge. There is severe pain in the eyes and they feel as if the eyes were pulled back to the head. The eyeballs are sore, tender to touch, and extremely sensitive to touch and air. Aversion to light with photophobia is also present.

Take Homeopathy Treatment for Your Health Conditions

Causative factors of uveitis

  • Eye inflammation due to eye injury
  • Infections such as herpes virus, tuberculosis, and syphilis
  • Inflammatory disorders
  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS and colitis
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus, sarcoidosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Multi-system affection due to Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Bacterial or fungal infection of the eyes causing retinitis
  • Birdshot chorioretinopathy
  • Nervous system disorders affecting the nerves such as multiple sclerosis
  • Vitamin and nutritional deficiencies
  • Endocrine problems such as uncontrolled diabetes
  • High blood pressure which triggers the intraocular pressure of the eyes
  • Detached retina due to excessive rubbing of the eyes leading to vision loss
  • Any damage to the vitreous gel substance that fills the eyes

Symptoms of uveitis

  • Redness of eyes
  • Watering of eyes
  • Irritation with a gritty feeling in the eye
  • Blurred vision
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Dark, floating spots in the field of vision (floaters)
  • Reduced vision
  • Vertigo and dizziness
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Difficulty in differentiating colors due to affection of the retina
  • Affection of optic nerve leading to loss of sensation around the eye area
  • Eye inflammation and swelling

Treatment of uveitis

  • Conventional treatment with antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals for infection.
  • Eye drops to reduce pain, intraocular pressure, and swelling by dilating pupils.
  • Hydrating eye drops to prevent the iris and lens from sticking together.
  • NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines) to help relieve eye pain and swelling.

Lifestyle modifications for uveitis

  • Consume a diet rich in vitamin A such as carrots, papaya, and mangoes.
  • Opt for antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies to prevent damage due to oxidative free radicals.
  • Avoid touching your eyes repetitively.
  • Be gentle with your eyes and avoid rubbing in case of itching.
  • Close your eyes while splashing water on your face to prevent dryness of the eyes.
  • Ensure to clean your eyes every morning gently with muslin cloth or face tissue.


Uveitis is a serious condition that needs immediate attention at an initial stage. With the right care, one can control progressive vision loss and damage to the eye. Awareness about the causes, symptoms, and potential treatment options can help manage the condition better. Homeopathic medicines when combined with conventional treatment can provide significant relief from uveitis.


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  • Palm, Jürgen & Kishchuk, Vasyl & Ulied, Angels & Fernández, Joaquin & Jaegere, Sabine & Jong, Miek & Keller, Thomas & Kosakovskyi, Anatolii & Kompaniiets, Kira & Mityuryayeva-Korniiko, Inga & Pukhlik, Sergiy & Tretiakevych, Zoia & Weber, Stephan & Wienhold, Karin & Klement, Petra. (2017). Effectiveness of an add-on treatment with the homeopathic medication SilAtro-5-90 in recurrent tonsillitis: An international, pragmatic, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice. 28. 10.1016/j.ctcp.2017.05.005. DOI:1016/j.ctcp.2017.05.005
  • Mérida, Salvador & Palacios-Pozo, Elena & Navea, Amparo & Bosch-Morell, Francisco. (2015). New Immunosuppressive Therapies in Uveitis Treatment. International journal of molecular sciences. 16. 18778-95. 10.3390/ijms160818778. DOI:3390/ijms160818778
  • Anand, A., Modgil, S., Sharma, V. L., Shri, R., & Kaushik, S. (2014). Preserving neural retina through re?emerging herbal interventions. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 115(10), 1659–1668. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcb.24840
